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Episode 8: Why Doesn't Marriage Satisfy?

THE conversation Podcast

Release Date: 04/15/2018

Episode 21: THE conversation Workshop Podcast Version! show art Episode 21: THE conversation Workshop Podcast Version!

THE conversation Podcast

Thank you so much for listening to THE conversation Podcast on iTunes and on Google Play, or on our website! Congratulations! You have reached the conclusion of Podcast Season 1. If you have listened in chronological order from the first episode to Episode 20, you will have followed the general arc of THE conversation Workshop in the comfort of your own space and at your own pace. If not, we encourage you to go back and listen to all of our podcasts starting here.

Episode 20: Safeguarding Children from Use or Abuse show art Episode 20: Safeguarding Children from Use or Abuse

THE conversation Podcast

The opposite of loving people is not hate, but using them (Ashour, Mausolf). We want children to understand that God created them for love, and anything less than that falls short of God’s design for their lives. In this podcast, the Lindas discuss being intentional about teaching our kids what love looks like in our relationships. We discuss the differences in the way we approach persons versus things. The Lindas model a conversation that can help a child identify situations in which he or she is being

Episode 19: Can We Have Sex if We Really Love Each Other? show art Episode 19: Can We Have Sex if We Really Love Each Other?

THE conversation Podcast

In the midst of longings and desires, how do we find our way to love others as God does? In this episode, the Lindas refer back to the personalistic norm as a way to love as Jesus loved. Listen as we offer suggestions for conversations addressing questions such as, "If we really love each other, why can't we have sex?" And, "How far is too far?"

Episode 18: Longings and Desires: Express, Repress or Option C? show art Episode 18: Longings and Desires: Express, Repress or Option C?

THE conversation Podcast

We were made to run on God’s love, but sometimes we believe that we can run on something else. CS Lewis says, “He himself is the fuel our spirits were designed to burn, or the food our spirits were designed to feed on.” But we have these longings and desires………and we wonder what to do with them. How do we respond to those longings and desires in a way that brings us life and not destruction? In this episode the Lindas will propose some practical help for processing these experiences with our

Episode 17:  An Antidote to Poor Choices: Helping our Kids Connect to Love show art Episode 17: An Antidote to Poor Choices: Helping our Kids Connect to Love

THE conversation Podcast

So singleness is as much a sign of God’s invitation of love and communion with Himself as marriage is. Whether married or single we are called to a life of love. We can invite our kids into a vision of love that is bigger than marital status. In this episode we will take a closer look at ways to help our kids connect to LOVE and overflow with love for others that will direct them into life-giving choices.

Episode 16: How to Talk to Your Kids about Sex, a Conversation with Dr. Josh + Christi Straub show art Episode 16: How to Talk to Your Kids about Sex, a Conversation with Dr. Josh + Christi Straub

THE conversation Podcast

This episode was recorded by Dr. Josh and Christi Straub for their podcast, In This Together. THE conversation was incredibly honored to join the In This Together podcast to discuss questions that Dr. Josh and Christi have received from parents about how to talk about sex with their kids.

Episode 15: Kids and Body Image, A Conversation with Dr. Josh + Christi Straub show art Episode 15: Kids and Body Image, A Conversation with Dr. Josh + Christi Straub

THE conversation Podcast

This episode was recorded by Dr. Josh and Christi Straub for their podcast, In This Together. THE conversation was incredibly honored to join the In This Together podcast to discuss questions that Dr. Josh and Christi have received from parents about kids and body image struggles. In order to discover how parents can intentionally transform conversations about body image, THE conversation explores with Dr. Josh and Christi: the incalculable and unchanging value of the human person, the truth that body revea

Episode 14: A Day at THE conversation Workshop: Impact and Surprises! show art Episode 14: A Day at THE conversation Workshop: Impact and Surprises!

THE conversation Podcast

The Lindas are joined by participants in our Fresno/Clovis workshop to discuss the impact of the day. We invited perspectives from a single friend, parents of young children and a parent of adult children. Our discussion includes surprises from the day, the personal impact, and what our participants would want others to know about THE conversation Workshop.

Episode 13: What About Lust? show art Episode 13: What About Lust?

THE conversation Podcast

In Genesis 3, we see the serpent approaching Adam and Eve with a suggestion - a suggestion that perhaps God had been withholding "the good life" from them.  They considered and the question took root in their hearts.  They strike out on their own and grasp for MORE apart from Him.  Immediately blame, shame and suspicion entered the picture and they hid from God and each other.  In the Theology of the Body by Pope John Paul II this event is described in this way: "Before the fall, there was no threat t

Episode 12: Single Celibacy, An Invitation to MORE or Deprivation? show art Episode 12: Single Celibacy, An Invitation to MORE or Deprivation?

THE conversation Podcast

It is interesting to note that both Jesus and Paul were single and celibate.  We often fall prey to feeling sorry for those who are not married and yet how did Jesus experience the abundant kind of life apart from sex and marriage? In this episode the Lindas discuss the vocation of single celibacy, what we can learn about intimately connecting with God from those who have lived this vocation out, and ways to help our kids learn to understand it as an invitation to MORE.

More Episodes

If we're honest, even Christ followers have been so influenced by culture that many of us have come to the conclusion that finding, "the one," or sexual experiences, or marriage or some combination are prerequisite for a satisfying and full life.  What if our longings for union, intimacy and ecstasy point to a reality greater than anything we can experience in an earthly relationship?The Lindas discuss and talk about practical ways we can help children to find the satisfaction of all their desires in God alone.   theconversationworkshop.com