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Turn On 039- I follow my heart bish

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Release Date: 12/21/2020

Turn On 059- Dear Beloved Community show art Turn On 059- Dear Beloved Community

Turn On

Hey you When you call out a greater version of You to express Itself as your life there must be a shedding of the old self. This may very well feel as if an actual Death is taking place. Breathe. Yes, all of your previous work has helped you. It was not a waste. You are supposed to change. In fact, it may hurt way worse trying to hold onto something or some way of being that you have outgrown. We are made to transform continuously. Please take a moment to yourself and listen in. This episode was recorded after processing, thanks to God alone, one of the most excruciating weeks. I died last...

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Hey you. Beautiful. Are you navigating through any sort of habitual or addictive behavior? It's a thing, ya, but turns out, there's GOLD in it. There's gold all over it. In this episode I share an audio entry from my own personal workshop in the development of self awareness. I dig into exposing, working through and transforming my own judgement on the use of marijuana.  It turns out to be a quite revealing experience for me. I was not in any way shape or form planning on sharing this. I find this practice to be deeply personal and intimate but it is helping me so darn much in the...

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First time using dictation software :) How neat! Full episode below

"Hey there, what a sweet, sweet, sweet time it is to just reflect and talk about what's been going on, and just really dig into this moment.
I'm seeing that the more that I follow my heart, the more I follow just genuinely what feels good, whatever inspired action comes about, the more I follow that wholeheartedly trusting with deep faith that I'm in the right place at the right time (because it feels good) the more I am exactly where I'm supposed to be, the more I run into people, and have incredible enhancing conversations. I'm always in the right place at the right time.

Anytime that I am feeling off or feeling extreme about something, or there's extreme discomfort, or judgment or heightened sense of anything that does not feel good, it really means that my personality is pasting a story on the situation. And it's not truly seeing clearly from a neutral space. It's pasting on a certain experience for part of the ego to express and there's nothing wrong with that. It's just so liberating, when I can acknowledge that there is a part of my personality that is playing a limiting story. And so I want to acknowledge that there's weight that is lifted off of my chest off of my shoulders. As if I have to fix anything. And if anything, it's just more of a letting go of the story of just easing up softening on the details of the story, that justification as to why it's so bad, or I in these times, I catch myself pointing my finger. Anytime I'm pointing my finger and I'm feeling frustrated, I'm pointing at something outside of me. It's because I'm, I'm not truly seeing from the all that I am.

And when I do that, it feels really bad. Because what I'm really doing is I'm cutting myself off from this greater aspect of myself.

This full, WHOLE, complete version of me that is here. That is accessible. And that version of me sees from a different perspective. It sees from a higher perspective. And not higher as in good or bad. It's just higher as in a bird's eye view, a neutral observation, with clarity, and seeing from that space feels really good. I really know and recognize when I'm there, when I'm observing from that space. I call that alignment. My ally, because I have aligned my personality, my beingness ,my awareness with this view point, this way of perceiving. When I'm aligned with that, it feels the best. Anytime that I'm Not aligned with that, I really  start to feel off. That's when I remember that I AM creating my story.

So, just wanted to put that out there because if you don't act on inspired action, and you act like you don't know what the next best thing to do is sometimes, at least in myself, if I don't listen to my inner guidance system, I end up creating some sort of uncomfortable situation. That creates a little bit of pain. A little bit of fire so that it pushes me immensely to do the thing or take action. And darn man, it really is uncomfortable sometimes!

Now again, there's nothing wrong with being uncomfortable, especially if you can work with understanding that that's how you create action. Like I noticed that in myself and my partner, we have in times been addicted to creating pain in our lives to push and propel us into action. And what I'm realizing for myself is that Damn, that really doesn't feel good. Haha So I am looking at acknowledging that it is gold.

Pain is gold

It pushes me into taking action but there are precursors. Precursors to that pain that I can... I can jump on before it gets too uncomfortable, I can just go ahead and take that action or move in that direction before it's painful. I want to enjoy it more. I don't necessarily want to create pain for myself, but it's been something that I've used as fuel. I've used it to create momentum for myself and I think that a lot of people are doing that. A lot of people. And there are a lot of us that do that and are just unaware of it. So it really feels like victim mode when uncomfortable situations happen.

But these uncomfortable situations happen to propel us into digging into more of who we are. To reveal what is behind the personality!

One, it's uncomfortable, because there's a version of our personality that is telling a story and is having an experience. And that's epic. But again, there is this larger part of us, this wholeness, that when you go into that bird's eye view, you can really see how the personality is limiting itself. And that's so powerful, because you take your power back. You realize that, oh, I was creating that, that pain for myself to experience. It's not so much outside of me. It's within me. And everything outside of me is reflecting what's in me. That's not really how people talk about their experiences. But for me, I mean, it started with, I remember the very first time I ever heard of anything like this was, in the book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. The first four words in that book are

'truly thoughts are things'.

And so ever since digging into that book, I've really ran with that concept.

Truly, thoughts are things.

What are thoughts? Thoughts are things.

They express through us. And what they also do is they create a magnetism within us.

Our thoughts create a space that magnetizes us to whatever external experience matches that quality of thought. So our thoughts are truly things! And whatever we dwell on, whatever we harp on, whatever we focus on, inside of our being, within our thought fields, it is going to be reflected outside of us!

