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From selling books to buying chisels - it's all about reducing waste.

Heads & Dovetails

Release Date: 05/08/2024

From an election free zone to basket weaving. show art From an election free zone to basket weaving.

Heads & Dovetails

Gill and Jamie start by saying how they've already had enough of the General Election so the only time they are mentioning it is now to say they vow not to talk about it in the coming weeks!  They cover a real range of topics in this episode but typical of Gill and Jamie they are somehow  all linked. Although Gill apologises, as she seems to be doing most of the talking in this episode about her passions!  Gill explains her experience and reality of selling the furniture she up cycles and when you see people on social media selling items how easy it appears and how much you can...

From selling books to buying chisels  - it's all about reducing waste. show art From selling books to buying chisels - it's all about reducing waste.

Heads & Dovetails

Jamie and Gill are both passionate about reducing waste and sustainability. In this episode they cover a range of topics from Japanese blacksmiths to how they do what they can to reuse things but are always looking to do and learn more.  Jamie starts by telling Gill he has bought some very good chisels made by Japanese blacksmith Masters and how they recycle old iron from discarded bridge frameworks. Gill is wanting to purchase some chisels and had immediately gone to Amazon to look for some. She's learning from Jamie about how to find used items that are actually better value than simply...

From raised beds to Japanese artists show art From raised beds to Japanese artists

Heads & Dovetails

Being British Jamie and Gill just had to chat about the weather but it had allowed Gill to get out in the garden over the weekend and Jamie into his shed for a short while.  Jamie tells Gill he really likes her new raised beds, having seen lots of photos on socila media of her making them. He says they remind him of previous times. Gill explains the reason for posting so many photos on Instagram of each stage is that so many peole have asked her in the past how she does them and to explain what the no dig method is and how to do it. Gill brings up one of her bug bears for discussion and...

From overnight accommodation issues to Patreon show art From overnight accommodation issues to Patreon

Heads & Dovetails

Gill and her husband Clive like to support small independent businesses when they can. Recently they spent a couple of night's away in 2 different pub type accommodation. The second one was holding a private 30th birthday event and their room right above it overlooking the glass dome in the ceiling. Consequently they got to 'enjoy' the disco lights and loud music!  Gill and Jamie discuss the dilemma of a small business and the pros and cons of should they pre-warn guests when they book or what could be done to mitigate the situation. Gill goes on to tell how they made the best of the...

From moments in time to vices (of the woodworking kind!) show art From moments in time to vices (of the woodworking kind!)

Heads & Dovetails

As Gill's son was born on this day she can recall every detail about day, even the weather. Jamie and Gill chat about 'time lining' and how we use specific incidences, like covid, to help us pin point when things happened and we cross reference that with other people's time lines. Jamie uses an example of how we might use things only specific to us so you might say 'no it had to be before then because I remember I was in my old car'.   Jamie gives an update on his next briquette experiment and Gill is happy to report on some progress with their our subsidence issue and all that it...

From sleep and books to resin and socks! show art From sleep and books to resin and socks!

Heads & Dovetails

Jamie overslept so was a bit late for recording this week's episode. Hence Gill and Jamie chat about how important sleep is to our minds and bodies. A lack of sleep can lead to other conditions being misdiagnosed which are actually symptoms of being sleep deprived. Gill tells Jamie about the book she was given for her birthday, 'Teaching the World to Sleep' by David Lee, following the webinar she had booked onto last year. Jamie asks about the type of books Gill likes to read which is quite a range from: fiction and non fiction, particularly biographies to more science based, philosphical...

From car parts to car insurance. show art From car parts to car insurance.

Heads & Dovetails

Having had an 'advisory' for new brake pads on its service Gill booked their car in to get them replaced only to discover it needed a new caliper as well as the old one fell apart!  The price of parts has rocketed and Jamie and Gill discuss the 'pros and cons' of new cars, buying them on finance and how buyers can be left horrified at costs to replace basic parts like tyres! We discuss the knock on impact of these rising costs as to why everyone's car insurance has increased so much. They discuss some of the possible reasons why cars are so differnt nowadays and need to be so big. With...

From Happy New Year to drying logs for a project. show art From Happy New Year to drying logs for a project.

Heads & Dovetails

Gill explains why she doesn't do new year's resolutions but takes time to reflect on the year gone and focus on what she did achieve rather than what she didn't. Too many people end the year thinking about those things they didn't achieve! Jamie agrees and says it's better to simply let them go and look focus forward.  Jamie asks Gill about how she finds people respond to her when she goes for her walks without a dog. She explains how it still means that she gets to chat to people for that very reason as they ask where her dog is and she's made several new friends. Jamie says he's...

From Scams to flame throwing on furniture! show art From Scams to flame throwing on furniture!

Heads & Dovetails

 Gill starts off the episode relating the story of hwo she very nearly falling for a scam whilst advertising her refurbished furniture on FB Marketplace. As a result of multiple attempts at the same scam she's deleted the adverts and going to research another avenue to sell them that feels much better to her. Flea amrkets and independent stores are on her research list - they take her furniture as stock, display and sell it and get a commission.  Jame has possbily had a little too much fun taking a flame thrower to his furniture turning the wood black! And now seems to want to have a...

From technology and AI to Conkers laundry liquid!  show art From technology and AI to Conkers laundry liquid!

Heads & Dovetails

Jamie has discovered that one of his videos on YouTube has suddenly get a lot of views and he has no idea why. He mentions how a chat with someone made him realise he was earning the equivalent of a mini pension from his channel. We discuss how fast things can change and what we think may earn us money in our old age with social media may well not even exist with the way technology marches on with things like AI taking over a lot of roles. With all the electric we now need or will need we swap stories about log burners and the future - will it involve returning to the things we did in the...

More Episodes

Jamie and Gill are both passionate about reducing waste and sustainability.

In this episode they cover a range of topics from Japanese blacksmiths to how they do what they can to reuse things but are always looking to do and learn more. 

Jamie starts by telling Gill he has bought some very good chisels made by Japanese blacksmith Masters and how they recycle old iron from discarded bridge frameworks. Gill is wanting to purchase some chisels and had immediately gone to Amazon to look for some. She's learning from Jamie about how to find used items that are actually better value than simply hitting the 'Buy" button on websites like Amazon. 

Gill has some books she'd like to get rid of or 'pass on' including some that aren't really in any condition to read now but isn't sure what to do with those. She had considered selling on line but with postage costs that hardly seems worth it - Jamie comes up with a viable solution! They discuss how they think it should be much easier to find out the best way to recycle all sorts of items. 

Jamie mentions the plastic rope Gill has recently made and she admits that as an ideas person she is always coming up with different ways to do things and sometimes her head explodes with all the ideas she has! 

The discussion around waste reduction and sustainability is to be continued!