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Ep 40 Eric Edmeades, Founder of Wildfit, Discusses How To Optimise The Immune System & Emotional Eating

The Vitality Secret Podcast - Defy Disease, Combat Common Illnesses And Stay Young

Release Date: 05/15/2020

Ep 56 - Reversing Stage 2 Lymphoma with Mark Restivo show art Ep 56 - Reversing Stage 2 Lymphoma with Mark Restivo

The Vitality Secret Podcast - Defy Disease, Combat Common Illnesses And Stay Young

When Mark was handed a stage two lymphoma diagnosis, he faced a crossroads: follow the well-trodden path of conventional treatment, or forge his own trail toward healing. Opting for the latter, Mark's story becomes our guide on a transformative journey of self-healing, as he walks us through the profound lifestyle changes that not only gave him a second chance at life but also opened his eyes to the body's remarkable healing ability. In this episode, we explore the "Four Pillars of Vitality" - Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Energetic. Mark has an engineering mind, which at the time meant he...

Ep 55 - Embracing Limitless Potential with Lianna Neilson And Our experiences at Dr Joe Dispenza’s Advanced Retreat show art Ep 55 - Embracing Limitless Potential with Lianna Neilson And Our experiences at Dr Joe Dispenza’s Advanced Retreat

The Vitality Secret Podcast - Defy Disease, Combat Common Illnesses And Stay Young

Lianna Neilson, a fellow health warrior and founder of Healthy By Lianna, shares how she went from crippling anxiety and depression to finding alleviation with high-quality nutrition, meditation, and the teachings of Dr. Joe Dispenza. We met at an advanced Dr Joe Dispenza retreat. We discussed the remarkable power of the human body to heal itself, the importance of gut health, and the phenomenal power of meditation, covering highlights of our experiences at Dr Joe Dispenza's Advanced retreat in Cancun. Lianna shares her inspiring personal healing journey from physical and emotional ailments...

Ep 54 - Extend Life Span With Nobel Prize-Winning Molecule - Chris Burres, MyVitalC show art Ep 54 - Extend Life Span With Nobel Prize-Winning Molecule - Chris Burres, MyVitalC

The Vitality Secret Podcast - Defy Disease, Combat Common Illnesses And Stay Young

Are you interested in learning about the fascinating discovery of a molecule that could have an impact on longevity and health? Then you should definitely check out the latest episode featuring Chris Burris, a nanomaterials scientist who stumbled upon this molecule that could extend the lifespan of Wistar rats by 90%. In this episode, Chris shares his journey of how he ended up in the supplement industry and explains the potential benefits of this molecule for human health. He also talks about the peer-reviewed published research on a mammal that has shown the longest longevity experimental...

Ep 53 - Julie Michelson's Journey of Overcoming Rheumatoid Arthritis Naturally show art Ep 53 - Julie Michelson's Journey of Overcoming Rheumatoid Arthritis Naturally

The Vitality Secret Podcast - Defy Disease, Combat Common Illnesses And Stay Young

Julie Michelson, a health coach, shares her journey of overcoming rheumatoid arthritis naturally after 11 years of Western medicine treatment. In this episode, Julie talks about how she went from being a newly single mother of three to being unable to work and feeling hopeless about her health. She discusses how her mindset played a role in her declining health and how her youngest daughter's fear of losing her changed her life. Julie - Show notes Julie talks about how she made a promise to her daughter to do everything she could to get better and started with her diet, going gluten-free to...

Ep 52 - Unlocking the Power of Energy Medicine with Beth Daniel-Jones show art Ep 52 - Unlocking the Power of Energy Medicine with Beth Daniel-Jones

The Vitality Secret Podcast - Defy Disease, Combat Common Illnesses And Stay Young

Beth Daniel-Jones is the founder of Healing Solutions, a unique energy medicine approach to healing. Beth reveals her personal healing journey beginning with cancer in her mid-20s, to various autoimmune conditions, to being told she was a "universal reactor" (allergic to a wide variety of foods and substances), sampling a wide variety of modalities for healing with an attempt to find the answers. Beth's  life turned around when she discovered energy medicine. She emphasizes the importance of addressing the underlying causes of health issues. She shares her success stories of helping...

Ep 51 - A Radical Remission of Cancer After Being Told He Would Die Unless He Operated - With Dr Darin Deterra show art Ep 51 - A Radical Remission of Cancer After Being Told He Would Die Unless He Operated - With Dr Darin Deterra

The Vitality Secret Podcast - Defy Disease, Combat Common Illnesses And Stay Young

Imagine being given the Big C diagnosis and also being told you had a 100% chance of death - if you didn't operate. Dr Darin decided to not operate, and followed the holistic path to get to the cause. Four months later he was in remission.  If you have listened to other episodes of this podcast, you'll likely have detected a theme to everyone's recovery. It has always required addressing many or all angles of health & body. I call these the Four Pillars of Vitality. Dr Darin is now proficient in Energy Medicine (which I wholeheartedly believe will be the way of the future - we are energy...

Ep 50 - Mark Hinds, Founder Of Resonant Technologies Group Discusses Resonance And Vitality show art Ep 50 - Mark Hinds, Founder Of Resonant Technologies Group Discusses Resonance And Vitality

The Vitality Secret Podcast - Defy Disease, Combat Common Illnesses And Stay Young

This is an episode that I expect to fill you with hope as we venture into the Quantum. Mark Hinds is the CEO and Founder of Resonant Technologies Group. He is also working closely with Nassim Haremein. Mark´s superpower is in working to support the extraordinary minds and souls of the individuals on Planet Earth that understand the emerging field of resonance physics. Resonance physics is the science that explains the most vexing challenges in physics, in science, in natural resources, in energy, in human health can all be solved by understanding and emulating how nature functions.  ...

