tenbymuseumtales podcast
To celebrate the Wales and the Cinema exhibition at Tenby Museum, colleagues Glyn and Mark sit and have a frank chat about the James Bond films and books, touching on some of the contentious issues and celebrating Wales-born Timothy Dalton's portrayal of the super spy.
info_outlinetenbymuseumtales podcast
Fel rhan o brosiect cymunedol newydd, Meincnodau Hanesyddol, mae'r amgueddfa yn rhoi pytiau byr o hanes lleol ar godau QR ar feinciau ledled y dref. Mae hon, pennod olaf deg, yn edrych ar hanes yr ardal a elwir yn Y Croft.
info_outlinetenbymuseumtales podcast
As part of a new community project, Historic Benchmarks, the museum is putting short snippets of local history on QR codes on benches throughout the town. This, the final episode of ten, looks at the history of the area known as The Croft.
info_outlinetenbymuseumtales podcast
Fel rhan o brosiect cymunedol newydd, Meincnodau Hanesyddol, mae'r amgueddfa yn rhoi pytiau byr o hanes lleol ar godau QR ar feinciau ledled y dref. Dyma, y nawfed o ddeg, yn edrych ar hanes yr ardal a elwir Y Norton.
info_outlinetenbymuseumtales podcast
As part of a new community project, Historic Benchmarks, the museum is putting short snippets of local history on QR codes on benches throughout the town. This, the ninth of ten, looks at the history of the area known as The Norton.
info_outlinetenbymuseumtales podcast
Fel rhan o brosiect cymunedol newydd, Meincnodau Hanesyddol, mae'r amgueddfa yn rhoi pytiau byr o hanes lleol ar godau QR ar feinciau ledled y dref. Dyma, yr wythfed o ddeg, yn edrych ar hanes yr Esplanade ac Augustus John.
info_outlinetenbymuseumtales podcast
As part of a new community project, Historic Benchmarks, the museum is putting short snippets of local history on QR codes on benches throughout the town. This, the eighth of ten, looks at the history of the Esplanade and Augustus John.
info_outlinetenbymuseumtales podcast
Fel rhan o brosiect cymunedol newydd, Meincnodau Hanesyddol, mae'r amgueddfa yn rhoi pytiau byr o hanes lleol ar godau QR ar feinciau ledled y dref. Mae hyn, y seithfed o ddeg, yn edrych ar hanes Gorymdaith Sant Fflorens.
info_outlinetenbymuseumtales podcast
As part of a new community project, Historic Benchmarks, the museum is putting short snippets of local history on QR codes on benches throughout the town. This, the seventh of ten, looks at the history of the St Florence Parade.
info_outlinetenbymuseumtales podcast
Fel rhan o brosiect cymunedol newydd, Meincnodau Hanesyddol, mae'r amgueddfa yn rhoi pytiau byr o hanes lleol ar godau QR ar feinciau ledled y dref. Dyma, y chweched o ddeg, sy'n edrych ar hanes Parêd y De, Cofeb Ryfel a'r Pum Bwâu.
info_outlineIn celebration of the 100th anniversary of his birth on 12 October, this podcast looks at the career of Tenby born actor and filmmaker Kenneth Griffith, and concentrates on a selection of his often controversial but brilliant documentary films.
Griffith also features in the Forged In Wales cinema exhibition currently on show at Tenby Museum.
Music: timebeing by airtone (c) copyright 2021 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license.