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Feeling like Life is too Hard- 4 Steps to Go from Hard to Flow in Your Life

The Creative Mystic

Release Date: 05/22/2024

EMF Challenges- BEST EMF Protection for Empaths & Highly Sensitives show art EMF Challenges- BEST EMF Protection for Empaths & Highly Sensitives

The Creative Mystic

Are EMF’s a challenge for you? Do you often feel like “Oh my Goodness, I just don’t feel good” when I have too much EMF exposure?   Or maybe You seem to be OK with EMF’s sometimes and other times you aren’t , and you wonder why?   I know as an empath I use to wonder why some days I could handle it and other days I couldn’t.   I would worry how am I going to live in this world of electronic devices since we are being bombarded with electromagnetic fields almost everywhere you go.   Is that you?   Today, I’m going to share with you: ·   ...

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The Creative Mystic

Do you have a desire that you’ve wanted to act on but just been too afraid?  Has that inability to act made it so life is just so so or even worse you’re not happy at all? Mother Mary came sharing the message for June.  She wanted me to share with you the importance of you knowing what the energies are that are happening on the planet and in the ethers, so it can aid you in creating a life you love. That way there will be - No more so so or unhappiness with where you are in your life.   She shared what the energies of June are and how working with those energies can aid...

Feeling like Life is too Hard- 4 Steps to Go from Hard to Flow in Your Life show art Feeling like Life is too Hard- 4 Steps to Go from Hard to Flow in Your Life

The Creative Mystic

What to do when Life gets Hard. You might feel like life is just too hard and you just don't know what to do to get through it.  Maybe, you just lost your job, or your marriage is breaking up or you have a physical ailment that no one can seem to tell you what is going on. It doesn't matter the kind of hard, it just matters that life feels too hard and you don't know how to get thorugh it and feel in flow in your life. I recently had a vertigo attack.  Out of no where the room was spinning and for days I couldn't get out of bed and for weeks I couldn't get up and do a whole lot...

What Ignites Your Gratitude- How to Feel Gratitude Deeply show art What Ignites Your Gratitude- How to Feel Gratitude Deeply

The Creative Mystic

Have you struggled to feel grateful throughout your day? It’s so easy to get caught up in the things that need to get done or the worry of what is happening in the world that you don’t even realize that you aren’t in the energy of gratitude.  Mother of Compassion shared for the message of the month that:   Compassion is the doorway to feeling gratitude when you don’t.   This week she guided me to share with you what will ignite your gratitude and fuel your feelings of deep gratitude. I was fortunate to get to experience a nature experience with someone who is being...

Spirit Guide Message- Spirit Guide for Nov. How to Feel Grateful When You Don't show art Spirit Guide Message- Spirit Guide for Nov. How to Feel Grateful When You Don't

The Creative Mystic

Spirit Guides are all around you and they want to help you with what to do in your life so you can have more success and ease in your life. This month’s Spirit Guide is Mother of Compassion and she came with a message on the energy of gratitude.    How do you feel gratitude when you don’t   It’s easy to feel grateful when everything is going great.  When you are getting exactly what you want, when you want it, but what do you do when that doesn’t happen Mother of Compassion shared what is the doorway to shifting into gratitude when you aren’t feeling it. If...

Creativity Meditation- How to Boost Your Creativity & Overcome Creative Blocks show art Creativity Meditation- How to Boost Your Creativity & Overcome Creative Blocks

The Creative Mystic

Boost your creativity with this creativity meditation with the blessings of Mother of Creativity and the amazing power of 396 hz music and Tibetan bowls.  This month the Heart chakra angel spirit guide gave a message about doing what you love, especially what do you love to create.  What creative process do you love?  I was guided to do a guided meditation to help you be in the creative flow so you are creative.   The creative flow comes from one place,  Source, Higher Power and this meditation is here to help you remove the blocks that prevent you from being...

Creativity-How to be Creative & Transform Your Spiritual Gifts and Your Life show art Creativity-How to be Creative & Transform Your Spiritual Gifts and Your Life

The Creative Mystic

Creativity isn’t just about making things or using your imagination to create new things, especially if you are a spiritual seeker looking to grow your spiritual gifts of intuition or deeper connection with Spirit.  When you create on a consistent basis, creativity will transform you and your life. How do I know this?  Because it transformed mine. Today I’m going to share with you: 1.      How to be creative 2.     And how creativity will transform your life, if you give it a chance.   Let’s get going: How to be creative : ...

Spiritual Guidance for October from Heart Chakra Angel Spirit Guide show art Spiritual Guidance for October from Heart Chakra Angel Spirit Guide

The Creative Mystic

Spiritual Guidance for the Month of October is from the Heart Chakra Angel Spirit Guide portal.  The Heart Chakra Angel came in the form of the feminine to give you spiritual guidance that will help you with the energies of the month. Whenever the Heart Chakra Angel spirit guide shows up as a she or a he they are giving you guidance that you have something to shift and change with your feminine or masculine self. This month Heart Chakra Angel Spirit Guide showed up as a she so it is all about the Divine Feminine. She came to give you guidance on how to work with the energy of fall and how...

Most Important Stress Reducer for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People show art Most Important Stress Reducer for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People

The Creative Mystic

Understanding what your most important Stress Reducer is can transform your you, your health and your life.   As an Empath or highly sensitive you feel more stress than the average person.    Why?    Because you are sensitive to other people's emotions, their energy  and your environment. But your sensitivities are actually your super powers when you know how to reduce your stress and take care of yourself.    Knowing how to relieve stress as an empath or highly sensitive is key to your level of enjoyment, success and fulfillment in your life. ...

Letting Go Meditation show art Letting Go Meditation

The Creative Mystic

Letting Go can be one of the most challenging things for people to do, especially if you are an empath or highly sensitive.  Last episode the Healing Hands Spirit Guide gave us a message that the energy of letting go is what is happening in this month of September, but letting go is an important ability to develop and practice no matter what time of the year it is.  When you hang on to what is no longer serving you, you can have lack of clarity, feel stuck or challenged in moving forward on your next level of growth in moving towards what you desire in your life.  I was guided...

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What to do when Life gets Hard.

You might feel like life is just too hard and you just don't know what to do to get through it.  Maybe, you just lost your job, or your marriage is breaking up or you have a physical ailment that no one can seem to tell you what is going on.

It doesn't matter the kind of hard, it just matters that life feels too hard and you don't know how to get thorugh it and feel in flow in your life.

I recently had a vertigo attack.  Out of no where the room was spinning and for days I couldn't get out of bed and for weeks I couldn't get up and do a whole lot because I felt so nauseas and I couldn't focus my eyes on anything without the room moving like I was on a boat.   I started to feel like I can’t go on like this. 

And then I had an epiphany and was given a 4 step process from Spirit

Come and here my experience and the 4 step process I was given that shifted my life from hard to flow. 

Remember:  Greatness is Within You It’s Time to Shine Your Light

If you are looking for individualized support to know your true heart’s desire, grow spiritually and create a life you love, please accept my gift of a complimentary Next Step Connection Call to see if you are a fit for that support. Click this link to receive your free gift. https://deepaliu.com/gift/ 

If you would like to get your own Spirit Guide portal to work with in your spiritual growth Click this link https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/ 


If you are ready to connect to your spirit guides and transform your life check out my latest program  - Connect to Your Self-Love Spirit Guide  https://deepaliu.com/spiritualworkshops/

