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EP 83 - Cai Graham - Walking to the Beat of Your Own Drum

The Parent & Teen Toolbox

Release Date: 10/12/2021

EP 100 - Cai Graham - What not to Expect When Parenting a Teenager show art EP 100 - Cai Graham - What not to Expect When Parenting a Teenager

The Parent & Teen Toolbox

When we reach the teenage years - we often feel that we ought to have Parenting sussed! Ha! Not true … and if you do - believe me, you are setting yourself up for a BIG Fall.   Here’s 7 Pointers when parenting a teenager : Don’t Expect The Worst Life to be Predictable To be a Perfect Parent To be Mind Readers Your Teen to think the same way that you do Your Teen to understand their own emotions Your Teen to always do what you say! Want to know more? Then Grab a cuppa - and keep listening! ~~~~~ * Online Resources : HUGE Discount By way of a thank you - and a celebration for my...

EP 99 - Cai Graham - Tired of Nagging Your Teenager? show art EP 99 - Cai Graham - Tired of Nagging Your Teenager?

The Parent & Teen Toolbox

Are you sick and tired of sounding like a cracked record?  Do you feel that you are saying the same things to your kids - and yet nobody’s listening? How else are they going to remember to do stuff - if you don’t keep reminding them … and yet you feel that you are constantly on their back. This is not how parenting is supposed to be! In this episode I give you 12 tips - 12 things to say - so that your teenager will be more motived and inspired to think for themselves; so that you can stop “nagging” once and for all. Want to know more? Then Grab a cuppa - and keep listening!...

EP 98 - Nellie Harden - You only have 6570 Days to Build a Fully Fledged Adult! show art EP 98 - Nellie Harden - You only have 6570 Days to Build a Fully Fledged Adult!

The Parent & Teen Toolbox

Technically, we only have 6570 days until our child turns 18. How we spend those days is crucial to building a strong foundation so that our kids are best equipped to becoming fully fledged adults. No pressure! In this episode I chat with Nellie Harden where we discuss how best to ‘flip the coin’ and use the days that we have left more effectively. It doesn’t have to be hard work and nose to the grindstone - in fact, it’s better if it’s not.  Nellie explains how keeping it real, and removing the power struggles is the best way to build better connection with your teen - so that...

EP 97 - Cai Graham - How to Help a Child with an Eating Disorder show art EP 97 - Cai Graham - How to Help a Child with an Eating Disorder

The Parent & Teen Toolbox

Since COVID has been a thing - I have seen a marked increase in the number of parents seeking support for their children with eating disorders. The problems arise when the child sees the eating disorder as the solution rather than the problem. In this episode, I discuss my Parents Guide to Eating Disorders; offering insights into : * Different types of eating disorders * How to sport the signs * Behavioural Symptoms * Physical Symptoms * Psychological Symptoms and  * 7 pointers in how parents can support their child with an eating disorder. Want to know more? Then Grab a cuppa - and keep...

EP 96 - Oie Dobier - Helping Your Child Find Their Ideal Path show art EP 96 - Oie Dobier - Helping Your Child Find Their Ideal Path

The Parent & Teen Toolbox

We were brought up at a different time. The world has changed - and as a result, many parents struggle to help guide their child through the myriad of decisions they are expected to make in order to find their way onto the “correct career path.”   These decisions are expected to be made earlier and earlier - which causes so much heartache. 

What if I told you that there are no wrong decisions?!   In this episode Oie and I discuss her 4 stage model where she addresses : a ) Values b ) Natural Talents c ) Interests d ) Work Preferences   Her model will facilitate this...

EP 95 - Cai Graham - Don’t Blame The Smartphones! show art EP 95 - Cai Graham - Don’t Blame The Smartphones!

The Parent & Teen Toolbox

We berate our teens for being addicted to their screens. We complain that our kids are unable to sit still or get their homework done.   And yet, I believe that they are a product of the environment that we have created for them.   We can’t just blame smartphones here.   How we eat and our relationship with food has also conjured up the belief that time is of the essence and that we need to take life on the run. We are now a world of processed meals, TV dinners and drive-thru “dining” - allowing us to nourish our bodies - whilst we are doing something else “more...

EP 94 - Cai Graham - Can 2021 Make You A Better Parent? show art EP 94 - Cai Graham - Can 2021 Make You A Better Parent?

The Parent & Teen Toolbox

I’m not one for this “New Year - New You” nonsense … it puts us under so much pressure to do better and achieve more. But what I do advocate is grabbing the learnings from the life that we live - and from that determining whether we continue as we are doing, or change our direction (if only a little bit). As parents we need to lead by example - and show our kids that (when they grow up) life is still fun and worthwhile and to be lived to it’s fullest. I offer some 25 pointers (give or take) that will help 1. Be comfortable with the discomfort 2. Slowing down is a sign of strength 3....

