Micro-fiction 097 – Kingdom of Lies (Post Apocalypse series)
Podcasts | These Fantastic Worlds
Release Date: 10/12/2021
Podcasts | These Fantastic Worlds
The tenth of Ten Norse Myths. Ragnarok, the Twilight of the Gods, the destruction of the worlds, the dramatic death duel of light and dark... Ragnarok. The end of the world had been prophesied from its beginning, and everyone across the world knew what to expect when Ragnarok fell upon them. For Ragnarok was the twilight of the gods, an end to the golden years of Asgard, an end to the palaces of delight, an end to the timeless world where nothing could interfere. It was the death of Balder that set the stage for the end of the world, and it was Loki’s crimes which laid in place the main...
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The ninth Norse Myth of ten, brings us to the death of Baldur, one of the most famous laments of Viking legend... The Death of Baldur. To Odin and Frigga were born twin sons as dissimilar in character and physical appearance as it was possible for two children to be. Hodur, god of darkness, was sombre, taciturn, and blind, like the obscurity of sin, which he was supposed to symbolise, while his brother Baldur, the beautiful, was worshipped as the pure and radiant god of innocence and light. From his snowy brow and golden locks seemed to radiate beams of sunshine which gladdened the hearts...
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This eighth Norse Myth of ten, tells of the dynasty of the Volsungs, the heroes of the North, the family of Sigurd, Sigmund and Sigi, born of Odin... The Heroes of the Volsungs. The story of the Volsungs begins with Sigi, a son of Odin, a powerful man, and generally respected, until he killed another man out of jealousy, the latter having slain more game when they were out hunting together. In consequence of this crime, Sigi was driven from his own land and declared an outlaw. But it seems that he had not entirely forfeited Odin’s favour, for the god now provided him with a well-equipped...
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In this, the seventh Norse Myth of ten, the mighty sword of the Viking God Tyr grants victory and death in equal measure across great empires... Tyr’s Sword Carves Destiny and Victory. Tyr, Tiu, or Ziu was the son of Odin, and, according to different storytellers, his mother was Frigga, queen of the gods, or a beautiful giantess whose name is unknown, but who was a personification of the raging sea. He is the god of martial honour, and one of the twelve principal deities of Asgard. Although he appears to have had no special dwelling there, he was always welcome to Vingolf or Valhalla,...
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This sixth Norse Myth is the tale of Heimdall, the Guardian of the Rainbow Bridge, his adventures with the people of Midgard, and his battle with Loki... Heimdall in Midgard. Heimdall was called the watchman of the gods, and he was distinguished by his role at the Bifrost bridge, which he had constructed from fire, air and water, which glowed as a rainbow in the sky. The Bifrost bridge was also called the Rainbow bridge, and it connected heaven with earth, ending just under the great tree Yggdrasill. *** The golden age of Asgard was one of such happiness that there was never any threat to...
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This fifth Norse Myth is the last tale of Loki, not the charming, trickster of the Marvel Universe, but the dark God of the Vikings Age... The Legends of Loki. Besides the hideous giant Utgard-Loki, the personification of mischief and evil, whom Thor and his companions visited in Jötunheim, the ancient Northern nations had another type of sin, whom they called Loki also. In the beginning, Loki was merely the epitome of the hearth fire and of the spirit of life. At first a god, he gradually becomes “god and devil combined,” and ends in being held in general detestation as an exact...
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The fourth of ten Norse myths tells of the story of the Thor and how he gained his hammer through the wicked machinations of the mischievous Loki. The Legend of Thor. Thor was one of the twelve principal deities of Asgard, and he lived in the splendid realm of Thrudvang, where he built a palace called Bilskirnir. Here he lived as god of thunder, and his name was invoked more than any other in the age of the Vikings. For Thor was the protector of the land, a fine figure of a man with glowing eyes, firm muscles, and a red beard that made him instantly recognizable. He became known across the...
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The third of ten Norse myths tells of the story of the Valkyrie, Odin's shield maidens who bring the fallen heroes of battle to the everlasting rewards of Valhalla. The Valkyrs. Odin’s special attendants, the Valkyrs, or battle maidens, were either his daughters, like Brunhild, or the offspring of mortal kings, maidens who were privileged to remain immortal and invulnerable as long as they implicitly obeyed the god and remained virgins. They and their steeds were the personification of the clouds, their glittering weapons being the lightning flashes. The ancients imagined that they swept...
