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Your Decisions Shape Your Destiny

The Daily Mastermind

Release Date: 09/09/2024

Your Identity Shapes Your Life show art Your Identity Shapes Your Life

The Daily Mastermind

Welcome back to the Daily Mastermind! I hope you're already off to a great start to your week. Today, I'm excited to talk to you about your identity and how it shapes your destiny. Over the past few weeks, we've been focusing on mindset, especially on Mondays, to set up principles that will guide you throughout the week. If this is your first time reading, I encourage you to stay connected so you don't miss any insights. On Mondays, I like to talk about mindset to equip you with the fundamentals for the week. Throughout the rest of the week, we dive into top priorities like mind, body, money,...

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The Daily Mastermind

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The Daily Mastermind

Become Obsessed With Your Goals to Win in Life show art Become Obsessed With Your Goals to Win in Life

The Daily Mastermind

I want to talk about how to become obsessed with your goals. Why Should We Become Obsessed With Our Goals? It might sound a little intense, but Grant Cardone puts it best: "I suggest that you become obsessed about the things you want. Otherwise, you're going to spend a lifetime making up excuses as to why you didn’t get the life that you wanted." Essentially, you either become obsessed with your goals and move forward in the life you want, or you'll dwell on excuses for why you didn't live the life you desire  PROBLEM. You say you want something…but your actions… According to Robert...

Your Decisions Shape Your Destiny show art Your Decisions Shape Your Destiny

The Daily Mastermind

Welcome back to The Daily Mastermind. This Monday morning, I want to dive into a topic that aligns perfectly with the start of a new week: Mindset. As a firm believer in the power of mindset, I find Mondays the perfect time to recalibrate and set our intentions for the days ahead.   Today, we’re going to talk about how you can begin living your destiny right now. If you’ve been following along, you know that we've been discussing various lessons from one of my mentors, Robert Stuberg, and his program called "Creating Your Ultimate Destiny." This program outlines 12 specific steps or...

You Have the Power to Create Your Life show art You Have the Power to Create Your Life

The Daily Mastermind

Embracing Personal Responsibility Over the past 25 years, I have developed the 12 Prosperity Pillars, principles I believe are essential for achieving true success. One of the most challenging yet crucial pillars is "I take personal responsibility." Many people struggle with this concept, but it is fundamental to creating the life you truly desire. Taking responsibility means recognizing that everything you've accomplished in life is a result of your actions. This realization is empowering because it puts you in control of your destiny. Taking responsibility does not involve assigning blame...

Your Beliefs Create Your Destiny show art Your Beliefs Create Your Destiny

The Daily Mastermind

Welcome back to the Daily Mastermind with George Wright III, where we deliver your daily dose of inspiration, motivation, and education. If this is your first time, I encourage you to to subscribe to stay up-to-date on content designed to empower you. I appreciate your support. Embrace the Power of Mindset I'm going to spend today (liek most mondays) talking about your mindset.   Over the next 12 weeks (on mondays) I'm going to take you through a program called "Creating Your Ultimate Destiny," written by my mentor by Robert Stueberg. I found a lot of value in this program while...

5 Areas to Get You More Results in Your Life show art 5 Areas to Get You More Results in Your Life

The Daily Mastermind

Welcome back to The Daily Mastermind! I'm George Wright III, bringing you your daily dose of inspiration, motivation, and education. It's been a little while since our last chat, and I apologize for the brief hiatus. I had a few things going on, but I’m excited to reconnect and share some powerful insights that I believe will genuinely impact your life. Today, I want to delve into a topic that is essential for anyone aspiring to maximize their potential and overcome obstacles in their personal and professional lives. It's time to evaluate whether you're getting the results you truly desire....

4 Ways to Expand Your Energy Levels show art 4 Ways to Expand Your Energy Levels

The Daily Mastermind

4 Ways to Expand Your Energy Levels Welcome back to The Daily Mastermind! Today, we're diving into how you can expand your energy levels to live your best life. My mission is to bring you daily doses of inspiration, motivation, and education. Let's start with our Quote of the Day: "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." Remember, it's crucial not to give up. In this episode, we're focusing on the importance of energy and how you can generate and manage it. Our thoughts create our lives, and as conscious creators, it’s essential to dig deep into how we...

