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Episode 287: The Power of Names

The Clergy Corner

Release Date: 08/07/2024

Episode 292: Troubling Texts of the Bible - Psalm 88 show art Episode 292: Troubling Texts of the Bible - Psalm 88

The Clergy Corner

This week, in a continuation of our mini-series examining problematic texts of the Bible, we look closer at Psalm 88 - the only psalm where the psalmist does not make a turn from sorrow to praise. Join Pastor Arik as he looks at the silence of God as an example of sacred care, and how sometimes the best way to support another in their grief is to be a listening ear. 

Episode 291: Troubling Texts of the Bible - Genesis 22 show art Episode 291: Troubling Texts of the Bible - Genesis 22

The Clergy Corner

This week Pastor Arik takes a closer look at the problematic story of Genesis 22 and the story of Abraham and Isaac. Join him as he explores Abraham's faithfulness/faithlessness and how the story might resonate with us today.

Episode 290: 9/11 First Responders show art Episode 290: 9/11 First Responders

The Clergy Corner

Join Pastor Arik this week has he lifts up the stories of some of the first responders on September 11, 2001. As we look back on that fateful day, 23 years ago, let us lift up those first responders who gave so much to help those in danger. 

Episode 289: School Begins show art Episode 289: School Begins

The Clergy Corner

As the school year kicks off, this week Pastor Arik takes a look at the importance of Christian Education and having a place where our kids feel loved and supported, no matter what comes their way. 

Episode 288: When Sickness Strikes show art Episode 288: When Sickness Strikes

The Clergy Corner

As Pastor Arik recovers from a nasty virus, this week he re-releases an episode from back in the day when his family was fighting off a bug, right before Sage's baptism. Listen in and stay healthy, friends!

Episode 287: The Power of Names show art Episode 287: The Power of Names

The Clergy Corner

This week Pastor Arik looks at the power that language has in shaping our reality, especially when it comes to the power of names. Join him as he looks at several biblical examples of names and how there is deeper meaning found within. 

Episode 286: To Everything There is a Season show art Episode 286: To Everything There is a Season

The Clergy Corner

This week Pastor Arik looks at those "in-between" times in our lives when we find ourselves in a place of transition. Join him and his exploration of eschatology as we discover meaning in the midst of the various seasons of our lives 

Episode 285: Where the Soul Resides show art Episode 285: Where the Soul Resides

The Clergy Corner

In this week's episode, Pastor Arik looks at the history and origins of lobotomies, and how it became known as the "surgery of the soul." Diving into the theory of the collective unconscious, join Pastor Arik as he explores a theory of where the soul resides. 

Episode 284: Radical Nonviolence show art Episode 284: Radical Nonviolence

The Clergy Corner

In the aftermath of this past weekend's events, Pastor Arik takes a few minutes to reflect upon the radically nonviolent nature of our faith. Take care of yourselves, everyone. 

Episode 283: Civil Religion show art Episode 283: Civil Religion

The Clergy Corner

With the 4th of July being celebrated this week, Pastor Arik uses the opportunity to examine the dangers of civil religion and why we need to be intentional about what becomes an object of our worship.

More Episodes

This week Pastor Arik looks at the power that language has in shaping our reality, especially when it comes to the power of names. Join him as he looks at several biblical examples of names and how there is deeper meaning found within.