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The Local Bar 204 - Why I Went to Margaritaville

The Local Bar

Release Date: 05/24/2024

The Local Bar 204 - Why I Went to Margaritaville show art The Local Bar 204 - Why I Went to Margaritaville

The Local Bar

No, there was no woman to blame.   Give this one a listen.  It's important. 

The Local Bar 203 - Liza Hunter and Tristan Robinson show art The Local Bar 203 - Liza Hunter and Tristan Robinson

The Local Bar

This week, the stars of Jimmy Buffett's "Escape to Margaritaville" come on to talk about the show, thier backgrounds, and what they enjoy the most about theater.  

The Local Bar 202 - Bryent Taylor-Marshall show art The Local Bar 202 - Bryent Taylor-Marshall

The Local Bar

This week I am joined by Bryant Taylor-Marshall - actor in the upcoming "Escape to Margaritaville" at the Workshop Theater in Columbia, SC as well as part of the improv comedy group "The Mothers."  Fins up.  

The Local Bar 201 - When She is in the Room show art The Local Bar 201 - When She is in the Room

The Local Bar

I don't often share crazy, obscure, rediculous ghost stories with people, but these are crazy, obscure, rediculous times.   While this deals with things that may or may not really be there, the lesson learned from this certainly exists.  Take some time and hear me out.  And then, follow the instructions at the end.   You'll thank me later.  You'll thank yourself immediately.  

The Local Bar 200 - Chad Alexander show art The Local Bar 200 - Chad Alexander

The Local Bar

To celebrate the 200th episode of the show, I've decided to turn the microphone inward and have my three favorite people that have ever walked the planet interview me.   Thank you for all the years, the shows, emails, and support.  This has been an unexpected and fantastic journey.   I'm the luckiest guy you know.  

The Local Bar 199 - Billy Rocks Down To Electric Avenue show art The Local Bar 199 - Billy Rocks Down To Electric Avenue

The Local Bar

This week we are joined by our good friend Billy Riot (from the podcasts Riot House Podcast, Beauty in the Breakdown) to talk about some of the things you need to check out at St. Pat's Columbia, why being genuine is important, and who exactly is Derrick Poop.  

The Local Bar 198 - Trae Judy show art The Local Bar 198 - Trae Judy

The Local Bar

If you haven't heard about the St. Patirck's Day festival in Columbia, SC (www.stpatscolumbia.com), you need to check out the website and this interview.  There are a million reasons you should go to the festival this year.  We give you the main one.

The Local Bar 197 - Chris Rhoad (BoatCastChris) show art The Local Bar 197 - Chris Rhoad (BoatCastChris)

The Local Bar

This week we have a conversation with Chris Rhoad (aka BoatCastChris).  Chris is the creator and one of the host of The BoatCast Podcast - one of the top music interview podcast going today.  

The Local Bar 196 - Tom Hall and Legacy show art The Local Bar 196 - Tom Hall and Legacy

The Local Bar

Sometimes I feel like it takes me so long to get some people I know to be on the show.  This is a time that I waited too long.  Tom Hall was someone you should have known, and he probably had an impact on your life, even if you didn't (certainly if you listen to this show).   Here's to you, Tom.

The Local Bar 195 - Don Merckle and a Blacksmith show art The Local Bar 195 - Don Merckle and a Blacksmith

The Local Bar

This week, resident musician of the Local Bar Podcast Don Merckle stops by to talk about almost anything but music.  

More Episodes

No, there was no woman to blame.  

Give this one a listen.  It's important.