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Relationship Debt & Covid Trolls with Mike & Max

The Bledsoe Show

Release Date: 01/30/2023

Do you ever find yourself in a relationship where the other person starts acting like you owe them something?

I know I have. And it doesn’t feel very good.

It usually starts with one party doing all sorts of things for the person without asking. It’s all very nice until one day BAM! There’s an unmet expectation that was never communicated.

This is usually followed by the “you nevers”, “you always”, and “why can’t yous”. Before you know it, you’ve been caught in relationship debt. Is it real? Not for you. But for the other person, you’ve got a bill to pay.

Join Max and I as we explore this topic on today’s Monday Morning with Mike & Max.

Oh yeah, we also go off on our experience of people in relationship to Covid over the last 3 years.