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Tread Perilously -- Hap And Leonard: The Bottoms

Tread Perilously

Release Date: 05/16/2024

Tread Perilously -- What We Do In The Shadows: On The Run show art Tread Perilously -- What We Do In The Shadows: On The Run

Tread Perilously

Tread Perilously engages in a normal human podcast by watching an episode of What We Do In The Shadows called "On The Run." When a mysterious vampire tracks down Laszlo over the matter of an ancient debt, he abandons his life on Staten Island to become "Jackie Daytona" -- a beloved local fixture and bar owner in Pennsylvania. Much to his surprise, Jackie becomes invested in the success of a nearby high school varsity volleyball team. But when the vampire who forced Laszlo to flee rolls into town, will Jackie walk away just when the volleyball team needs him most? Meanwhile, Colin...

Tread Perilously -- Psych: Dual Spires show art Tread Perilously -- Psych: Dual Spires

Tread Perilously

Tread Perilously flips the paradigm for June with a month of Tread Safely. And to start: the curious episode of Psych called "Dual Spires." Shawn and Gus receive an invitation to enjoy the Dual Spire Cinnamon Festival, but a day in the woods somewhere north of Santa Barbara feasting on hot cider and cinnamon pie turns into a mystery when young Paula Merral is found dead. Wrapped in plastic. Soon, it becomes clear all is not as it appears as town secrets are exposed, Shawn keeps his relationship with Juliet quiet, and everything in Dual Spires feels strangely familiar. Erik and Justin...

Tread Perilously -- Pan Am: We'll Always Have Paris show art Tread Perilously -- Pan Am: We'll Always Have Paris

Tread Perilously

Tread Perilously's Failed Prestige month takes an unscheduled trip on Pan Am for the episode called "We'll Always Have Paris." Kate's first trip to Paris is filled with excitement and terror as her mother decides to book a seat on the flight. Also, her CIA handler wants her to deliver a package to a courier in the city. Meanwhile, Laura has reasons of her own to avoid her mother, Dean continues his search for Bridget while maybe starting something with Colette, and Maggie's choice to defend herself leads to Ted trying -- and failing -- to be her white knight. Erik uses the wrong...

Tread Perilously -- Manhattan: You Always Hurt The Ones You Love show art Tread Perilously -- Manhattan: You Always Hurt The Ones You Love

Tread Perilously

Tread Perilously's month of failed prestige TV continues with the pilot episode of Manhattan: "You Always Hurt The Ones You Love." When Charlie accepts a blind offer to work at a government facility in New Mexico, he is shocked to discover he will be helping to design an atomic bomb. His wife, Abby, adjusts to the strange way of life out on the plains as no one can grow crops in the local soil and all the wives build a society of their own. Meanwhile, renegade scientist Frank Winter must prove his theory to Oppenheimer to save his group from being shut down. Erik and Justin end up having...

Tread Perilously -- Hap And Leonard: The Bottoms show art Tread Perilously -- Hap And Leonard: The Bottoms

Tread Perilously

Tread Perilously's Failed Prestige month continues with the second episode of Hap and Leonard, "The Bottoms." Hap is still trying to find the bridge from his childhood that will lead to the river that, in turn, will lead to the money Howard hired him to find. Leonard is less sure as Howard's goons are both dumb and dangerous. He also gets a phone call that will force him to leave town. Later, Hap finds himself in a show of bravado with Howard and facing renewed affections from his ex-wife, Trudy. Will it turn out she's been withholding the real location of the river? Erik is thrilled to see...

Tread Perilously -- Terriers: Dog And Pony show art Tread Perilously -- Terriers: Dog And Pony

Tread Perilously

Tread Perilously's Failed Prestige month continues with the Terriers episode called "Dog and Pony." When Hank's $30,000 check becomes evidence in the case against his client, he tries to drum up business to cover the deposit he still owes on the house. He soon finds a $5,000 bounty on a man wanted in connection with a liquor store heist. He and Britt encounter him only to find he's taller and stronger than the bounty notice let on. Their next step: scare his half-brother into doing something. But when that uncovers a further crime, will Hank and Britt turn it to their advantage? Erik...

