Some Noise
Quote: "It's a heated field." —Otto Pippenger About: A two-part story about a campaign trying to unseat Speaker Nancy Pelosi from her congressional seat leads to a much larger reckoning for the left. Show Notes: [00:30] “” by [01:10] “” by [03:45] On [04:00] “” by [04:30] “” to watch [06:30] Full results of to [06:45] h/t [07:30] Follow [08:50] Read Jasper’s 4,300-word essay [09:20] “” by [10:30] Recent in San Francisco San Francisco’s Light reading on More on the [11:30] Light reading on: [12:35] “” by [13:00] Related: AOC’s ...
info_outline Ep. 030 — Not Me, Us (Part I of II)Some Noise
Quote: "I'm a progressive, yeah." —U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi About: A two-part story about a campaign trying to unseat Speaker Nancy Pelosi from her congressional seat leads to a much larger reckoning for the left. Show Notes: [00:30] “” by [01:00] on [01:05] “” by [01:45] Light reading on [01:50] Light reading on [02:00] Light reading on , and [02:50] “” by [04:15] A profile of Shahid Buttar ( / ) And [04:45] Shahid Buttar ran against Nancy Pelosi in 2018 [05:20] “” by His A A A His His [05:25] on Shahid’s background [06:15] Related: ...
info_outline Ep 029 — For the Culture, Part IISome Noise
Quote: “Where do you want to start?” —Farhad Azad About: Afghanistan has far too often been referred to as a place where countries go to die, it is a graveyard of empires. This moniker has been cited so many times and for so long that it’s unclear who first said it. Even the Afghan community will recite this pride. But what a title like this fails to convey is that while this might be a country responsible for the many tombstones of others, it very well is also a moratorium of progress for itself, a state in perpetual arrested development. This is also a cemetery for countless Afghans...
info_outline Ep. 028 — For the Culture, Part ISome Noise
The first part of a multi-part series on Afghanistan and how culture, current events, and history complicate identity and what it means to be from there.
info_outline Ep. 027 — For the Culture: A PrologueSome Noise
This is a prologue to a multi-part series about the Afghan diaspora in America reclaiming their past and trying to grow from the present. It’s a story about culture, identity and authenticity. Show Notes: [00:30] “” by [00:55] Hit . ( / cognitu perceptu) [01:00] “” by [01:10] When LeBron James at J.R. Smith [01:20] The of Summer 2017 [01:30] Why the was awful The teaser to for old times sakes [01:45] Brigette Gabriel’s call to “” More on [02:10] The Southern Poverty Law Center’s on ACT for America [02:15] Saturday, June 10, 2017, “” take place...
info_outline Ep. 026 — We Too Shall PassSome Noise
In mere weeks, this country has seen COVID-19-related deaths rise past casualty totals for past wars and surprise attacks, sometimes passing those records daily. It seems like every day is filled with death.
info_outline Ep. 025 — F R I S C O (Part III of III)Some Noise
Whereas Part One looks into the origin of San Francisco’s F-word, and Part Two looks at the buildup and fallout of urban renewal in neighborhoods like Bayview-Hunters Point, Part Three looks at a far more sinister force and questions just how liberal and progressive this city really is.
info_outline Ep. 024 — F R I S C O (Part II of III)Some Noise
A podcast episode about the history of San Francisco's black neighborhoods
info_outline Ep. 023 — F R I S C O (Part I of III)Some Noise
The Story About San Francisco's F-Word
info_outline Ep. 022 — Bougie CoffeeSome Noise
A podcast episode about coffee.
info_outline“Thank you Mr. Machine...or Ms. Machine?”
—John Zerzan
What does one make of our future—like the one 50 years from now? The answer, or rather a possible answer, has a lot to do with choice and technology. Whether we survive or go extinct is, however, another question.