EP 93 - Cai Graham - Minimising Conflict at Home this Christmas show art EP 93 - Cai Graham - Minimising Conflict at Home this Christmas

The Parent & Teen Toolbox

Presents need wrapped ( in my case some haven’t arrived yet!) - Relatives are coming home ( well, at least you hope they are ) - Turkeys need stuffed - AND Covid is still here. Nerves are understandably frayed.   No wonder we are at the end of our tether and taking our anxieties and stresses out on those closest to us.   In this episode I discuss how to avoid ( or if not - then minimise ) the tensions that are likely to be running riot in the home right now.   I offer some pointers that will help 1. Remember WHO you are 2. Stay away from the flash points / people 3. Remember...

EP 92 - Cai Graham - You Are Only As Happy As Your Saddest Child show art EP 92 - Cai Graham - You Are Only As Happy As Your Saddest Child

The Parent & Teen Toolbox

10 Pointers to Create a Happier Home “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” - And yet I am seeing more young people than ever looking for for support. Many kids are finishing school for the holidays, relieved that there is some sort of respite from the chaos in their minds ( and lives ). On the flip side, many students are returning home for Christmas exhausted and emotionally rung out. How can parents try to create a happier home for their kids and bring back the cheer and frivolity that Christmas ought to guarantee. To be honest - it’s not really about tinsel and gift laden...

EP 91 - Cai Graham - Self Harm is Not Attention Seeking show art EP 91 - Cai Graham - Self Harm is Not Attention Seeking

The Parent & Teen Toolbox

Self Harm amongst young children has doubled in the last 6 years.   This makes for unsettling reading for any parent.   For many, this topic can be terribly scary as they themselves have little first hand experience of self-harm; resulting in many parents approaching the topic of self-harm from a place of fear.   When a parent finds out that their child has been self-harming they do very often blame themselves. Experiencing feelings of : Confusion, Helplessness and Uncertainty.   It is understandable for parents to be alarmed as reports are quoting rising statistics and...

More Episodes

As adults, we carry around with us many unresolved events and issues that, upon reflection, shape the way we behave as adults. Loss, betrayal, fear, trauma (to name but a few)… all take their turn in determining particular limiting beliefs and coloring our values.


Our perception of ourselves changes and we start living by the stories we create about ourselves. This is not always terribly helpful. Much of this boils down to the feelings of not being ‘good enough’ and self-judgment.


Last week I was at a retreat where I was given the opportunity to rewrite some of the stories I was holding about myself since childhood.

How brilliant it would have been if this emotional baggage was dealt with when I was younger.


How brilliant if we could teach our children how to deal with their emotions in a more healthy way.

We can!

Want to know more? Then Grab a cuppa - and keep listening.
I Am What I Am
Gloria Gayner

I am what I am
I don't want praise, I don't want pity
I bang my own drum
Some think it's noise, I think it's pretty
And so what if I love each sparkle and each bangle?
Why not try to see things from a different angle?
Your life is a sham till you can shout out
"I am what I am”


I am what I am
And what I am needs no excuses
I deal my own deck
Sometimes the ace, sometimes the deuces
It's one life and there's no return and no deposit
One life so it's time to open up your closet
Life's not worth a damn till you can shout out
"I am what I am”


I am what I am
And what I am needs no excuses
I deal my own deck
Sometimes the ace, sometimes the deuces
It's one life and there's no return and no deposit
One life so it's time to open up your closet
Life's not worth a damn till you can shout out
"I am what I am”


I am, I am good
I am, I am strong
I am, I am somebody
I am, I do belong
I am, I am good
I am, I am strong
I am, I am somebody
I am, I do belong
I am, I am useful
I am, I am true
I am, I am worthy
I am as good as you
I am, I am useful

If your life feels all up in the air - why not take my Parenting Quiz?
It will help you recognise the areas that need your attention and believe me - you’ll soon realise that not everything is broken : 📍www.caigraham.com/quiz

My Anxiety course provides you with support by :

✔️ Recognising the triggers
Understanding Anxiety - and why we don’t want to get rid of it all together
Learning a couple of techniques to help you stop a panic attack in it’s tracks
How as a parent, you can support your anxious child


If you or your child are struggling with your emotions at the minute - then I have a great online course that introduces you to 7 different breathing exercises that a can get you out of many sticky situations :


* Three Questions to Ask Your Uncommunicative Child :

All too often parents say to me :

“My child won’t speak to me”
“I know something’s not quite right - but they won’t tell me what’s wrong.”

Well, I have a resource for you.

Download this FREE Resource : 📍www.caigraham.com/threequestions

It will help you reconnect with your child quickly and easily; and in a way that will not drive them to their bedroom to avoid you!

If you are looking for support at a deeper level for your child, then please book a call with me. Invariably they might only need a couple of sessions. But if we can give our kids the tools to improve their emotional wellbeing NOW - then you’re more likely to alleviate the longer term damage to their mental health.
📍 www.caigraham.com/teencall

Details of all further podcasts can be found on my website :

Please also have a look at my YouTube channel for additional support.
📍 www.caigraham.com/youtube

* If you need to get in touch - Please email me at [email protected]

Music Credits : MBB : https://soundcloud.com/mbbofficial/happy