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The second of ten Norse myths tells of Odin and Frigga in Valhalla in Asgard, and their sons Thor, Balder and the first gods of the Vikings... Odin and Frigga in Asgard. Odin was the son of Bor, and the brother of Vili and Ve. He was the most supreme god of the Northern races and he brought great wisdom to his place at the helm of all gods. He was called Allfather, for all gods were said to have descended from him, and his esteemed seat was Asgard itself. He held a throne there, one in an exalted and prestigious position, and it served as a fine watchtower from which he could look over men...
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The first of ten Norse myths that cover Odin, Loki, Thor and more, we begin, fittingly, with the creation of the universe as seen through the eyes of the Vikings... The Creation of the Universe. In the beginning, before there was anything at all, there was a nothingness that stretched as far as there was space. There was no sand, nor sea, no waves nor earth nor heavens. And that space was a void that called to be filled, for its emptiness echoed with a deep and frozen silence. So it was that a land sprung up within that silence, and it took the place of half the universe. It was a land...
info_outlineFrom the far future comes a story within a story, of the dangers of believing without questioning, of lies that become truths…
Kingdom of Lies.
Some time in the far future there is a great Bazaar that gathers the people of all regions to its stalls. Spices and coffee, flowing silks and precious metals, carved boxes and beautiful musical instruments all adorn the walls and the canopy, surrounded by a collision of sounds and fragrances that dance across the ancient market square.
In a corner, shaded from the sun sits a weary old man, Naji, resting his arms on the chair formed from the limbs of his weathered metal companion Rafiq. He found his way here many years ago, one of the last citizens of a now forgotten place, to ply his new trade as a storyteller. Before him sits a small audience, cross-legged on the dusty ground. Naji is well-loved for his tales and wisdom, especially by the young folk who listen with awe at his musings on magic and dragons, on metal monsters and terrible tales of destruction.
“Today I bring a story of a City that Lies in the West, a magnificent, sprawling achievement, a vast island metropolis in the stormy lake systems of the Continent of Eurasia. It is a tale of human weakness, the dangers of hubris, and the seductions of power.”
“Excuse me sir,” a young voice rises, “with respect, how can you know of such things?”
“Ah my young friend, I learned a bitter lesson from the death of my family, my friends, and the home of my birth.”
“The young man meant no offence.” A woman mumbled.
“No indeed, and I have taken none, for I’ve learned we must all speak up, we must listen to what we are told is true, for that is the tragedy of the City that Lies in the West, for it was in fact, the City that Lies, a hollow Kingdom where none would seek to question the powerful.”
“Can it be real?”
Murmurs flickered across the audience like leaves in a breeze.
“It was all too real, my friends. Both Rafiq and I are two of only five survivors of a City that once counted a million people within its realm.” Naji patted the hip of his metal companion, receiving a drowsy nod in response.
“So why have we not heard of it?”
“Because it fell victim to its own fabrications, it believed its own lies. Once upon a time, in spite of its stormy location it was a fabled City, beautiful and industrious, a hub of trade and influence, it exchanged great ambassadors from around the world, it helped other Cities in conflict, and of course made its share of mistakes. In time though, as more Cities grew, and people yearned to discover more distant lands, there fell upon the City a terrible affliction.”
“You mean the lies sir?”
“Well, everyone tells lies, little white lies to spare people’s feelings, lies of convenience so as not to cause offence, and lies of course to steal and cheat. There is a balance in life where the scales of good and bad intentions seem to measure out over time. In the case of that City, a thousand years passed before the balance shifted.”
“So that was the affliction?”
“Well, it was the point where lies and truth became the same. The entire City was infected as it were, and found it could not tell one from the other, and leading busy lives most people shrugged their shoulders and carried on.”
“We don’t have time to think these days.” Everyone laughed.
“Yes, yes, tragically, no time to think. Soon, the City became a Kingdom of Lies. It had elected a Council, and a leader, Almund who started only with the little fabrications, as all politicians do when bending of a truth for convenience. But all too often, the trappings of power bring a cunning for political survival, and over time fewer and fewer people noticed that Almund valued his supporters more than the truth. When a member of his council lied about gaining property illegally, or used their position to influence decisions for their own benefit, there was no reprimand, no consequence. When climate experts warned about flood defences, they were dismissed, their evidence misplaced but Almund was clever for himself and quietly dismantled all the instruments of commonwealth, and named himself King.”
