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The Wild, Wild World of Ayahuasca with Hamilton Souther

The Bledsoe Show

Release Date: 02/09/2023

The prohibition on plant medicine is slowly lifting and we find ourselves at critical crossroads.

With a lack of acceptance in the west for so long, we end up with a gap in education about traditional medicine. Medicines that used to be typical have become shrouded in mystery.

Education that was passed down from former generations has been all but forgotten. But few people have walked the uncommon path to study with elders hidden deep in the Amazon jungle.

And I’ve been able to wrangle one of these fascinating people who have been willing to put it all on the line. This man walked away from the comforts of modern American life in order to follow visions that were delivered to him deep in meditation.

No, he didn’t do a google search to find his local shaman. In fact, when he got the message there was no google to point him in the right direction.

You’ll have to watch/listen to the show to get the whole story. I didn’t know much about Hamilton before the show, but by the end I’ve made a friend that I look forward to sitting in ceremony with.

Enjoy the show,

Mike Bledsoe

P.S. if you want to book your own experience with Hamilton at Blue Morpho Tours simply click the link and you’ll be guided to right where you need to be.