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S13E6: “The English War” by Dorothy L. Sayers

The Well Read Poem

Release Date: 09/18/2023

S17E4: S17E4: "To a Republican Friend" by Matthew Arnold

The Well Read Poem

Welcome back to Season 17 of the Well Read Poem! This season's theme is "When Homer Nods: Bad Poetry by Good Poets." Until this season, our readings on The Well Read Poem have nearly all been drawn from the well of the great, or at least the good, waters of poetry, which would of course take a lifetime and more to exhaust. And so it has been deemed appropriate at summer's close, as we return to school and the daily round, that we should partake slightly of a few select vintages of bad poetry by otherwise accomplished poets for the sake of variety and the amusement of all. Today's...

S17E3: S17E3: "Sonnet 11: On the Desecration Which Followed My Writing Certain Treatises" by John Milton

The Well Read Poem

Welcome back to Season 17 of the Well Read Poem! This season's theme is "When Homer Nods: Bad Poetry by Good Poets." Until this season, our readings on The Well Read Poem have nearly all been drawn from the well of the great, or at least the good, waters of poetry, which would of course take a lifetime and more to exhaust. And so it has been deemed appropriate at summer's close, as we return to school and the daily round, that we should partake slightly of a few select vintages of bad poetry by otherwise accomplished poets for the sake of variety and the amusement of all. Today's...

S17E2: S17E2: "The Death of King Charles II" by John Dryden

The Well Read Poem

Welcome back to Season 17 of the Well Read Poem! This season's theme is "When Homer Nods: Bad Poetry by Good Poets." Until this season, our readings on The Well Read Poem have nearly all been drawn from the well of the great, or at least the good, waters of poetry, which would of course take a lifetime and more to exhaust. And so it has been deemed appropriate at summer's close, as we return to school and the daily round, that we should partake slightly of a few select vintages of bad poetry by otherwise accomplished poets for the sake of variety and the amusement of all. Today's...

S17E1: S17E1: "On the Jubilee of Queen Victoria" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson

The Well Read Poem

Welcome back to Season 17 of the Well Read Poem! This season's theme is "When Homer Nods: Bad Poetry by Good Poets." Until this season, our readings on The Well Read Poem have nearly all been drawn from the well of the great, or at least the good, waters of poetry, which would of course take a lifetime and more to exhaust. And so it has been deemed appropriate at summer's close, as we return to school and the daily round, that we should partake slightly of a few select vintages of bad poetry by otherwise accomplished poets for the sake of variety and the amusement of all. Today's...

S16E6: S16E6: "Summer" by Christina Rossetti

The Well Read Poem

Welcome to the final episode in Season 16 of The Well Read Poem podcast! Since summer is upon us, we thought it right to present six poems written on one subject or another in some way inspired by the present season. These works are of a diversity of hands, times, and moods, and we hope that they will add something pleasant to your reading life as the days and nights grow warmer. Today's poem is "Summer" by Christina Rossetti. Poem reading begins at timestamp 3:06 or 6:44. To learn more about Thomas Banks, visit , and to listen to our flagship podcast, head to . You can also find free...

S16E5: S16E5: "On the Move" by Thom Gunn

The Well Read Poem

Welcome back to Season 16 of The Well Read Poem podcast! Since summer is upon us, we thought it right to present six poems written on one subject or another in some way inspired by the present season. These works are of a diversity of hands, times, and moods, and we hope that they will add something pleasant to your reading life as the days and nights grow warmer. Today's poem is "On the Move" by Thom Gunn. Poem reading begins at timestamp 4:01. To learn more about Thomas Banks, visit , and to listen to our flagship podcast, head to . You can also find free downloadable, printable files with...

S16E4: S16E4: "Adlestrop" by Edward Thomas

The Well Read Poem

Welcome back to Season 16 of The Well Read Poem podcast! Since summer is upon us, we thought it right to present six poems written on one subject or another in some way inspired by the present season. These works are of a diversity of hands, times, and moods, and we hope that they will add something pleasant to your reading life as the days and nights grow warmer. Today's poem is "Adlestrop" by Edward Thomas. Poem readings begin at timestamps 3:07 and 6:08. To learn more about Thomas Banks, visit , and to listen to our flagship podcast, head to . You can also find free downloadable, printable...