“But didn’t people know?”
“Oh yes, the street media, the networks, they all clamoured with criticism but Almund was confident and popular. The people saw him as their champion so they closed their eyes to any faults. He became more confident, dismissed all advisors who did not tell him what he wanted to be true. All “so-called experts” were replaced by those whose primary qualification was their support for Almund the Clever.
“His rallies were conventions for true believers, and whatever he said was repeated everywhere. When he said how many bridges he had built, when in fact he had pulled most of them down to use their raw materials, they believed him, and when he said the seasonal rains were getter shorter, when they were much worse, they, the true believers, and anyone who bothered to take notice, believed him.
“Almund the Clever appointed his own judges, his head of police and military, health and education. Those who agreed with him gained the best in all things, those who did not were ignored so in time, night became day, lies became truth, facts became debatable, science and economics were withdrawn as respectable disciplines in universities, the construction robots once seen on every street fell into disuse as the parts to maintain them could no longer be bought. And the lack of food in the shops was not to do with the destruction of the bridges, but simply a terrible plot to remove Almund the Clever and his good works.
“Why didn’t rest of the people leave?”
“With Almund’s cronies in power at every level, just a hint of complaint would bring a midnight raid, prison and a long wait for a trial that would never come.”
“So it had gone too far.” The audience was unsettled by Naji’s tale.
“So far that when the seasonal rains began just fifty years ago, the great storms brought such floods as have never been seen. Almund the Clever assured everyone that no special action was necessary, that all was fine, that a great new era of prosperity awaited all who believed.”
“But the rains still came, and the rivers rose, the lakes surrounding the Kingdom of Lies swelled, breaking into every street, pouring into the cellars, the prisons, engorging the drains, and soon the winds broke across the buildings, collapsing them into the waves.
“Where was Almund?”
“He was spotted with his entourage trying to leave in his own plane, but the storm was so strong the wings could not lift so, it is said, he headed towards the last bridge and tried to force his way across.”
“So did he flee with the people?”
“Well he tried, but the bridge collapsed under the weight of the thousands trying to leave. He died with them all.”
“And the City?”
“Drowned. Nothing left above the water.”
The audience allowed a silence to gather.
“So how did you escape?” a voice at the back emerged.
“Ah, well, I was trained as a weather scientist. I lost my job at a university but I knew what was coming, so I left a month before.”
“Did you try to rescue others?”
“Oh, I did. Every day I would sit opposite the last bridge and send drones to my friends with messages about the weather. But very few read them. Eventually three did come, and brought my friend Rafiq here, but then the drones stopped returning. All was lost the bridge collapsed.”
“So the City that Lies in the West is real? It lies under water?”
“Oh, and it’s not just history, its a present danger, a threat. Truth is a difficult thing, often excruciating, rarely complete, but the gathering of evidence, the investigation of facts, the questioning of motives, these are true tests, proper tests, for all of us, because lies are so easy to accept when told by the confident and the powerful.”
“So is that it?” the small voice from earlier rose above the babble of the audience.
“Just one thing, a question for all of us, one we must ask ourselves from time to time: with so many things in the world beyond our control, do we too live in a Kingdom of Lies?”
Part of a new series of micro-fiction stories, released as These Fantastic Worlds SF & Fantasy Fiction Podcast on iTunes, Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, Vurbl and Stitcher and more. Also on this blog, These Fantastic Worlds.
Text, image, audio © 2021 Jake Jackson, thesefantasticworlds.com. Thanks to Frances Bodiam and Elise Wells, Logic ProX, Sound Studio, the Twisted Wave Recorder App, and Scrivener.
More Tales, More Audio
There are many other great stories in this series, including:
- The Green Man
- Time Now
- Artificial Intelligence
- Clone
- Complicit
- Cosmic Hall
- Lost Voice
- Daily Mask
- The Big Man
- Ophelia A.I.
And a carousel of 10 audio stories from the podcast with information about submissions.
Here's a related post, 5 Steps to the SF and Fantasy Podcasts.