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TFJ Season 4 Episode 3 The Transformational IDF – An Interview with Rabbi Steven Weil (CEO of the FIDF)

Teller From Jerusalem

Release Date: 04/03/2024

TFJ Season 4 Episode 12 A Whole New League of Visiting the Sick show art TFJ Season 4 Episode 12 A Whole New League of Visiting the Sick

Teller From Jerusalem

TFJ invites Motty Mendelowitz back to continue the story of how his family’s project of visiting wounded soldiers has been life-changing for the visitors and those visited. Who’da thunk that brawny commandos who stormed into hornets' nests of terrorists, would be equally challenged by constructing a Lego set? The task is far more than just putting the right parts together, but patiently employing fine motor skills of badly mauled fingers.  In some instances, these exercises have saved soldiers from surgery. Team Mendelowitz teaches us vital lessons regarding how to properly and...

TFJ Season 4 Episode 11 Palestinian Refugees Myth and Fact show art TFJ Season 4 Episode 11 Palestinian Refugees Myth and Fact

Teller From Jerusalem

In the dialogues of today categories must be delineated so that they conform with: Critical Theory, Intersectionality and Identity Politics. What they all share in common is portraying Israel as the “Oppressor” or “Victimizer” and the Palestinians as the “Oppressed” or “Victims.” This emanates from the claim that with the creation of the State of Israel one million (which is mathematically impossible) Palestinian refugees were created. In the annals of history there have never been fourth generation refugees, but the Palestinians, and Arab countries, and – as this episode...

TFJ Season 4 Episode 10 An Intimate Peek at the Life of an Israeli Ambassador show art TFJ Season 4 Episode 10 An Intimate Peek at the Life of an Israeli Ambassador

Teller From Jerusalem

Ambassador Daniel Taub, Israel’s ambassador to the United Kingdom between 2011 – 2015 returns to TFJ to relate fascinating and intriguing anecdotes from the time that he represented Israel in Britain. Not since the time of Ambassador Yehuda Aviner, did Israel have an emissary that was so beloved by Anglo-Jewry. Under his watch Israel’s relations improved and trade doubled, but already then, Muslim leaders made life difficult for those associated with Israel. A gifted orator and witty intellectual, Daniel Taub not only speaks the Queen’s English, but perfectly understands the British...

TFJ Season 4 Episode 9 The First Truce in the War of Independence and the Creation of the Refugee Problem show art TFJ Season 4 Episode 9 The First Truce in the War of Independence and the Creation of the Refugee Problem

Teller From Jerusalem

Britain was in favor of soliciting its Arab neighbors at Israel’s expense. However, the economic realities of strapped Britain at the end of WW II ensured that she could not aggravate the United States. Hence Britain had no recourse but to comply with the arms embargo to the Middle-East.  The UN imposed a cease fire early in the War of Independence and Count Bernadotte was responsible for overseeing it. Bernadotte earned a lot of Israeli ire for the liberties he intended to impose including not recognizing the UN vote on November 29, 1947 which was the prelude to Israel’s statehood....

TFJ Season 4 Episode 8 Visiting the Sick - A Contemporary Application show art TFJ Season 4 Episode 8 Visiting the Sick - A Contemporary Application

Teller From Jerusalem

This episode begins with some useful tips and matters of etiquette regarding the commandment to visit the sick. Motty Mendelowitz joins to detail the project he and his family have undertaken that has rewritten the book regarding this precept, constantly leaving the infirm markedly better after the visit. Team Mendelovitz is profoundly improving the lives of soldiers wounded, fighting in Gaza. The mission Motty has undertaken is incredibly emboldening and rock-solid proof that commitment and persistence can appreciably improve the lives of others. Learn more at TellerFromJerusalem.com ...

