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Get Rid of the Poison

Turi Ryder's "She Said What?" Podcast

Release Date: 02/06/2025

Crying in your Crypto show art Crying in your Crypto

Turi Ryder's "She Said What?" Podcast

Dog training—an Israeli Army approach. How Turi would respond to training…if she were a dog. No crying in your spilled crypto—a news account reinterpreted. Marci worries about the stock market, and makes a decision. Beta-tested babies: the next generation.

Just Pee Anywhere show art Just Pee Anywhere

Turi Ryder's "She Said What?" Podcast

A blizzard means semi trucks are strewn across Arizona’s highways, but Marci is safe in her own bathroom…unless anyone else is there. Why would someone run up and down the aisle of an airplane with no clothes on? Where to pee: a tough decision.

2 Kinds of Bloodbath show art 2 Kinds of Bloodbath

Turi Ryder's "She Said What?" Podcast

When the British Royals decide to junk a (literally) bloody tradition, it give you hope. The DC firings—in inimitable the words of Tina Turner, “We can do this nice and easy….or we can do this nice and rough.” That college you or your kids didn’t get into? You can feel better about it now. Bringing out your inner snob

Wet Spot show art Wet Spot

Turi Ryder's "She Said What?" Podcast

Feeding your husband dog food for dinner…or is it the other way around?  Whoops—did you leave that open? The house sitter attempts a new task. Water everywhere, and the telltale spot.    

Don't Put it in Writing show art Don't Put it in Writing

Turi Ryder's "She Said What?" Podcast

“Information Addicts Anonymous” is something you may want to join.  When you send out a little more “news” than you had planned. Paranoia in the pressroom. Unweighted blankets as romantic deterrents.

Admit You Lost It show art Admit You Lost It

Turi Ryder's "She Said What?" Podcast

Gated communities and “The Sovereigns” of rural Arizona. The post office makes an admission, and accomplishes…nothing. Customer service can only get you so far.  Who is the more effective complainer. The “Wife Line”, and an explanation of the unrequested D--- Pic.

When the Stereotype Explodes show art When the Stereotype Explodes

Turi Ryder's "She Said What?" Podcast

When is a microphone like a blind dog? Non-partisan political content that’s mostly schadenfreude. When somebody (erroneously) imagines you are their date. Also, how to figure out that you are on a date. What happens when the stereotype disappears? 

Sorry, Can't Hear You show art Sorry, Can't Hear You

Turi Ryder's "She Said What?" Podcast

Ear pods may end, or save, your marriage. When you go on vacation, you learn a few things about your partner—like which one of you needs to argue with the navigation app. Marci’s dog brings back a trophy.

Fancy Underwear show art Fancy Underwear

Turi Ryder's "She Said What?" Podcast

Turi picks the wrong thing to read. Nobody is sleeping. Small accomplishments. When you need subtitles even though the movie is in English. The wrong underwear, and when not to wear it. When do you wear the RIGHT underwear.

Get Rid of the Poison show art Get Rid of the Poison

Turi Ryder's "She Said What?" Podcast

Marci refuses to ask for help, and gets covered with toxic toner. Computer printers are not for kids…say the kids. The thing you should have sold that on E-bay. Turi discovers she has a house full of poison, but is it as dangerous as what Marci found in her bathroom?  

More Episodes

Marci refuses to ask for help, and gets covered with toxic toner. Computer printers are not for kids…say the kids. The thing you should have sold that on E-bay. Turi discovers she has a house full of poison, but is it as dangerous as what Marci found in her bathroom?