Are You Intentional with Your Life show art Are You Intentional with Your Life

The Daily Mastermind

Welcome back to The Daily Mastermind. I'm George Wright III, here with your daily dose of inspiration, motivation, and education. I hope you're having a great day today, and I appreciate you joining me. For those of you here for the first time, I'd love for you to hit the like and subscribe button so you don't ever miss an episode. The Purpose Behind The Daily Mastermind The reason I do The Daily Mastermind is to provide you with a consistent presence that can help you create mental discipline and consistency. This consistency helps you stay focused on what's important and what can help you...

More Episodes
Welcome back to The Daily Mastermind. This Monday morning, I want to dive into a topic that aligns perfectly with the start of a new week: Mindset. As a firm believer in the power of mindset, I find Mondays the perfect time to recalibrate and set our intentions for the days ahead.
Today, we’re going to talk about how you can begin living your destiny right now. If you’ve been following along, you know that we've been discussing various lessons from one of my mentors, Robert Stuberg, and his program called "Creating Your Ultimate Destiny." This program outlines 12 specific steps or resources on how to create your ultimate destiny.

The Quote of the Day

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let’s start with the quote of the day. Denzel Washington said, "If you don't fail, you're not even trying."
I believe this quote is incredibly powerful because it inspires us to take action, regardless of the outcome. Often, we find ourselves overthinking our goals and desires without taking the necessary steps to achieve them. Failure is not the enemy; inaction is.

So, What Is Your Ultimate Destiny?

Last Monday, we talked about the concept of destiny and how it’s essentially what you want it to be. Your destiny is shaped by your beliefs, and these beliefs are formed through your life experiences. While you can't always control the events in your life, you can control the meaning you assign to them. Ultimately your thoughts and beliefs shape your experiences.

Why You Shouldn't Pursue Happiness

One key takeaway from last week is that you shouldn’t chase happiness directly. Instead, pursue your destiny by becoming the person you want to be, achieving the results you aspire to, and contributing to the well-being of others. True happiness comes as a byproduct of living your destiny.

Living Your Destiny Now

Let’s move forward to today’s focus: How do you start living your destiny now? It all comes down to your decisions. St. Thomas Aquinas once said:
Three things are necessary for the salvation of a man: To know what he ought to believe, to know what he ought to desire, and to know what he ought to do.
This quote is a great Segway into our topic. Your decisions will enable you to live your destiny in the present moment. Here are four simple steps to help you define and act on your destiny:
  1. Decide What You Desire in Your Life
    • Determine what you want your life to be like. Instead of focusing on what you want to do or have, think about the kind of life you desire.
  2. Decide What Beliefs Will Lead You to Fulfill That Desire
    • Your beliefs shape your reality. Decide which beliefs will lead you to attain your desired life, and consciously adopt them, even if you don't fully believe them yet.
  3. Decide What You Have to Do to Get What You Want
    • Outline the actions you need to take to achieve your goals.
  4. Just Do It
    • Commit to taking action, no excuses. Action is simple but requires unwavering commitment.

Challenges While Living Your Destiny

While the steps are straightforward, challenges will arise. Here are a few you might encounter:
  • Feeling Like Something is Missing
    • You might feel there’s something missing in your life. This could be a relationship, an opportunity, or even a sense of security. These feelings can make you focus on what you lack rather than what you can achieve.
  • Doubting Possibility
    • Maybe you know what you want but don’t believe it’s possible. This lack of faith can stop you from taking action. The key is to believe in your power and take action anyway.

Keep Moving Forward

It’s important not to get complacent. Happiness and destiny are ongoing journeys, not destinations. Focus on doing what you love daily. Engage in activities aligned with your unique talents and passions.

Reflect and Plan

Think about experiences in hindsight that you would have handled differently. Use these reflections to better align your daily actions with your ultimate destiny.
  • Create a Vision Board
    • Brainstorm ways to integrate the things you love into your daily life. This can involve creating a vision board to visualize your goals and dreams.

A Weekly Challenge for You

This week, I challenge you to identify what you truly want in life and find ways to incorporate those desires into your daily routine. How can you add more fun and passion into your day to day activities? Whatever it is, take action now.
Thank you for joining me today. I hope this message inspires you to take steps towards living your destiny right now. Don’t forget to share this post with others to spread this critical message. Also, I’d love to hear your thoughts and what you're up to, so connect with me on The Daily Mastermind on Instagram, Facebook, or through my email in the show notes.
Have an amazing day!
George Wright III