Show Notes:
- [01:20] A link to download the Park Mobile app
- [01:25] “Inamorata (Marimba Solo)” by Blue Dot Sessions
- [04:40] “Inside the Tower” by Visager
- [06:15] More on Clooneys Pub (SFGate)
- [06:40] Light reading on the James Comey hearings (CNN)
- [07:50] More on Peter Eckersley (Electronic Frontier Foundation)
- [08:20] Light reading on the latest allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 US Election (The New York Times)
- [09:40] “When in the West” by Blue Dot Sessions
- [09:45] Light reading on:
- The abacus (Ryerson University)
- The astrolabe (Smithsonian Magazine)
- The sundial (How Stuff Works)
- The analytical engine (ThoughtCo)
- And a worthwhile video on Charles Babbage
- And this Crash Course series on the history of computing is worth the watch
- [10:35] Related: How much Internet v.1 cost (Larry Press)
- [10:20] Newsreel from 1964 track meet between the US and USSR
- [10:35] Some worthwhile videos on how the Internet started:
- In animation form
- In SciShow series form with Part I, II and III
- And in a super-short condensed form
- [10:45] “Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks” (Computer History Museum)
- [11:25] Light reading on ARPANET (Live Science)
- Related: Original sketch of ARPANET (SRI International)
- Related: Room where the first message was sent (Gizmodo)
- Related: The growth of the Internet over the years (Vox)
- Related: An overview of the Internet (WebpageFX)
- Related: A list of Internet firsts
- Related: What happens every second on the Internet
- [11:55] “Gregorian Chant” by Kevin MacLeod
- [12:25] “Inside the Tower” by Visager
- [12:55] Some background on:
- TCP/IP Protocols and the individual behind it (WIRED)
- Advanced packet switching (Editor’s note: you should watch this)
- Email (
- Related: How the Internet was viewed in 1969 and in 1981
- [13:10] Light reading on the World Wide Web
- And on Tim Berners-Lee
- Related: Why it’s called surfing the web
- [13:30] What it was like being online in the 80s (Gizmodo)
- [13:50] Light reading on AOL (Fast Company)
- ...and Compuserve (Ars Technica)
- Animation illustrating “the series of tubes”
- Sound of a 56K dial up modem (
- [14:00] Light reading on the Eternal September (Wikipedia)
- Related: A guide on the Internet before it took off (TIME)
- [14:10] The man behind the “You Got Mail” audio (Great Big Story)
- [14:15] Light reading on the early browser days of Erwise, Mosaic and Netscape (Ars Technica)
- [14:25] Commercialization begins (New York Times)
- Sort of related: Vice President Al Gore logs onto the Internet (CSPAN)
- Also sort of related: Al Gore’s relationship with the Internet (Gizmodo)
- [14:25] “Astrisx” by Blue Dot Sessions
- [14:35] A montage of commercials—and a brilliant overview on the dotcom bubble (WIRED)
- [14:45] Is there a 2010s Tech Bubble? (in no particular order)
- [15:15] More on the more modern history of the Internet and related services
- [15:30] More on Aral Balkan (@aral)
- And on his mission for an independent Internet (Paste)
- [16:30] See the Ethical Design Manifesto here
- [18:00] Some short videos on how online advertising works:
- The evolution of online display advertising (IABUK)
- The life of a programmatic ad (Media Crossing)
- Background on real-time bidding (Acuity Ads)
- ...and one more pivot to video—the history of ads (Mashable)
- [20:10] More on Kevin Kelly (@Kevin2Kelly)
- Bio
- Author of
- Read his writing here (WIRED)
- Hear about his trip around the world (This American Life — First Act of the show)
- Read his “Network Nation” report here
- Light reading on the Whole Earth Catalog (Rolling Stone)
- And the WELL
- And his book Out of Control, which was a required reading for actors on The Matrix
- [22:50] “Cyclotrak” by Blue Dot Sessions
- [23:20] More on the Technium
- [25:45] “Drone Birch” by Blue Dot Sessions
- [27:30] See related study on early human brain vs. later human brain (Smithsonian Magazine)
- [27:40] Light reading on John Zerzan (The Guardian)
- [27:50] Light reading on the Unabomber (The Atlantic)
- [28:05] Kaczynski's Manifesto and its reviews
- [28:45] A 60 Minutes report on the Battle for Seattle (CBS News)
- [29:00] “Tralaga” by Blue Dot Sessions
- [29:40] Zerzan’s book—Elements of Refusal
- [29:45] More on Anarchy Radio
- [29:55] And a link to the Black and Green Review
- [32:50] Maker Faire 2017 (San Jose Mercury News)
- [33:40] See the tesla coil here
- [34:20] See Randy Gallegos’ paintings here
- [35:35] “Epilogue” by Visager
- [36:00] More on Jason Malcolm Stewart (@sabbathsoldier)
- [38:55] More on Ronald Moore (@rondmoore)
- See related Portlandia skit
- [40:00] Related: See Ray Kurzweil on the three technologies that will shape our future
- [40:30] More on Alex Schultink
- Related: Dr. Jennifer Doudna (New York Times)
- Related: Radiolab episode on CRISPR
- [43:40] More on Dr. Heather Berlin (@heather_berlin)
- An interview where Berlin discusses what happens to your brain on creativity (Studio 360)
- [47:40] Meet Pepper
- Inside Pepper (Nikkei Asian Review)
- [48:55] Light reading on Softbank (Wikipedia)
- [50:30] “How Realistic Is Westworld?” (Vulture)
- [50:55] Light reading on technological singularity (The Guardian)
- [51:05] Stephen Hawking on AI (BBC)
- [52:30] Kevin Kelly’s full takedown of the singularity (WIRED)
- [53:05] Kelly’s $1,000 bet with Kirk Sale (Wired)
- [57:05] “A Simple Blur” by Blue Dot Sessions
- [58:00] Light reading on the state of mental illness in the States (Salon)
- Related: Study finds more Americans suffering from stress, anxiety and depress (CBS News)
- [01:02:50] Recommended Podcast to Listen to Until the Next Show: Terrible, Thanks For Asking
- More at