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TFJ Season 4 Episode 17 The Informational War

Teller From Jerusalem

Release Date: 01/01/2025

TFJ Season 5 Episode 2 With the Establishment of the State, Jews Immigrated From Everywhere show art TFJ Season 5 Episode 2 With the Establishment of the State, Jews Immigrated From Everywhere

Teller From Jerusalem

In 1950 the Israeli Parliament passed a dramatic and symbolic law known as The Law of Return. This would finally bring an end to the description of “The Wandering Jew.” The Law also brought a formal end to the execrable White Paper of 1939 (by the British Government) and a symbolic overturning of the Nuremberg Laws which the Nazis employed to determine who was Jewish. The Law of Return employed the same (non-halachic) status: if you were Jewish-enough to be condemned to death by the Nazis, then you were Jewish enough to be deserving of the protection of the State of Israel. Jewish refugees...

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Teller From Jerusalem

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TFJ Season 4 Episode 20 God Winked: The Faluja Pocket and the Astounding Ruheiba Trail show art TFJ Season 4 Episode 20 God Winked: The Faluja Pocket and the Astounding Ruheiba Trail

Teller From Jerusalem

When the second truce in Israel’s War of Independence went into effect on July 18, 1948, Israel was militarily in a far better position than it had been at the outbreak of the War. Still, work was still very much cut out for the nascent IDF as Egyptian forces had pressed so deep into the Negev that they were able to menace the key artery linking Tel Aviv to the southern towns and Jewish settlements. Israel’s innovative, young commander of the Negev campaign was Yigal Allon. In order to break the Egyptian hold, he would have to get his troops to the south undetected. Allon’s soldiers...

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Teller From Jerusalem

After the first truce was called in Israel’s War of Independence, the United States and Britain, acting through the United Nations, wished to secure a lasting peace in the region. The United Nations mediator was Count Foke Bernadotte, who unabashedly viewed himself as a soon-to-be Nobel Prize laureate and assumed many liberties that succeeded in making himself extremely unpopular to both sides of the conflict.  Bernadotte’s scheme for achieving regional peace entailed amputating the Negev region from Israel and limiting Jewish immigration.  With pressure mounting upon Israel to...

TFJ Season 4 Episode 17 The Informational War show art TFJ Season 4 Episode 17 The Informational War

Teller From Jerusalem

TFJ invited eloquent and dynamic Alex Traiman, CEO of Jewish News Syndicate, to explain the current situation in the Middle East. Alex Traiman is a go to for accurate news analysis and uncensored perspective on what lay behind current events. In this eye-opening interview (recorded On November 25, 2024) Mr. Traiman provides a fascinating understanding of Prime Minister Netanyahu who is constantly reviled by the Left and the Media without ever acknowledging the man’s incredible fortitude and leadership. The JNS Jerusalem Bureau Chief also lucidly explained how recent events have shattered...

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Teller From Jerusalem

TFJ takes a serous look at cheerfully greeting others and smiling. From explaining the origin of the smiley emoji to the classic, true story of how a life was saved thanks to a cheerful greeting, this podcast (as always) gives substantial background to a rarely considered matter. More significantly, it will awaken dormant and atrophied friendliness muscles which should be a part of the daily fitness of every respectful and caring human being.   Learn more at TellerFromJerusalem.com Don’t forget to subscribe, like and share! Let all your friends know that that they too can have a new...

TFJ Season 4 Episode 15 Exposing UNRWA show art TFJ Season 4 Episode 15 Exposing UNRWA

Teller From Jerusalem

UNRWA was originally a small agency mandated to provide basic humanitarian relief for Palestinians, including a vote for renewal every three years. Seventy-five years and four generations later, it has mushroomed to having more than 30,000 employees and an annual budget of substantially more than , it has unjustifiably become one of the largest UN agencies. Revelations from the War in Gaza have also revealed that it has become a major resource for the Hamas terrorists with its employees assisting and participating in terrorist acts and crimes against humanity. Learn more at...

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Teller From Jerusalem

Professor Alan Dershowitz writes that the controversial battle in the Deir Yassin suburb of Jerusalem in 1948, “Stands out in the history of Arab-Jewish conflict in Palestine precisely because it was so unusual and out of character of the Jews.” Arab armies massacred Jewish civilians avoiding any Jewish refugee problem. The Israelis did not kill Arab combatants, resulting in a burgeoning refugee problem. Learn more at TellerFromJerusalem.com Don’t forget to subscribe, like and share! Let all your friends know that that they too can have a new favorite podcast. © 2024 Media Education...

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Teller From Jerusalem

Israel’s War for Independence resulted in three distinct refugee problems. The largest group of refugees were Jews who were forced out of their homes and threatened with severe violence and pogroms in the Arab and North African lands where they had lived for centuries. They received haven in Israel where they were welcomed by their brethren and were never referred to as “Refugees.” The Arabs did not welcome their refugee brethren and shunted them in refugee camps – where they have remained ever since.  Learn more at TellerFromJerusalem.com Don’t forget to subscribe, like and...

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Teller From Jerusalem

TFJ invites Motty Mendelowitz back to continue the story of how his family’s project of visiting wounded soldiers has been life-changing for the visitors and those visited. Who’da thunk that brawny commandos who stormed into hornets' nests of terrorists, would be equally challenged by constructing a Lego set? The task is far more than just putting the right parts together, but patiently employing fine motor skills of badly mauled fingers.  In some instances, these exercises have saved soldiers from surgery. Team Mendelowitz teaches us vital lessons regarding how to properly and...

More Episodes

TFJ invited eloquent and dynamic Alex Traiman, CEO of Jewish News Syndicate, to explain the current situation in the Middle East. Alex Traiman is a go to for accurate news analysis and uncensored perspective on what lay behind current events. In this eye-opening interview (recorded On November 25, 2024) Mr. Traiman provides a fascinating understanding of Prime Minister Netanyahu who is constantly reviled by the Left and the Media without ever acknowledging the man’s incredible fortitude and leadership.

The JNS Jerusalem Bureau Chief also lucidly explained how recent events have shattered myths and conceptions such as, “The devil we know is better than the devil we do not know,” “Good fences make good neighbors,” “Our enemies care more about their economic well-being than they do about killing Jews.” With trenchant examples, Traiman explains how each one of these concepts was faulty and has proven to be a notion that misled policy with tragic consequences.

There was also the military misconception that believed that troops on the ground were not necessary if there was the proper monitoring and surveillance in place. In his hallmark way of looking at the positive, Traiman recognizes the current war as an opportunity to repair the false concepts which will enable Israel to emerge stronger and smarter.

For up to the minute news analysis by competent experts one is advised to check out JNS.com and JNS TV.

Learn more at TellerFromJerusalem.com

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