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The Power Seven: Introduction

The Covenant Cast

Release Date: 04/29/2022

Gudnak - In Pursuit of the Third Way show art Gudnak - In Pursuit of the Third Way

The Covenant Cast

Tim O'Brien, co-designer of Gudnak, sits down with Zach for a far-reaching discussion that offers a behind-the-scenes look into Chaotic Great's journey as a new indie card game publisher. At the heart of the discussion is the inevitable question for this new round of "LCGs" - what has to change for this format to truly succeed?   Check out the second Gudnak Kickstarter campaign to see potential answers to that question:

Kingswood Games - The Warlord CCG Interview show art Kingswood Games - The Warlord CCG Interview

The Covenant Cast

Woodrow and Josh, the founders of Kingswood Games, are relaunching the AEG classic card game, Warlord, into the modern era. It's an incredible story of two longtime fans bringing back something that they clearly love, with serious echoes of FFG's Android: Netrunner relaunch. Catch our interview to hear the full story. Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kingswoodgames/warlord-saga-of-the-storm

Andrew Navaro - The Reality of Independent Publishing show art Andrew Navaro - The Reality of Independent Publishing

The Covenant Cast

We're back after seven months with one of our favorite creators in the tabletop gaming industry, Andrew Navaro (former Fantasy Flight Games Head of Studio, founder of Earthborne Games), for a deeper look at independent publishing through the lens of someone who has been on both sides of the equation. Recorded in the midst of the second highly successful Earthborne Rangers crowdfunding campaign, Andrew expounds upon the challenges faced since the launch of the game, the influence of distribution on production, and the importance of holding to your vision.

221: Introducing the Alpha Clash TCG ft. Ridge (Founder) show art 221: Introducing the Alpha Clash TCG ft. Ridge (Founder)

The Covenant Cast

We've been following Alpha Clash since 2022, and have consistently been impressed with the drive and output of the people behind it. Join us for a conversation with Ridge Kiley, founder of Rising Empire Studios and creator of the Alpha Clash TCG, as we learn more about the game, Cirque de Soleil, collegiate wrestling, and the ambitious plans ahead.

220: Andrew Parks - Stories from The Nightmare Before Christmas TCG show art 220: Andrew Parks - Stories from The Nightmare Before Christmas TCG

The Covenant Cast

A remarkable moment - a random comment on our Nighmare Before Christmas TCG stream turns into a conversation and relationship with its designer, Andrew Parks, who then blows us away with fascinating stories from the early days of tabletop (Z-Man, Ed Beard Jr., Iron Crown Enterprises, NECA, Wizkids, and more). Every conversation brings more context to this industry, how we got here, and where we're going - we hope you'll join us for a listen.

219: Getting Into Magic: The Gathering show art 219: Getting Into Magic: The Gathering

The Covenant Cast

Zach has been taken in by the upcoming Lord of the Rings "Universes Beyond" set of Magic: The Gathering. So much so that he's now learning everything about what to buy, where to buy it, and where to play it. Join us for a conversation about how it has been going, and what things are like for a brand new player - even one quite experienced with TCGs.

218: The Retail Incentive show art 218: The Retail Incentive

The Covenant Cast

Conversations around expandable games and the LGS continue to swirl online, especially amid things like Magic's continued embrace of direct sales, Flesh and Blood's presence (or non-presence) at retail, and Sorcery's "one set a year, play how you want" approach. Join us as we attempt to cut through it all and get down to the basics of how incentives for publishers, distributors, and retailers continue to alter the simple act of getting products to players.

217: Event Theory Into Practice - FuseFest 2023 show art 217: Event Theory Into Practice - FuseFest 2023

The Covenant Cast

We recently hosted our first big event since COVID shut everything down (technically our biggest to date!). As those of you following for the past few years are certainly aware, we've been fascinated by the competitive v casual paradigm, especially as it relates to local events and our plan for Covenant Tulsa 3.0. We finally got a chance to test a lot of those theories during FuseFest, and in this episode we let you know exactly what we found!

216: The End of an Era show art 216: The End of an Era

The Covenant Cast

As 2022 wraps up, in many ways it signals the end of the "pandemic" era of thinking, both professionally and personally. Join us for a recap of 2022 in the context of the past few years, and a look ahead to a world that is once again full of possibility.

215: Questioning Culture - Are You Casual or Competitive? show art 215: Questioning Culture - Are You Casual or Competitive?

The Covenant Cast

These two words seem to haunt the tabletop gaming landscape, and after many decades of exposure there still is not broad agreement as to what they mean. Behind these terms is a more accurate understanding of what each of us is looking for in the hobby, knowledge that has the potential to fundamentally improve everything about the gaming space, so join us as we take however much time is needed to get to the bottom of it.

More Episodes

Get ready for our most ambitious podcast series to date! Expanding on the principles of our "How to Ruin a Game" series, we've identified seven common design mechanics that are particularly troublesome to game balance, and are interviewing an esteemed designer about each!

You'll hear from MJ Newman, Lukas Litzsinger, Justin Gary, Isaac Vega, Nick Conley, and Alex Davy as they each take a Power Seven mechanic and discuss their approach to implementing it (or not) in their own games and games that they have played.

It will undoubtedly be an enlightening journey for players and designers alike - as it was for us - so be sure to follow along every week for a new Power Seven episode.