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Lassoed Joy....A Conversation w/ Jeff & Kelly

Uli Who

Release Date: 06/28/2023

A Conservative In The Age Of The Bully....A Conversation With Justin Hollis show art A Conservative In The Age Of The Bully....A Conversation With Justin Hollis

Uli Who

What's a rational conservative to do in the Trump Era, where bullying is the norm and facts are massaged to fit your narrative? Well, that's what Justin Hollis and I began to explore as two friends landing on different sides of the line who actually have more in common than not. In this first episode we talk about modern politics as little more than professional wrestlin'. Enjoy the show, with a musical interlude from my good friend Brandon Moore

Possums & Pole Dancing....A Conversation With Dani Tea show art Possums & Pole Dancing....A Conversation With Dani Tea

Uli Who

Born in Veracruz, Mexico and having traveled quite a bit in her early years, Dani Tea brings a creative flavor to the 417 in a pioneering way. She's the owner/operator of Springfield Aerial Fitness, having brought "the circus arts" to the area in 2016. She's a passionate performer, a tireless advocate and has a deep and abiding love for possums and EDM music. Please enjoy an conversation with my good friend, and as she would say....."stop hating on people out there trying"

Grocery Store Romance & Other Things; Butler's Hot Takes show art Grocery Store Romance & Other Things; Butler's Hot Takes

Uli Who

Your favorite guest and one of mine, Jeff Butler, is back with a year-end wrap up for 2023 wherein we cover it all; from politics national and international to the fans of Taylor Swift to his novella "The Ahavah Decision" no stone is left unturned. Along the way we get silly on white wine and cocktails and discover our tenuous connection to the band "The Highwomen" and Jeff's love of all things bougie.  Break song provided by Zach Bryan*  *I do not own the copyrights to this song, but I DID buy it!

"I Smell Nothing"....A Conversation With The Worm

Uli Who

Brady Wormington, aka "The Worm", is a former coworker, musician and one of the more interesting cats I've met. If anything, his stories about international travel will be enough to get your passport renewed! Enjoy a longer episode of the show, thanks for tuning in!

Outta This World With Mike Holmes show art Outta This World With Mike Holmes

Uli Who

Mike Holmes (aka Mike The Intern) is an absolute treasure trove of so much knowledge.....from Japanese album covers to KC Chiefs minutiae, from conspiracy theories about Ohio's "trash" reputation to the anti-Semitism of Roger Waters, if it's a subject of interest, he's well-versed. We hit it all in this fun romp, with music provided by Mike's own band "Muzzle", playing "The First Guy I Ever Punched" on the break. Enjoy the vast mindset that only Mr. Holmes can paint so clearly! Cheers!

What's Your Ick, Six Foot Katie? show art What's Your Ick, Six Foot Katie?

Uli Who

On a fun and sloshy romp, Six Foot Katie The Shady Lady and I talk about all things innocuous, from removing a bondage kit from your bedroom before your folks come over to what are the things that make you go "ick" about people. She is NOT a fan of jorts, dating profile pics taken from "below" and I am not a fan of vaping, moms who call themselves "momma bear" online when trying to flex and "I only smoke when I drink" people. 

"Allies Are Temporary, Interests Are Forever"....Butler Breaks It Down

Uli Who

With all of the chaos going on in Israel and Gaza, I invited Jeff Butler back for the 657th time to try and break down some of the backstory as to what is going on; of course, there are no "easy" answers, but he does a fantastic job of explaining some of the baseline issues. We also discuss a leaderless House of Representatives and how an America-centric lens is a foggy way to look at world geo-politics. It's a great show, you won't wanna miss it! Jason Isbell's "Death Wish" is the soundtrack on the break (I do not own the rights). 

The Rocket Sled To Hell: A Talk With Lane Walden show art The Rocket Sled To Hell: A Talk With Lane Walden

Uli Who

Lane Walden is a retired firefighter from the Springfield Fire Dept. who has a unique perspective on just about everything. In this episode we discuss his early years, the Academy at "The Turdatorium", working out of old firehouses and the importance of some traditions while flying the middle finger to busywork. 

A Hair Appointment On The Moon: talking With Tony Kelley show art A Hair Appointment On The Moon: talking With Tony Kelley

Uli Who

Tony Kelley is a former Battalion Chief for the Springfield Fire Dept., a former coworker, and despite his best efforts, a current friend. In this conversation recorded a while back we talk about leaving the fire service, the current political scene and Tony's unabashed love for convenience store pizza. Enjoy!

For The Love Of Red Flags....A Convo With 6' Katie The Shady Lady show art For The Love Of Red Flags....A Convo With 6' Katie The Shady Lady

Uli Who

WARNING: SUPER GRAPHIC AND SEXUALLY EXPLICIT SHOW SO, today I sat down with one of my very best friends, the one & only 6' Katie The Shady Lady and we get so very deep into the relationship weeds. We talk about dating apps, upside down pineapples, bizarre sexual behaviors, what I mean by the term "a turtle's butthole" and the virtues of sleeping alone. we even delve into our favorite porn titles, so let's hope your mom isn't listening. This one is a doozy.....so buckle up, buttercup and let's get ready to get dirty. 

More Episodes

Oh boy.....the phenomenon of Ted Lasso has left the building and if you're a fan you're likely as bummed as us that it's happened. Today I sit down with my friends Kelly Cardin and Jeff Butler to dissect one of the best shows ever to hit the airwaves. 

Along the way, we talk about Cormac McCarthy's passing, rage Tweeting, Jason Isbell's new album and Jeff's desire to constantly divide his fire crew's loyalties. It's a fun one....enjoy!

Music on the break provided by the one & only Jason Isbell, "King Of Oklahoma" from his latest album "Weathervanes". I do not own the copyright to this music. 

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