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10 Minutes in a Dildo Fight with your Dad

The Yank Sizzler

Release Date: 03/14/2008

So back in 2004 the tiny & apparently now dead Catastrophic Records put out 2 10" EPs by 10 Minutes With My Dad. They were a two piece performance art band that rocked out an superbly raunchy 10-15 minute set in the London area. They became the talk of town with their dildo waving shenanigans and then they abruptly disappeared. The records are long out of print and the last few times I tried to correspond with the label I never got any response.

I only have a copy of one of the S/T EPs and would love to find the other.

If your party lacks some dysfunctional pizazz try throwing this on the ol' music box. By the time they sing about fucking their father you'll have twenty people asking you who the hell they are.

10 Minutes with My Dad - 10" S/T EP (2004 - Catastrophic)

1. Heavy Metal Parking Lot
2. Party with the Devil
3. Rock On Sister Child
4. Yesterday I Died