S16E3: S16E3: "July, 1964" by Donald Davie

The Well Read Poem

Welcome back to Season 16 of The Well Read Poem podcast! Since summer is upon us, we thought it right to present six poems written on one subject or another in some way inspired by the present season. These works are of a diversity of hands, times, and moods, and we hope that they will add something pleasant to your reading life as the days and nights grow warmer. Today's poem is "July, 1964" by Donald Davie. Poem readings begin at timestamps 3:30 and 7:29. To learn more about Thomas Banks, visit , and to listen to our flagship podcast, head to . You can also find free downloadable, printable...

S16E2: S16E2: "The Lonely Hunter" by William Sharp

The Well Read Poem

Welcome back to Season 16 of The Well Read Poem podcast! Since summer is upon us, we thought it right to present six poems written on one subject or another in some way inspired by the present season. These works are of a diversity of hands, times, and moods, and we hope that they will add something pleasant to your reading life as the days and nights grow warmer. Today's poem is "The Lonely Hunter" by William Sharp (pseudonym Fiona McLeod). Poem reading begins at timestamp 5:21. To learn more about Thomas Banks, visit , and to listen to our flagship podcast, head to . You can also find free...

S16E1: S16E1: "Summer Sun" by Robert Louis Stevenson

The Well Read Poem

Welcom to Season 16 of The Well Read Poem podcast! Since summer is upon us, we thought it right to present six poems written on one subject or another in some way inspired by the present season. These works are of a diversity of hands, times, and moods, and we hope that they will add something pleasant to your reading life as the days and nights grow warmer. Today's poem is "Summer Sun" by Robert Louis Stevenson. Poem readings begin at timestamp 4:03 and 6:17. To learn more about Thomas Banks, visit , and to listen to our flagship podcast, head to . You can also find free downloadable,...

More Episodes

For the thirteenth season of the Well Read Poem, we will be reading six poems about war. War is, of course, one of the oldest subjects that has inspired the imagination of poets. The first of our great epics has at its center the war of the Greeks against the Trojans and the deadly hatreds it inspires. In times neare to our own, poets have written about war both with enthusiasm and delight, as well as skepticism and horror at its brutalities. The poems we will share this season cover the span of many centuries.

Today's poem is "The English War" by Dorothy L. Sayers. Poem begins at timestamp 3:55. 

“The English War” 

by Dorothy L. Sayers

Praise God, now, for an English war
The grey tide and the sullen coast,
The menace of the urgent hour,
The single island, like a tower,
Ringed with an angry host.
This is the war that England knows,
When all the world holds but one man

King Philip of the galleons,
Louis, whose light outshone the sun’s,
The conquering Corsican.
When Europe, like a prison door,
Clangs, and the swift, enfranchised sea runs narrower than a village brook;
And men who love us not, yet look
To us for liberty;
When no allies are left, no help to count upon from alien hands,
No waverers remain to woo,
No more advice to listen to,
And only England stands.

This is the war we always knew,
When every county keeps her own,
When Kent stands sentry in the lane
And Fenland guards her dyke and drain, Cornwall, her cliffs of stone;
When from the Cinque Ports and the Wight,
From Plymouth Sound and Bristol Town,
There comes a noise that breaks our sleep,
Of the deep calling to the deep
Where the ships go up and down.
And near and far across the world
Hold open wide the water-gates,
And all the tall adventurers come
Homeward to England, and Drake’s drum Is beaten through the Straits.

This is the war that we have known
And fought in every hundred years,
Our sword, upon the last, steep path,
Forged by the hammer of our wrath
On the anvil of our fears.
Send us, O God, the will and power
To do as we have done before;
The men that ride the sea and air are the same men their fathers were
To fight the English war.

And send, O God, an English peace –
Some sense, some decency, perhaps
Some justice, too, if we are able,
With no sly jackals round our table,
Cringing for blood-stained scraps;
No dangerous dreams of wishful men
Whose homes are safe, who never feel
The flying death that swoops and stuns,
The kisses of the curtseying guns
Slavering their street with steel;
No dream, Lord God, but vigilance,
That we may keep, by might and main,
Inviolate seas, inviolate skies –
But if another tyrant rise,
Then we shall fight again.