TFJ Season 4 Episode 7 The Impact of Soviet Policy Toward Israel on Russian Jewry 1948-1987 show art TFJ Season 4 Episode 7 The Impact of Soviet Policy Toward Israel on Russian Jewry 1948-1987

Teller From Jerusalem

The vital support of the Soviet Union towards Israel’s creation is an unknown chapter in Israeli history. Consequentially, too much credit is awarded to America who did nothing more in the critical first years than vote for her statehood and recognize its independence. Stalin was the most unlikely of Israel supporters, yet as it says in Proverbs, “The heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord.” In classic Orwellian style the Soviets would erase this period of their foreign policy, but Russian Jewry had already been energized about leaving their oppressive Communist birthplace for...

TFJ Season 4 Episode 6 Why in the World Were the Soviets Adamant to see the State of Israel Established? show art TFJ Season 4 Episode 6 Why in the World Were the Soviets Adamant to see the State of Israel Established?

Teller From Jerusalem

This is an excellent question and a full-fledged mystery that will not be fully answered in this episode. Teller From Jerusalem continues to explore the various steps that occurred in the evolution of the Soviet support for nascent Israel. It was beneficial to Israel that the Soviets arrested the work of Count Folke Bernadotte, the Swedish aristocrat that was appointed by the United Nations Secretary General to hammer out a temporary truce between Israel and her neighbors.  Bernadotte sought to achieve far more than just a temporary truce. He foisted terms upon Israel, when she was...

TFJ Season 4 Episode 5 How Stalin helped found the State of Israel show art TFJ Season 4 Episode 5 How Stalin helped found the State of Israel

Teller From Jerusalem

The title of this episode sounds inane, if not in fact Orwellian. Who can remember when the Soviets ever did anything beneficial to Jews or for the State of Israel? Alas, there was a window when the Soviets were determined to see a Jewish state arise and they were dependably reliable in the UN and allowing the transfer of weaponry that was to ensure that this would happen. Learn more at TellerFromJerusalem.com Don’t forget to subscribe, like and share! Let all your friends know that that they too can have a new favorite podcast. © 2024 Media Education Trust llc

TFJ Season 4 Episode 4 The Sterling Example of Rabbi Yehuda Kelemer (conclusion) and Hatzalah Israel show art TFJ Season 4 Episode 4 The Sterling Example of Rabbi Yehuda Kelemer (conclusion) and Hatzalah Israel

Teller From Jerusalem

Rabbi Kelemer had the unique talent to empower whomever he encountered and always left them with a better feeling about themselves and their abilities. His sensitivity to the emotions and pain of others was legendary and a poignant example was when the Versailles Wedding Hall in Jerusalem collapsed in 2001. In this context TFJ expands upon the seminal role this catastrophe had upon the development of United Hatzalah in Israel, under the leadership of Eli Beer. Learn more at TellerFromJerusalem.com Don’t forget to subscribe, like and share! Let all your friends know that that they too can...

TFJ Season 4 Episode 3 The Transformational IDF – An Interview with Rabbi Steven Weil (CEO of the FIDF) show art TFJ Season 4 Episode 3 The Transformational IDF – An Interview with Rabbi Steven Weil (CEO of the FIDF)

Teller From Jerusalem

One’s first association of the IDF is that of a mighty army that secures Israel’s borders and simultaneously prevents an Iranian hegemonic caliphate in the Middle East. But the IDF is very much also the platform and the wherewithal to enable Israelis – of every background – to live the Israeli dream.  The IDF presents an incredible educational opportunity for those who have been deprived of a high school education, or received weak schooling. The first priority for the scholarships are for minorities: Arabs, Druze or Christians. But even those who do not participate in the IDFs...

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One’s first association of the IDF is that of a mighty army that secures Israel’s borders and simultaneously prevents an Iranian hegemonic caliphate in the Middle East. But the IDF is very much also the platform and the wherewithal to enable Israelis – of every background – to live the Israeli dream. 

The IDF presents an incredible educational opportunity for those who have been deprived of a high school education, or received weak schooling. The first priority for the scholarships are for minorities: Arabs, Druze or Christians. But even those who do not participate in the IDFs continuing education programs, are very much involved in a broader educational project that is the essence of the IDF. During their years of service, young men and women will transform from selfish takers absorbed with their phones, into mature, responsible adults who blossom into givers that are committed to each other for life.

Learn more at TellerFromJerusalem.com

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