The Force Field
info_outlineThe Force Field
info_outlineThe Force Field
info_outlineThe Force Field
info_outlineThe Force Field
info_outlineThe Force Field
info_outlineThe Force Field
info_outlineThe Force Field
info_outlineThe Force Field
info_outlineThe Force Field
info_outlineIntro 3:51
News and Comment segment 3:53
Geek News Central plans to host the first 24 hour podcast marathon to raise money for the One Laptop Per Child program. Beginning December 21, 2007 Todd Cochrane will stream live from his Hawaii based Studio on www.Ustream.TV and will have interactive talk on Recently I held a meeting with our team of administrators on There was just one problem. We are spread out across the country and a physical meeting was out of the question. Fortunately, we had GoToMeeting. Try GotoMeeting free for 30 days! For this special offer, visit . Microsoft pulled its Free Vista and Office offer in its Windows Feedback Program December 11. The company said the reason for the early cancellation of the free offer was because “it had exhausted the supply of software?.
Commercial Break 1:01
Sponsored by PC Doctor Service Center 6. 1-866-BUY PCDR. Mention The Force Field podcast for $49 discount. Offer good until January 31, 2008.
Intro to Interview 1:27
From field service technician to Director of Channel Sales for OnForce, one would think Jack Barcroft has done it all. Now he is co-host of an new internet radio talk show called The Will and Jack Show . This week we’re going to meet Jack Barcroft, learn about his early days with OnForce, talk about his radio show and hear his views of where the IT service industry is heading in the next few years.
Jack Barcroft Interview 20:56
Wrap up and Close :46