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209| 12 Reasons You Don't Have Peace at Your Table w/Jane Curry Weber Pt1

The Balanced MomCast | For Overwhelmed Christian Moms Seeking Time Management, Work Life Balance, and Focus

Release Date: 12/21/2023

235 | How Unplugging Can Change Your Life w/Hannah Brencher show art 235 | How Unplugging Can Change Your Life w/Hannah Brencher

The Balanced MomCast | For Overwhelmed Christian Moms Seeking Time Management, Work Life Balance, and Focus

How would your life be different if you completely unplugged from your devices every day? How would you improve your parenting, your work, your marriage, your relationship with God? Last week we played Part 1 of my conversation with Hannah Brencher. She is the author of the book The Unplugged Hours: Cultivating a Life of Presence in a Digitally Connected World. If you haven’t listened to that, go do that first. Otherwise, listen to how Hanna’s life has become more connected and vibrant since practicing regular unplugged hours! For Show Notes go to   Enter to Win a Free Copy of The...

234 | Is it Time for You to Unplug? w/Hannah Brencher show art 234 | Is it Time for You to Unplug? w/Hannah Brencher

The Balanced MomCast | For Overwhelmed Christian Moms Seeking Time Management, Work Life Balance, and Focus

Are you spending too much time on your phone? Do you feel overly connected to your digital life and disconnected from your real life? Well, buckle up ladies, because we are discussing this topic and hitting it from EVERY angle this season, beginning today with Hannah Brencher. She is the author of the book: The Unplugged Hours: Cultivating a Life of Presence in a Digitally Connected World. She is so full of wisdom and grace. I can’t wait for you to hear this interview. This is part 1 of a 2-part conversation. Enter to Win a Free Copy of The Unplugged Hours Leave a 5-Star rating and review...

233 | How to Decide What NOT to Buy/Keep/Do show art 233 | How to Decide What NOT to Buy/Keep/Do

The Balanced MomCast | For Overwhelmed Christian Moms Seeking Time Management, Work Life Balance, and Focus

WELCOME BACK! After our three-month break, this is the beginning of season 14! It’s also the beginning of another school year and the beginning of Fall (sorta, it’s still 100 degrees in FL, but whatevs). For moms, it means a busy season with many people and things begging for our attention and time. But we can’t say yes to all of them. Today I’m sharing one filter I use pretty much every day to decide what NOT to buy, keep, or do.  For show notes go to

232 | 4 Mindsets for Summer Balance (the last episode of the season!) show art 232 | 4 Mindsets for Summer Balance (the last episode of the season!)

The Balanced MomCast | For Overwhelmed Christian Moms Seeking Time Management, Work Life Balance, and Focus

If you have kids on a traditional school schedule in the U.S., two things are true: 1) it’s summer break, and 2) the children will be home for the next 10-ish weeks. Summer balance is different than schoolyear balance. But as we will learn today, balance isn’t so much about what we do, but what we think about what we do. Today I’m sharing four mindsets to find your summer balance.  Also, at the end of this episode I share my plans for summer balance and how you can connect with me.  .

231 | What I Learned From Raising 5 Teens: A Tribute to Sarah Turner (3/9/69-3/4/24) show art 231 | What I Learned From Raising 5 Teens: A Tribute to Sarah Turner (3/9/69-3/4/24)

The Balanced MomCast | For Overwhelmed Christian Moms Seeking Time Management, Work Life Balance, and Focus

This is Part 2 of a replay of my 2022 conversation with Sarah Turner, mom to 6 kids (ages 11 to 29). Sarah passed away March 2024. I'm so grateful for her influence on my life.

230 | What I Learned from Raising 5 Teens: A Tribute to Sarah Turner (3/9/69-3/4/24) Pt. 1 show art 230 | What I Learned from Raising 5 Teens: A Tribute to Sarah Turner (3/9/69-3/4/24) Pt. 1

The Balanced MomCast | For Overwhelmed Christian Moms Seeking Time Management, Work Life Balance, and Focus

In February 2022, I had the privilege of interviewing my dear friend, Sarah Turner, for a two-part episode devoted to the challenges of parenting teenagers. At the time of the recording, Sarah was in remission from an aggressive cancer. Sadly, a few months later, the cancer returned, and she passed away on March 4, 2024. As a tribute to Sarah, I am replaying our conversation.  

229 | When It's Okay NOT to Get Stuff Done show art 229 | When It's Okay NOT to Get Stuff Done

The Balanced MomCast | For Overwhelmed Christian Moms Seeking Time Management, Work Life Balance, and Focus

For weeks, I have been offering you strategies to help you get stuff done. I hope something I’ve shared has helped you organize your projects, your tasks, or your responsibilities. But lest you believe that the value of your life consists only in the abundance of your accomplishments, allow me to bring balance to this series by offering you six times it’s okay NOT to get stuff done.    

228 | How to Get Stuff Done Using Timers + Pairing show art 228 | How to Get Stuff Done Using Timers + Pairing

The Balanced MomCast | For Overwhelmed Christian Moms Seeking Time Management, Work Life Balance, and Focus

Are you procrastinating about starting big projects because they are...too big? Do you have trouble staying focused long enough to make progress on...well, anything? Do you have pockets of time that feel wasted or underutilized? If you answered yes to any of those questions, today’s episode is for you. Today I’m sharing two of my favorite and most used strategies to get stuff done: Timers and Pairing.

227 | A Holistic Approach to Hormone Balance w/Leisha Drews show art 227 | A Holistic Approach to Hormone Balance w/Leisha Drews

The Balanced MomCast | For Overwhelmed Christian Moms Seeking Time Management, Work Life Balance, and Focus

What you may consider a “normal” period (moodiness, cramping, breast tenderness, fatigue) my guest would call “red flags” of hormone imbalance. But it doesn’t have to be this way! If you’ve been told the only solution to your discomfort is a prescription for birth control, buckle up for a candid conversation about hormones, monthly cycles, and perimenopause. Leisha Drews is here to offer a holistic approach that prioritizes nutrition, stress levels, and rest so that you can show up as the best mom you can be.   

226 | How to Get Stuff Done Using Lists show art 226 | How to Get Stuff Done Using Lists

The Balanced MomCast | For Overwhelmed Christian Moms Seeking Time Management, Work Life Balance, and Focus

If you are a person who hates "being a slave" to your to-do list, this episode is for you. I break down the exact process I use to create lists that free up my brain space, move the needle on projects that matter to me, keep track of looming deadlines, and permit me to ignore everything else. If you think you're not a "list person" I challenge you to listen to this super tactical episode. 

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ALL BOOKS BY SANDY COOPER 50% OFF. Sale ends 12/31/23

Christmas is in just a few days. And as much as we love the thought of peace at our table, much of it is out of our control. Maybe we are celebrating with family and friends. Maybe we are traveling. Maybe we are hosting 30 people. And maybe-just-maybe our kids are existing on nothing but cut-out cookies and canned frosting (anyone?). 

That’s why I’ve invited my friend Jane Curry Weber here. Jane is a Registered Dietitian who offers a refreshing perspective on bringing peace to your table and rest to your spirit through words of nourishment for body and soul. And today she’s here to share 12 Reasons You Don’t Have Peace at the Table. Listen in. FOR SHOW NOTES CLICK HERE