052 Health & Fitness in the Second-Half of Life with Cody Tustin of Unorthodox Fitness
Release Date: 10/11/2019
The Chris Berry Show
There are two key ingredients that are viewed as really the foundation of moving into retirement and beyond. These two, pieces to the foundation are creating the legal entity, the legal structure. That's estate plan, the will, the trust and then the second piece of it, and this is really what gives people a lot of peace of mind as it relates to moving into retirement is creating that income plan. Join Chris Berry in this episode where he shares the retirement income planning using the "Bucket Plan" concept. In this episode, you'll learn... - Chris’ positive focus for the week - My book on...
info_outlineThe Chris Berry Show
So this week on the show I will highlight the book, The Caregivers Legal Guide to Planning for a Loved One With Chronic Illness - this book will give you some guide, kind of create a roadmap for the long-term care journey, the elder care continuum of needing maybe home care or assisted living or assisted living with memory care or nursing home care. Our book that I wrote is specifically to help you navigate that long-term care journey, to give you insider strategies from an advisor and certified elder law attorney that has helped countless families. I'll also share points and deep dive on long...
info_outlineThe Chris Berry Show
This week on the Chris Berry Show, what we're going to do in our second and third segments is we're going to get into the changing retirement risks. So the risks that maybe your parents or the previous generation had, the risks are a little bit different these days. And we're going to get into what those risks are and what you can do to try to mitigate some of those risks. In this episode, you'll learn... - Chris’ positive focus for the week - Longevity Risk - The sequence of return of risk - Long Term Care Risk - Market Risk - Tax Risk - Stock Market Trending News - Understanding how...
info_outlineThe Chris Berry Show
It starts with the estate planning stress test that looks at the amount of stress your family would have to deal with if something were to happen to you right now. Things like going through probates, creating your retirement and legacy blueprint, important steps your family needs to take when something happens to you and addressing potential outside influences and challenges the transfer of an estate or lay claim to funds will be covered today. These are only some of the things you need to consider. In this episode we will run through the 20 questions about stress testing your estate...
info_outlineThe Chris Berry Show
For a lot of people, one of the things that they have on their checklist for 2021 is to finally get that estate plan either done or to update that estate plan. That's what we'll spend time talking about in this episode. We dive deep into the things you need to think about when it comes to putting together an estate plan. What are the tools that we need as we put together an estate plan? In this episode, you'll learn... - Chris’ positive focus for the week - New tax season fundamentals - The real fact behind the Secure Act - Tax conversation of how much money to pull out of...
info_outlineThe Chris Berry Show
Planning your retirement can be done easily but we may overlook the risks behind it. When creating your own retirement and legacy blueprint, it is important to take into account strategies to protect you from risks. In today's episode, we dive deep into the three biggest risks in retirement with the options to protect yourself from these risks. In this episode, you'll learn... - Chris’ positive focus for the week - Introduction to the risks in retirement - Tax Risk - What happens to tax brackets when the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act ends - How the country’s debt affect tax -...
info_outlineThe Chris Berry Show
The year-end is fast approaching. We did know it will be a crazy year because of the elections but we did not anticipate the year will go this way with the pandemic. In today’s episode, we will discuss the three big risks that we need to manage for retirement. It is important to have a plan after what has happened this year. If you haven’t had your plan assessed or reviewed, now is certainly the time to do that. In this episode, you'll learn... - Chris’ positive focus for the week - Year-end recap - Secure act - SECURE Act can only stretch that IRA up to 10 years - The misconception...
info_outlineThe Chris Berry Show
Medicare can be confusing, there are a lot of details and information to understand. As part of the 5 key areas that make up the retirement and legacy blueprint, it is important that you are guided correctly in making sure that this is covered. Information about Medicare is all over the net and is hard to know which one is right for you. In this episode, I will discuss the details of Medicare to help you better understand. You can use the tools that I will share to ensure that you get a sound plan and decision making. In this episode, you'll learn... - Chris’ positive focus for the...
info_outlineThe Chris Berry Show
There is an old paradigm of retirement where you defer tax payment as long as possible until you find out that you pay more in taxes with this approach. This may be resonating with you right now if you are in the higher tax bracket. A proper tax planning report can help to show you the macro view of minimizing taxes in your lifetime. Retirement is different for everyone and the strategy to distribute these accumulated assets is specific. Let’s look at different topics as we look at this and possibly consider it with a new paradigm shift. I will share with you how to anticipate the future of...
info_outlineThe Chris Berry Show
If you are going through a process with any of the 4D’s - Divorce, Disability, and Death, assets come into play. There is really no guarantee on any type of asset protection. When it ends up in court, you never know what is going to happen. Understand that there is no assurance, but you can build in layers of protection. Today, with our guest Atty. John Ceci, we are going to talk about divorce, asset protection that you can build in layers of protection ahead of time and use legal strategies that you can shield yourself with. In this episode, you'll learn... - Chris’ positive focus for the...
info_outlineAre you exercising the right way as you age?
You may work out or go to the gym, but are you exercising in a way that will benefit you as you age? There are unorthodox ways of staying active, that can help you do the little things later in life that make a big difference in your quality of life.
In this episode of The Chris Berry Show, I’ll talk about some of these functional exercises with Cody Tustin from Unorthodox Fitness.
In this episode, you’ll learn...
- Chris’ positive focus for the week.
- What upper crossed syndrome is, and what exercises can help counteract it.
- Why strength training becomes more important as you age.
- Ways to protect yourself from throwing your back out.
- The benefits of using a battle rope.
- How to get off the couch and get started with unorthodox exercises.
- Examples of how the squat is one of the most functional exercises to practice.
- How to incorporate endurance and flexibility training with strength training.
- The ways strength training can prevent balance issues later in life.
- How to do a proper squat.
- Examples of ankle mobility and strength training.
- Common activities that strength training will help you do as you age.
- How diet needs to be customized for each individual and their goals.
In each episode, I take questions from listeners. If you have any questions that you want answered, feel free to email us at [email protected]. Here are the questions I covered in this episode:
- Jake asked: "Should I build an emergency fund, or pay off my debt?"
- Colleen asked: "My husband passed away before his mother, he was named in the will. Will my children be able to claim his share, because mom is now passing away? And he is dead, will my sons receive his shares as legal sons?"
- Bob asked: "In three years, my wife and I will be 66 and entitled to claim social security. We have IRAs valued at 1 million. How can we reduce income tax on our IRAs during retirement?"
- Howard asked: "How can my friend transfer his house to his daughter, before he has to go into a nursing home? And will Medicaid get it?"
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