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Karma's A Bitch

The Poocast

Release Date: 07/22/2021

Dad's Instant Karma show art Dad's Instant Karma

The Poocast

We hear a story about how hockey and too much dairy do not mix.  We find out that Bailey's always planning ahead when in a toilet stall.  And Dad learns what John Lennon meant when he sang, "Instant Karma's gonna get you.." Slang Term Spoiler Alert:  Poop Knuckle

The Best Of The Poocast Vol 4 show art The Best Of The Poocast Vol 4

The Poocast

Some of our best Poocast stories and banter of the last year.  

A Putrid Predicament show art A Putrid Predicament

The Poocast

We tell you how smelly poop can be a predictor for a long romatic relationship.  Hear how Karma gets a judgemental mom.  And hear the worst squat toilet story ever.   Poop Slang Term spoiler Alert: Corn Baked Rattlesnake

They Don't Tell You About This In Dental School show art They Don't Tell You About This In Dental School

The Poocast

You've heard of a black diamond run in skiing.  Hear how a guy created his own brown diamond run.  Also a tale about a kid blowing up his grandma's front porch.  And Bailey tells us how a well hidden utensil comes in handy.  Slang Term Spoiler Alert: A Twoosie In The Bank

Black Friday Dumpage show art Black Friday Dumpage

The Poocast

You will not believe what someone did to get a black Friday sale item.  We hear what food triggers Bailey.  And a tale about what a woman did to her neighbors when she couldn't hold it in any longer.  

Poo Pants Mcgee show art Poo Pants Mcgee

The Poocast

Would you date someone who purposely poops their pants because they like the feel of a corn missile in their drawers?  We discuss.  Hear what happens when a Roomba encounters poop.  And a celebrity tells of their mishap. 

The Best of the Poocast-Slang Terms show art The Best of the Poocast-Slang Terms

The Poocast

Some of our best slang terms ever.  And hear Dad and Bailey overshare about their pooping lives.  

Dirty J show art Dirty J

The Poocast

Teachers are wonderful until they aren't.  We hear a story about a cruel and sadistic one.  Bailey gives a comical reading of a story and in the process may have created a recurring character.  And we learn how to scare away the talkative cell phone user in the neighboring stall.   

Pulling A Steve show art Pulling A Steve

The Poocast

We hear a new story that's a contender for the greatest Poocast story of all time.   We're introduced to a different kind of spooning.  And some pointers on what leaves to use if caught having to shit in the woods. 

It's A Guy Thing show art It's A Guy Thing

The Poocast

What happens when a guy has too much time on his hands?  Only the most disgusting story we've ever told.  Also hear the story of a guy with the worst luck in a Sam's Club parking lot  And there is a serial yard pooper on the loose just up the street from the Poocast home base.  

More Episodes

We debate the age old question, if you crapped yourself at a concert would you stay to watch the show or leave?  Dad tells of an experiment at his work.  And Bailey tells of her recent crazy dreams.

Poop Slang Term Spoiler Alert: Bowl Choker