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Episode 2 - Maths Colours and Destinations

The Sphere Of Time

Release Date: 04/28/2008

Episode 14 - Afterthoughts show art Episode 14 - Afterthoughts

The Sphere Of Time

Well you can't end on episode 13 can you? This isn't so much an episode, more a review of how this book came to be written and some background behind the characters. Don't forget to check out the next book in the series The Sphere of Travel (TSOT2) also available from Podiobooks.com

Episode 13 - Lessons Learned show art Episode 13 - Lessons Learned

The Sphere Of Time

Adrift at sea, having narowly escaped being blown up, John faced the dilema to remain floating in the sea and watch the sphere be dragged away from him,or swim like mad to get back to the sphere and stand the chance of yet again being dragged into the vortex and through the tunnel to somewhere else.  He decides on the latter course, but does he make it back to the sphere in time?  Is he dragged back through the vortex to face the same nightmare again?

Episode 12 -Reflections show art Episode 12 -Reflections

The Sphere Of Time

John splashes down in the sea again, but what sea, where and when? Has his trip affected the flow of time? Will David and the Research boat even exist let alone find John and the sphere? What fate lays before john now? If this is the earth that he has landed on, has John brought doom and destruction back with him through the black hole tunnel?

Episode 11 - And It Shall Come To Pass show art Episode 11 - And It Shall Come To Pass

The Sphere Of Time

Is John facing a self imposed death sentence, cast adrift in the sphere. Both vessels, the ship and sphere battle with the weather. Then something else enters the equation, but just what is it and what will be the outcome? John cannot believe what he reads on his laptop, surely it just cannot be true?

Episode 10 - One Crisis To Another show art Episode 10 - One Crisis To Another

The Sphere Of Time

Faced with the evidence put before the Captain, how will John get out of this situation. John has to find a way to save his very life, he must muster whatever cunning he can to get out of the situation. Then as if that isn't bad enough the weather changes and the USS Alabama is facing its own trials. What do the next few hours hold in store for John and the crew of the USS Alabama?

Episode 9 - Judge Yea Not For Yea Shall Also show art Episode 9 - Judge Yea Not For Yea Shall Also

The Sphere Of Time

Surprisingly John manages to get some sleep, but has a rude awakening when the morning comes around. He is carted off under arrest yet again, but why, what has changed? Did the Captain take exception after all to John's comments last night? Has someone accused him of doing something he hasn't done? You'll jolly well have to listen to find out.

Episode 7 - Hot Conversation show art Episode 7 - Hot Conversation

The Sphere Of Time

In this episode John is injured, he gets to know a bit more about the crew, takes a tour of the ship (well at least the deck) and finds himself in the thick of some very uncomfortable crosstalk. At least the dinner looks and tastes good.

Episode 8 - The Accused show art Episode 8 - The Accused

The Sphere Of Time

In the last episode, John was invited to take another walk around the deck, but this time by the Captain. John hears the Captains version of events concerning the missing officer. Then is asked to judge how a court martial hearing would view the evidence against the Captain. Find out how John copes with being cornered yet again.

Episode 5 - Treading on Egg Shells show art Episode 5 - Treading on Egg Shells

The Sphere Of Time

John has found himself on a steam ship, the USS Alabama, but where is it and what time frame? John finds himself facing an inquisition from a Lieutenant Kinsey, who orders that John be taken to the ship's jail. Great, he arrives somewhere safely, only to find himself locked up in another form of cell. Will John ever get out again? You'll have to listen to find out.

Episode 6 - In Judgement show art Episode 6 - In Judgement

The Sphere Of Time

John finds himself in very difficult circumstances again. He finds himself having to be very careful not only what he says but also how he says it. He is presented with evidence about an incident that occurred recently and is asked to judge if the captain had been guilty of murder.

More Episodes

David has agreed to join John on his expedition to see if his time travel idea works, we join them as they are traveling around the Bermuda triangle an area renowed for ships and aircraft disappearances. in the last episode John told of the theory that the disappearances were due to a black hole who's opening appears periodically in the Bermuda triangle area. David has found a way of predicting where the next black hole will appear, or at least its outward appearance of a storm. However he is having a bit of trouble with his mathematical prediction model.