Ep 49 - Using Visualisation To Reverse A Spinal Chord Injury - with Terry Tillman show art Ep 49 - Using Visualisation To Reverse A Spinal Chord Injury - with Terry Tillman

The Vitality Secret Podcast - Defy Disease, Combat Common Illnesses And Stay Young

This is a fascinating discussion with Terry Tillman as he reveals how he went from being paralysed to walking again against all odds, using visualisation. He used the same technique to regain his eyesight and at 79 does not wear glasses. He has been implementing teachings such as those by Dr Joe Dispenza, with no prior knowledge of his work. Terry knew intuitively that he could heal himself.  SHOW NOTES Video (edited due to censoring) can be found here: 2mins - a “recovered business man”  The trappings of success, houses, cars, football seats, inside was bankcrupt  4 -...

Ep 48 - Using Virtual Reality To Facilitate Healing - With Parker Howell show art Ep 48 - Using Virtual Reality To Facilitate Healing - With Parker Howell

The Vitality Secret Podcast - Defy Disease, Combat Common Illnesses And Stay Young

Can Virtual Reality (VR) technology be used to tap into your body´s innate healing abilities? Parker Howell is a revolutionary designer of VR technology who has helped a close mutual friend with stroke damage regain function in his right arm with VR-aided visualisation and movement. And more. Here we discuss using this technology to tap into your body´s own healing abilities. We reference the work of Dr Joe Dispenza and making healing, fun. This is fascinating!   Show Notes  2 mins - Parker´s intro to Virtual Reality. Dancing with the Stars. Jennifer Lopez, other celebs...

Ep 47 - How ASEA Helps Us To Tap Into Our Body's True Healing Potential - With Sean Entin & Dr David Silverman show art Ep 47 - How ASEA Helps Us To Tap Into Our Body's True Healing Potential - With Sean Entin & Dr David Silverman

The Vitality Secret Podcast - Defy Disease, Combat Common Illnesses And Stay Young

The road to healing is rarely straightforward. It is often filled with agony, and the search for a method to alleviate our conditions can be frustrating and long drawn-out. That said, individual success is found in a myriad of ways – and for my guests, Sean Entin and Dr. David Silverman, it was through ASEA. At least, the latest part of Sean´s journey, was with this powerful product.  After suffering from a severe training head injury that left him in a coma, Sean had exhausted all avenues to healing his body - both medical and holistic. It wasn’t until he met Dr. Silverman who...

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Eric Edmeades is an internationally recognized business speaker, film producer and serial entrepreneur. Eric is the founder of WildFit that has enabled tens of thousands of people to achieve extraordinary results with their health and bodies. With his other programs, they have served over 100,000 people. Eric is a man in the know when it comes to immune health and what it takes to look after your body to protect you from bugs and viruses.  

Show Notes 

3 mins - Eric’s story, sick all the time, acne 

4 mins - Prescribed various medications and tonsillectomy at 21

5 - Experimented with foods and 2 weeks later looked in the mirror, new ability to breathe

6 - How he avoided the tonsillectomy. 

7 - Asked his doctor how long he’d spent studying food in medical school 

8 - Symptom-masking treatments & stepping beyond the mainstream

9 - A car analogy on treating the engine of the body   

10 - Emotional Eating - People don’t fail with diets, diets fail them

11 - 25,000 served in 130 countries in core 90-day program, 100,000 in other programs. 85% success rater of alteration of food psychology

12 - “Nutritional Anthropologist” title given to him in UK. 

13 - 85-95% completion rate on 90-day program. Food Psychology. Neurology. 

14 - In the midst of editing a book on diabetes  

15 - Disassociating with labels of ‘diseases’ 

16 - Discussing inflammation - cause behind the cause - it’s a response 

17 - The Romans new if someone had a sugar disease 

18 - Inflammation, the Immune system & Covid - His talk in England and Mindvalley

19 - What is missing in the mainstream about advice being out in the mainstream, how medical professionals attacked him 

20 - Strengthening the immune system - analogy. Immunity & antibodies. Your defence team.  

21 - Science Advisor who sampled 1000 cover deaths - 88%…had pre-existing condition 

22 - In America, our young people are not healthy  

23 - What would have happened in the 1960s? Lifestyle diseases

24 - Blurring of the codes - Specific Code, general ones

25 - How are the figures wrong? Under reporting and over reporting of statistics. Tests aren’t accurate. 2nd code - correlative death. Numbers are wrong. 

26 - 50-80% of diagnosed have no symptoms 

27 - Sweden - are they doing the right thing?

28 - Strength of Immunity at Tony Robbins’ event

29 - What better time to rid the body of chronic inflammation? 

30 - Does one size fit all?

31 - Customised nutrition programmes / metabolism & sensitivities

32 - At the core, every species has an evolved diet

33 - Diet is way of life  

34 - How to Eric is not a beaver! 

35 - How Eric used to be a vegan, blood type diets. 

36 - Energy dropped 

37 - Inconvenient truths & hunting 

38 - Training for a marathon 

39 - Meat dreaming 

43 - How WildFit works 

44 - 85% completion rate on digital program. Almost unheard of. 

45 - Zumba founder: “You’ve created a program that sticks to them”

46 - Changing old paradigms and installing new beliefs and behaviours 

47 - What better time to look after the immune system than right now? 

48 - Effectiveness of flu vaccines vs effectiveness of not being sick! 

49 - Eric’s #1 Vitality Secret 

50 - The best way to serve the immune system 

You can access the program here: 

GetWildFit.com (90 days)

GetWildFit.com (14 Day Reset)

@EricEdmeades on Instagram