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Ep 39 Culhane Brewing Company

A Minnesota Trans-Atheist

Release Date: 07/30/2017

Ep 50 Stephanie Zvan show art Ep 50 Stephanie Zvan

A Minnesota Trans-Atheist

This episode I sit down via Skype with radio host, author, speaker, organizer, and activist Stephanie Zvan.  Stephanie has been a major impact on my life through her friendship, her writing, and her ability to bring people together in an effort to improve the world.  I'm grateful to have the chance to chat with her one on one, across a variety of topics from Minnesota Atheists to the conferences she has organized and some behind the scenes radio stuff.  I hope you enjoy this conversation.

Ep 49 Cup of Words with Paige Converse show art Ep 49 Cup of Words with Paige Converse

A Minnesota Trans-Atheist

Call the show at 612-643-1108 or email transatheistpod@outlook.com

Ep 48 Maddy is Interviewed show art Ep 48 Maddy is Interviewed

A Minnesota Trans-Atheist

My guest this episode is Shanna Felix, and she will actually be interviewing me.  Shanna is a 3rd year phD student with Georgia State University working on a dissertation relating to criminal justice where her field of study is criminology, queer criminology, and the experience perceptions of people who identify as queer have with the criminal justice system.

Ep 47 Everyone's Agnostic show art Ep 47 Everyone's Agnostic

A Minnesota Trans-Atheist

Ep 47

Bonus Episode Shout Out to Marissa Alexa McCool show art Bonus Episode Shout Out to Marissa Alexa McCool

A Minnesota Trans-Atheist

We’re here to bring you an extra special crossover episode in support of Marissa Alexa Lennox-Mccool. She is a podcaster, author, performer, speaker, ​and an LGBT rights and atheist activist. She co-founded the Trans Podcaster Visibility Network, she is the host of the podcasts The Inciting Incident and The Cis Are Getting Out of Hand, and she produces a few other shows and helps out numerous other podcasters in many ways, including being a rad guest.

Ep 46 Slurm Flirty Worm show art Ep 46 Slurm Flirty Worm

A Minnesota Trans-Atheist

This episode features an interview with a really fun punk band from the Pacific Northwest, Slurm Flirty Worm.  Slurm's drummer and back up vocalist (Abbi) is trans, and a listener local to Slurm helped connect Abbi and I.  The whole band, Abbi, Michael, & Zakk are awesome, and I had a lot of fun chatting with them about how they got their name, what kind of music they play, and of course which hot pockets are the best hot pockets.

Ep 45 Yannick Taylor show art Ep 45 Yannick Taylor

A Minnesota Trans-Atheist

Episode 45

Ep 44 Giving Birth as a Man show art Ep 44 Giving Birth as a Man

A Minnesota Trans-Atheist

My guest for this episode is Shane Armstrong-Phairchyld, artist, dad, and the branch co-director of the trans-youth education and support of Colorado. Shane was responding to a question Daylin had posted on facebook regarding the experiences of trans men who had given birth.  Shane was so willing to share that I asked if we would be willing to share his experiences here on this show as well.

Ep 43 Dr. Eric Meininger  show art Ep 43 Dr. Eric Meininger

A Minnesota Trans-Atheist

My guest this episode is Dr. Eric Meininger specializes in adolescent health with special emphasis on transgender adolescents and LGBT homeless youth.  After the interview stick around for “American Punk”, a track from the recently released “Burning Rubber” the newest EP from The Homobiles.

Ep 42 The Idaho Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence show art Ep 42 The Idaho Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence

A Minnesota Trans-Atheist

Call the show at 612-643-1108 or email  Facebook:  Twitter:  Instagram:  This podcast is proud to be a part of the Trans Podcaster Visibility Initiative:  Main show page is  The Trans Lifeline is  US:  and Canada:  Quick links 001:13 Brief personal transition story 007:58 Thank you 009:05 Interview with Jennifer Landuis - Director of Social change at The Idaho Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence 138:35 Mya Byrne, American Dream (so far away) My guest for this episode is Jennifer Landuis, she is the Director of Social...

More Episodes

Call the show at 612-643-1108 or email transatheistpod@outlook.com

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/transatheistpod

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/transatheistpod

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/transatheistpod/

Main show page is http://www.thequeerlife.org/category/transatheistpod/

The Trans Lifeline is http://www.translifeline.org/ US: (877) 565-8860 and Canada: (877) 330-6366

Quick links:

  • 6:15  Kathleen Culhane of Culhane Brewing Company

In this episode I sit down with Kathleen Culhane of The Culhane Brewing Company to discuss how she came to open her first, and now her second taproom right here in Saint Paul.

I love beer, I love music, and I love touching, smelling, and experiencing history.  Kathleen and I met through a mutual friend and classmate, and as a podcaster who enjoys profiling the local transgender community, I was extremely interested in having her on the show, and just as cool, well for me at least, was she said we could chat in her unfinished taproom-which is a former concert venue…It used to be Ryans, and The Lab, and Station 4…but for the last few years it was just empty.

Kathleen had suggested we meet outside, as the renovations on the building meant that she currently didn’t have a front door, and that we would have to “wind through a labyrinth” to get to the tap room.  Labyrinth was an apt description, once through the front door we quickly turned to go down a flight of steps, and as we did so, modernity began to quickly leave.  My favorite part of the basement was the old unused and unrepaired boiler in the corner, which had for some reason that had long ago vanished from memory, an old dusty typewriter perched on it.  The typewriter seemed both out of place, but at the same time, it was somehow exactly where it should be, just like the new owner.

The majority of craft brewers in Minnesota are middle age white cisgender heterosexual men with bushy beards or, at the very least, fanciful mustaches.  Like finding an old typewriter on top of a boiler, Kathleen is not what you expect to come across when visiting the many St. Paul craft breweries, and as she states in the interview, she is aware of how few women there are in the craft brew industry, but just like that typewriter, she has had years of experience in standing out.


The Culhane Brewing Company: http://culhanebrewing.com/

Culhane Brewing on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Culhane-Brewing-Company-126373997908754/

Culhane Brewing Indiegogo Fundraising: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/culhane-brewing-taproom-revamp-beer-brewery#/

Barley's Angels: http://barleysangels.org/

Obsidian Shell: http://obsidianshell.com/

Trans Reason House podcasts

The Ginger Snaps: https://www.facebook.com/thegingersnapspodcast/

Inciting Incident: https://www.facebook.com/IncitingIncidentPodcast/

For Trans Men: https://www.spreaker.com/show/ftm-for-trans-men

The Cis Are Getting Out of Hand: https://www.facebook.com/Cisplaniology/

Thanks as always for listening :)

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