Podcast Reboot: Deep dive on knee mechanics, loading and running.
Release Date: 01/12/2020
The Gait Guys Podcast
info_outlineThe Gait Guys Podcast
Velocity, timing, stance and swing phases, injuries, center of pressure, step width, .... lots of good topics today
info_outlineThe Gait Guys Podcast
info_outlineThe Gait Guys Podcast
This time around we introduce some new literature to provoke some clinical thinking that will inform, amuse and hopefully entertain you. We also introduce the newest athletic tape to the market, surely someone will rip off our idea, but hopefully they will tag our name to it and help make us famous.
info_outlineThe Gait Guys Podcast
info_outlineThe Gait Guys Podcast
Podcast 169: Foot muscles, core strength and more Join us each month on the Masterclass in Gait, link below Join at the $40 monthly level and get the masterclass each month, bonus material and the detailed monthly content we only share on Patreon. The Masterclass is a formal LIVE presentation of slides, videos, demos, deep dives on topics you will not hear anywhere but here ! We hit the gait, biomechanics, neurology and orthopedics of all of the gait topics we present. This is not for the weak and timid, this is the deep dive you have been waiting for. Join us while we turn our normal 50...
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Great round up of topics today, and a New Dawn
info_outlineThe Gait Guys Podcast
Podcast 167: Is symmetry important for biomechanics and energy utilization? Plus, things that mimic plantar fasciitis; Including trigger points you never thought might be implicated. Join us each month on the Masterclass in Gait, link below Join at the $40 monthly level and get the masterclass each month, bonus material and the detailed monthly content we only share on Patreon. The Masterclass is a formal LIVE presentation of slides, videos, demos, deep dives on topics you will not hear anywhere but here ! We hit the gait, biomechanics, neurology and...
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Deep dive orthopedic, neurologic, biomechanical nerd talk, again.
info_outlineThe Gait Guys Podcast
Long for talk this time around some central themes in ankle instability with deep discussion on the functional neurology and biomechanics, and of course, how to get around some of the problems.
info_outlineShow notes are linked up below:
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Show notes:
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Doppler ultrasound and tibial tuberosity maturation status predicts pain in adolescent male athletes with Osgood-Schlatter's disease: a case series with comparison group and clinical interpretation
Matthieu Sailly, Rod Whiteley, Amanda Johnson
Learning is optimized when we fail 15% of the time
Neuroscience NewsNovember 6, 2019
Patellofemoral Joint Loads during Running Immediately Changed by Shoes with Different Minimalist Indices: A Cross-sectional Study. Chenhao Yang 1, Songlin Xiao 1, Yang Yang 1, Xini Zhang 1, Junqing Wang 1 and Weijie Fu
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A functional model to describe the action of the adductor muscles at the hip in the transverse plane. Leighton RD1.Department of Physical Therapy, University of New England, Portland, ME 04103, USA.