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How to Discover Your True Spiritual Identity

The Conscious Creation Academy Podcast

Release Date: 01/27/2023

Barrie Gellis: Seth, Jane Roberts Class Sessions and Barrie's Take on Seth Material. show art Barrie Gellis: Seth, Jane Roberts Class Sessions and Barrie's Take on Seth Material.

The Conscious Creation Academy Podcast

📚Welcome to the first (of many I hope) interviews with Barrie Gellis. Barry attended classes with Jane Roberts, Robert Butts and Seth and was one of the New York Boys mentioned in The Seth Material. This chat is a general one about how Barrie came to attend Jane Roberts classes and his take on the ideas and present explorations on The Seth Material. Links and Information about Barrie. Find Barrie's Books Here:     📚 Latest Book: 2ND EDITION Seth Material Q&A: The Spiritual Inner Journey of Self Awareness: Original Seth Class Member Answers Your Questions: Books by Barrie...

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The Conscious Creation Academy Podcast

In this episode we go back to the amazing basics of what the law of attraction is, how it works and how to use the law of attraction to get anything you want relies on understanding the multi-dimensional nature of reality. 

Integrating Psychic Insights into Your Daily Spiritual Practice show art Integrating Psychic Insights into Your Daily Spiritual Practice

The Conscious Creation Academy Podcast

Introduction In the vast tapestry of human experience, our spiritual journey stands as one of the most profound and transformative aspects of our lives, it is in fact the whole journey. Want to explore more? For centuries, we've sought to understand the unseen forces that shape our reality, often turning to external sources for guidance and enlightenment. However, what if the key to unlocking our spiritual potential lies not in ancient texts or revered gurus, but within ourselves? This comprehensive guide delves into the often misunderstood realm of psychic insights and their integration into...

Bad Energy and My Exorcism Experience show art Bad Energy and My Exorcism Experience

The Conscious Creation Academy Podcast

In this episode I tell you about my experiences and lessons from taking adn exorcism and  a house 'clearing'.  As ever the lessons will come back to the understanding that we create our own reality.  I hope you enjoy the stories and they help you to understand there is no 'bad' or 'evil' energy.  

Arron Channeling. About The Aliens show art Arron Channeling. About The Aliens

The Conscious Creation Academy Podcast

Unlocking Alien Realities Join host David Marshall for a captivating channeling session with Arron in this episode of the Conscious Creation Academy Podcast. Delve into the enigmatic topic of aliens and their deep connection to our consciousness. This exploration challenges traditional views by integrating insights from the Seth Material and the concept of multiple realities, suggesting that what we perceive as 'alien' may actually be various forms of consciousness interacting with our physical reality. In this special channeling session, Arron helps us see beyond the conventional, revealing...

Why We Die: Arron Channeling show art Why We Die: Arron Channeling

The Conscious Creation Academy Podcast

Embark on a journey through "The Nature of Death," a podcast that delves deep into the essence of existence, challenging our perceptions of life's final frontier. This episode intricately weaves the narratives of life, death, birth, and the boundless realms of consciousness, presenting a compelling discourse that transcends conventional understandings. Hosted by David Marshall, accompanied by the enigmatic presence of Aaron, his spiritual and psychic guide, this conversation ventures beyond the physical, exploring the metaphysical layers of our reality. They unravel the...

Arron Channeling. The Nature of Spiritual Creativity show art Arron Channeling. The Nature of Spiritual Creativity

The Conscious Creation Academy Podcast

In this podcast Arron tells us the nature of creativity, it's origins and why it begins outside of physical reality as a spiritual-energetic experience.  Also why embracing this method of creativity will create more abundance and joy in your life.  You can download more spiritual insights here with my book    if you have any questions for me or Arron please email [email protected]  

Avoiding These Money PITFALLS: Creating The Conscious Business show art Avoiding These Money PITFALLS: Creating The Conscious Business

The Conscious Creation Academy Podcast

Do you have or are thinking of starting a business?  Do you want to create a business in line with your values?  In this podcast, I give you my experience of 27 years of working online for myself, as a marketing expert and the top pitfalls I see all the time.   For anyone in business, limiting beliefs about money, marketing and self-worth play a huge role in your success or failure. Then of course there is 'save the world syndrome' that also gets in the way!   I cover that too.  If you struggle with ideas and beliefs about money and business please...

Myth Busting: Why Karma Does Not Exist (thats a good thing) show art Myth Busting: Why Karma Does Not Exist (thats a good thing)

The Conscious Creation Academy Podcast

Welcome to this podcast where I explain why Karma does not exist, how that redefines ideas about spiritual judgments, freedom of creativity, the nature of the soul and more.   I hope you enjoy it as I try to paint a picture of a new world where we can leave behind damaging and limited ideas based on new ideas that are emerging.  If you want more insights, please go to:   to download the book The Dream We Call Earth. love David

Reiki Symbol Myths and Truths show art Reiki Symbol Myths and Truths

The Conscious Creation Academy Podcast

In this podcast you will learn about my experience of Reiki, what I taught my 5000 students and why Reiki symbols should not be taught in modern Reiki.   You will learn:  Why they have no power Why they get in the way of self-awareness  What the most appropriate symbol 'should be IF you need to use one?  For more insights go to to access my book and audios and visit the Conscious Creation Academy for more podcast lessons.

More Episodes

In this podcast, I talk about a channeled session where Aaron encouraged me to do some writing and read it out. He has some great advice about the nature of identity. Very insightful as usual.

Did you enjoy this podcast?  We have a manifesting training on very special offer to support this podcast. 

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Mastering your beliefs is THE key to mastering.  We have a new course for just $4 for podcast listeners called Manifesting Mastery that has the insights and training you need.  CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT


Below is the 'mantra' suggestion that Aaron made that you can use. 

And so the invitation is to give yourself a name the identifies you as this.

"I am a multidimensional creature of too many forms, too many identities to have a simple name from one reality alone. I am a co-operation of consciousness.  A collection of souls and identity and so I claim a name that symbolises my true self. "


This invocation should be used to invoke another name or identifier, for the nameless creature that you are but the name that you choose will be closer to the self that you are today, in each moment.

Sit quietly, repeat the invocation in some or similar way and allow the you of you, the nameless, timeless you to suggest a word, a sound that more effectively displays your nature.