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[Best Of] 180: Ethical Persuasion and Moving People to Action with Erin Gargan

The Next Level

Release Date: 02/27/2020

197: How To Be World Class At Anything show art 197: How To Be World Class At Anything

The Next Level

Have you ever felt like you've tried it all but just can't seem to grow in one particular area of your life or business? If you’re into growth but you find yourself still stuck in the same situation or just not growing in the way that you want to in any area of life or business this is for you. In this episode you'll learn why you feel like you're going through the motions, how to break the cycle and start to see results, why you're falling prey to distraction and saying yes to everything...

196: Why Learning And Growth Is Slowing You Down And What To Do Instead show art 196: Why Learning And Growth Is Slowing You Down And What To Do Instead

The Next Level

Do you value learning and growth, but sense that it could actually be getting in your way more than it's helping you? While learning and growth are two values that absolutely make you the amazing coach and entrepreneur that you are, they can also have their down side. In this episode you'll learn how we have different levels of doing and learning, What is decision fatigue and how to make sure we're not using all your bandwidth in learning, Learning and growth and why it can be your greatest weakness and...

195: How to Manage Expectations, Exercising Trust, and Removing Resistance show art 195: How to Manage Expectations, Exercising Trust, and Removing Resistance

The Next Level

Coaches and Entrepreneurs, Have you ever felt like everything you do should have some kind of return? This episode talks about what happens when we think from the mindset of instant gratification, where it comes from, and what to do about it.

194: Why You Multitask, Why It’s Diluting Your Focus, and What To Do Instead show art 194: Why You Multitask, Why It’s Diluting Your Focus, and What To Do Instead

The Next Level

One really bad habit of most coaches and creative entrepreneurs is the tendency to multitask which usually leads to dropping the ball somewhere AND making mistakes. You definitely want to be able to really look under the hood and see why you’re spreading yourself too thin, but here’s what you can do to start creating the right structures so things get done more effectively. Look at these 3 things... Where am I spending my time? What activities are related to my craft and what is related to generating...

193: How to Channel Emotions and Embracing Anxiety with Karla McLaren show art 193: How to Channel Emotions and Embracing Anxiety with Karla McLaren

The Next Level

With the state of the world right now it's more important than ever to understand how to be with heightened emotions, how to truly understand them, and what to do with them. In this episode you'll learn how there are 2 different ways people respond to anxiety and how they show up in people, why kids are often trying to operate against their natural type, how to effectively communicate what you're feeling and what to do with it, how to tell the difference between panic and anxiety, the practice of...

192: How Your Future Can Define Your Personality More Than Your Past with Benjamin Hardy show art 192: How Your Future Can Define Your Personality More Than Your Past with Benjamin Hardy

The Next Level

Today I sit down with Dr. Benjamin Hardy to talk about his new book Personality Isn't Permanent. Today you'll learn why Ben got deeper into writing about and getting into the conversation around trauma, what he found most surprising about personality, how people describe themselves and why that's blocking change, why we have come into more of a test and assessment culture when it comes to personality, how overly defining your personality is a synonym for your comfort zone, and so much more.

191: The #1 Thing That Keeps Coaches From Leading show art 191: The #1 Thing That Keeps Coaches From Leading

The Next Level

There is one thing that keeps coming to the top of my list of what keeps coaches from fully leading themselves and their clients. It's actually a mix of a few things, but they have one thing in common. Our inability to when needed take our own medicine and continue growing. Too may of us think that we need to have it all figured out before we can help people at the level we want. But the truth is that we are constantly learning the thing we need to learn most and the thing we typically work with our...

190: How to Make Hard Things Easy show art 190: How to Make Hard Things Easy

The Next Level

This episode is for you if you are realizing or starting to see that you put too much effort into work. That you have to put in a lot of effort in order to get a very small return. My hope with this is that it gives you an insight into how you can change that pace and start to invite more ease into the way that you operate so that things don't have to be as hard and that you can use a different metric and use a different modality for how approach life and business so you can not work off having to...

189: What I Do With Anger and Why It’s Showing Up Right Now show art 189: What I Do With Anger and Why It’s Showing Up Right Now

The Next Level

All emotions serve a purpose. I know it’s hard to see that at times. Believe me, I still get taken out by intense emotions too. But when I can receive the message and surrender to the action (or inaction) that get’s to happen, that emotion moves. In today's show I talk about why anger is showing up a lot right now in the current pandemic and what to do about it.

[Best Of] 188: Reorganizational Healing and Accessing Higher Levels of Intelligence with Dr. Brian T. Lumb show art [Best Of] 188: Reorganizational Healing and Accessing Higher Levels of Intelligence with Dr. Brian T. Lumb

The Next Level

Dr. Brian currently owns and operates Nourish and Flourish which provides an integrated environment for you to discover and experience a wealth of modalities, wisdom, and products to live your most outstanding life possible. Brian dives into topics like How the fight and flight energy dissipates through movement and breathe, Literal and figurative stress, The response of our nervous system to fear, How the muscles around our spine are reptilian brain based, The whole spinal chord as a global phenomenon...

More Episodes

Today we unpack Erin's story, what it takes to be successful in being heard in outbound marketing and the digital area, and the nitty-gritty of Digital Persuasion. In this episode you'll learn How to translate your offline persona into the online space What the online disinhibition effect tells us about why we behave the way we do online, How to make better decisions before we post, What persuasion is, The way other people perceive us online and being more of a server or a friend, The goal of ethical persuasion and moving people to action, How to whittle down your message and what skill to focus on...