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Liberty to live in Liberia/George Blamoh

To the Nations

Release Date: 12/13/2021

To the Nations Podcast: To the Nations Podcast: "Just what I wanted!" with Caryn England

To the Nations

A wrapped gift holds such promise. Maybe we really want that ugly Christmas sweater, but maybe we don’t. In this episode, Caryn England shares the secret of how good a gift-giver our soverign God is! Pack an Operation Christmas Child shoebox today!

To the Nations Podcast: Open Doors in Spain/Ted Blake show art To the Nations Podcast: Open Doors in Spain/Ted Blake

To the Nations

“You have privileges that other people don’t have and you have those privileges for a reason.” Our persecuted brothers and sisters need us but we need them too! Ignite your and your church’s faith. The Global Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church is Nov. 5, 2023.

Gen Z reaching Gen Z/Tracy and Kathryn Boyd show art Gen Z reaching Gen Z/Tracy and Kathryn Boyd

To the Nations

God is on the move. We have seen sparks of spiritual refreshing at the Asbury revival. Against all odds, the movie, Jesus Revolution, became a box office hit. Over 4,000 people were baptized in Southern California at the end of May 2023. Kathryn, a Gen Zer herself, invites us into the How to Life movement. 

Hope in the DRC Refugee Crisis/Pascal Ndagijimana show art Hope in the DRC Refugee Crisis/Pascal Ndagijimana

To the Nations

Multiple choice, who said, “If we don’t make Him known even during these challenging times how are people going to see us as people who have hope?” a) mega church pastor, b) Paul in the Bible, c) pastor in a DRC refugee camp

Caring for God’s Creation in Kenya/Miriam Smith show art Caring for God’s Creation in Kenya/Miriam Smith

To the Nations

Can’t wait to plant your garden? There’s something about seeing a dirt patch become a beautiful Eden. Eden Thriving grew out of who Miriam is and how the Lord cultivates her inner landscape. In this episode of To the Nations, hear about the impact on youth and the Kenyan communities.

Doing theology-Chicago/Tyran Laws show art Doing theology-Chicago/Tyran Laws

To the Nations

Fill in the blank with your context, “take the challenges and the questions of the (urban, suburban, rural…) context as the impetus for doing theology”. Then wrestle and dig into biblical truths to inform your response to those challenges and questions.

Work in the Wild 100’s – Chicago/Tyran Laws show art Work in the Wild 100’s – Chicago/Tyran Laws

To the Nations

Bravery begets bravery, so catch some listening to how the urban church is taking a stand occupying crime and violent hotspots in Chicago. Their bold belief in God can change the atmosphere!

Broken & Beautiful –Honduras/Rebecca Bell show art Broken & Beautiful –Honduras/Rebecca Bell

To the Nations

In this episode of To the Nations: You may not relate to preferring the street to your own bed or sniffing glue to deaden the pain, but every human knows difficulty in life and longs for love. You will find yourself thinking deeply about the meaning of love after hearing from Becca.

To the Nations Podcast: Hope after the Lebanon Blast with Mary show art To the Nations Podcast: Hope after the Lebanon Blast with Mary

To the Nations

When everything around you changes in an instant and any hope in what you see disappears, what next? Mary’s friend realized that she had been asleep but now she’s awake to an invisible, but very solid, Hope.

Bodywork in Ukraine with Christopher Hays and Evan Hunter show art Bodywork in Ukraine with Christopher Hays and Evan Hunter

To the Nations

Evan thought he was going to Moldova to help seminary leaders strategize their institutional development, but soon he was walking alongside those Ukrainian educational leaders as they began responding to the terror of war. You’ll hear how God has enlisted the Body of Christ to exercise new muscles in Eastern Europe. 

More Episodes

“God’s sense of humor” brought George from a poor, broken family to speak at the United Nations to confront old paradigms of helping. He reminds us of how God sees every human being, including you.