Tread Perilously -- John From Cincinnati: His Visit Day One show art Tread Perilously -- John From Cincinnati: His Visit Day One

Tread Perilously

Tread Perilously begins a month of would-be prestige TV series that failed to connect with the debut episode of John from Cincinnati -- "His Visit: Day One." Retired surfer Mitch Yost is spotted on the water by an ambitious promoter and a mysterious man who repeats what he hears called John. Back in town, Mitch's son, Butchie -- also a retired pro surfer -- is anxious to score, but discovers his heroin has been cut so much, it might as well be nothing. Meanwhile, Butchie's son, Shaun, is looking to participate in his first surfing competition and maybe get a sponsorship from the promoter...

Tread Perilously -- Doctor Who: Logopolis show art Tread Perilously -- Doctor Who: Logopolis

Tread Perilously

Tread Perilously's annual Doctor Who month concludes with Tom Baker's final story as The Doctor: "Logopolis." When The Doctor determines he must measure a real police box as part of a chameleon circuit fix, The Master springs a space-time trap on him. Meanwhile, newly hired air hostess Tegan Jovanka makes her way to Heathrow with her aunt Vanessa. Also, a mysterious Watcher observes as all paths lead to a motorway bypass some miles from the airport. Will Tegan find her way into the TARDIS? Will The Master get his revenge on The Doctor? And just who is the Watcher? All will be...

Tread Perilously -- Doctor Who: The Invisible Enemy show art Tread Perilously -- Doctor Who: The Invisible Enemy

Tread Perilously

Tread Perilously continues to celebrate 90 years of Tom Baker with the Doctor Who story called "The Invisible Enemy." When the Virus of the Nucleus of the Swarm makes contact with human astronauts on a relief mission to Titan in the year 5000, The Doctor and Leela are also caught up in events. Soon, The Doctor is infected with the Nucleus itself while Leela is strangely immune. The pair arrive on a medical asteroid. The Doctor asks renowned scientist Dr. Marius to clone him and miniaturize the clone so The Doctor can take a fantastic voyage inside his own body. Will it stop the...

Tread Perilously -- Doctor Who: Pyramid Of Mars show art Tread Perilously -- Doctor Who: Pyramid Of Mars

Tread Perilously

Tread Perilously's celebration of Tom Baker's 90th year continues with the Doctor Who story called "Pyramids of Mars." A quirk in time and space forces the TARDIS to land at UNIT HQ some 60 years before it is built. Instead, they find a priory owned by archeologist Marcus Scarman. For his part, the explorer has been possessed by Sutek, an alien imprisoned under a Saqaara pyramid for millennia. Will The Doctor and Sarah Jane figure out the Osirian's plan before he launches a rocket at Mars or will the bodies of hapless Edwardians keep piling up? Erik points out the Robert Holmes hidden in...

More Episodes

Tread Perilously's Failed Prestige month continues with the second episode of Hap and Leonard, "The Bottoms."

Hap is still trying to find the bridge from his childhood that will lead to the river that, in turn, will lead to the money Howard hired him to find. Leonard is less sure as Howard's goons are both dumb and dangerous. He also gets a phone call that will force him to leave town. Later, Hap finds himself in a show of bravado with Howard and facing renewed affections from his ex-wife, Trudy. Will it turn out she's been withholding the real location of the river?

Erik is thrilled to see James Purefoy in a series, but is unsure about the episode as a discrete segment of story. The rest of the cast, which includes Michael Kenneth Williams as Leonard, Christina Hendricks as Trudy, and an almost unrecognizable Neil Sandilands as one of Howard's goons are also welcome even as the plot flounders. Howard's actor, however, ends up being the one Erik and Justin want to recast. Justin tries to recall if he finished Hap and Leonard's first season. Erik's opinion of Ahsoka slides a little bit. A wild Jimmi Simpson appears and the pair debate whether or not connective tissue episodes work.