These teachings go so far back in history. I mean, it's just been out there in plain sight. There is a small number of people that are actively practicing this, and taking responsibility for every aspect of their life. And that includes all of the pain bodies, all of those painful experiences. Because, you know, it takes a different kind of person to take credit for all of the  'fucked up' things that happen in life. But man, oh, man!!! It is the most, by far, one of the most empowering things to take credit for. To own the fact that you're creating not all not only all of the good, the epic experiences in your life, but also all of the bad, and all of the uncomfortable experiences in your life. It's all you. And so after digging into 'Think and Grow Rich' that kind of propelled me into digging. Digging into more empowering questions like, what is this? What good is here for me? What good is trying to reveal itself? There has to be more to all of this in life than just, you know, creating a career, getting married, having babies paying bills. Those are amazing! Those are extremely amazing things that I'm so excited to continue to dig into as a human being, but there is more to all of this fundamentally. And so for me, that feels really good. I know that this world is a playground for me to play in. And I'm molding it. I'm shaping my experiences, based off of my thoughts in my imagination.

My imagination is literally God expressing through a human body, a human form. I'm not saying my personality is God. I'm not saying the personality is God, but I'm saying what creates the personality, what gives me the experience of being a human, in essence, is God. Imagination is God. Your imagination is creating your life. That is God. You are not separate from God by any means. But the personality has the ability, the freedom, the free will, to choose to experience what it is like to be cut off from source. To be cut off from God. To be cut off from that bird's eye view.

That bird's eye view is God's view.

When you're in alignment with God's view, you see the perfectness in which you are in which everything is perfect. There is not a hair on your head that is by accident. Nothing is by accident.

Everything is divinely orchestrated, and you have the ability, I know this so deeply from personal experience, that you have the ability to tap into this God view And see yourself as its fullness.

And when you come from that space, you can't quite be a victim in the same way ever again. Sure, you can play victim you can have these experiences like oh, 'that hurt' or, or, 'oh gosh, this really sucks' or 'I'm grieving' and you know, it's so amazing to be able to grieve. It's so amazing to have all of these experiences. All of them! There's a vast array of colors of emotion to experience, but at the end of the day, you are all of them. You are not just one aspect of our personality, you are this God view and you have access to it. When you take take the time to just ask that question, because reading or listening to this isn't gonna do shit. It might inspire you, it might feel good, it might resonate with you, sure. And it might not.

It might piss you off a little bit. Great.

I love that side note, I digress. But side note, if I piss you off, great, I'm doing my job. Because guess what? I'm pointing out where you are cutting yourself off from who you truly are. There is something behind your personality that is watching you be mad. And anytime you're mad, I know so deeply because I know that anytime I'm pissed off, I'm in an emotional space that's heightened. I'm judging. I'm cutting myself off from my god view that I have access to. My birthright. But I in that moment, I'm choosing to identify fully with only an aspect of my personality. That's why it feels bad because I'm cutting myself off literally from the lifeline, the fuel in which I truly am.
Which is Source. Which is perfectness. Which is wholeness. Which is my birthright, which is your birthright. And so, Oh, I feel so good to just share this and shine a light on this because we are way more than we think we are. And we deserve as a collective as a human species to tap into this group mind into our God view. So that we may enjoy the experience a little bit more. I really believe that for my life, tapping into this sight, has allowed me to experience life more fully. Because when I play victim, oh, and I am so good at it. If I want to go in there, I will dive deeply and I will justify the shit out of it.


And I will show everyone and I will have them feeling for my victim mode, I have justified so well in getting anyone to feel bad for the things that I've experienced. It's so trippy. And I never realized that I was doing that. But it is so much more satiating to truly see that I was playing victim. I wasn't a victim, I was playing.

I was assuming the role of a victim.

But this world is all roles. Characters. There are aspects of the whole, we get the fruit, we have the freewill to play with these aspects to have a personality to have it be molded and shaped by our childhood. And then if we have some emotional intelligence, we have the ability to understand and learn that personality is a sponge.
And we have soaked up all of these characteristics from our environment, from our parents, from our friends from our experiences, and therefore we have a personality that is shaped boom, awesome. But we also have the ability to wring out that sponge, lay it out and soak in more of what we truly want.

What is it that we want? What do you want? Who do you want to be?
What kind of being Do you see yourself growing into? Have you thought about it? Did you know that you can change?

Sure, it may take some redirection. It's definitely going to take redirection and might take some continuous constant redirection of thoughts and redirection of focus. But it's possible. It's so possible. I am doing it. I am living proof of completely embodying this divine essence of who I really am, who I truly am that when I am playing too long, when I'm playing in the dirt for a little bit too long, I will really feel it. All right, Brooke, it's time like you're really playing victim mode here. It's time to get out of that. It feels so bad. It's the smallest things like if there's any type of judgment if there's any type of space that I'm feeling small and or if I'm limiting myself in any way that has to do with relationships with anyone feelings, financials, anything if I'm playing too small, if I deviate from the truth in which I am, which is whole perfectness complete, mirroring the creator in its in it's glory, if I play in an aspect that does not align with that for too long, my body will let me know. And it fucking hurts. It's very clear. Now sometimes I act like I don't know, and I'll play with it even more. I don't know. I don't know.

Um, it's getting to the point now that I really just don't even have the ability to play victim for too long and and that feels really good because it's so easy to To be victim and then manage it very well. That space becomes a familiar environment. So we are so familiar with being a victim that even if we're no longer "a victim" we will justify anything that we find in our experience to initiate that feeling again. So, what it will do is it will literally create a concoction of chemicals in your body so that you can stay in your state of comfortable victim mode. And I know that sounds like, is the word dichotomy? It sounds.. it sounds a.. is it dichotomy? Maybe? Anyway. And it sounds contradictory, because when we think about it, we don't want to be a victim. Like anyone, if they knew that they're being a victim, they wouldn't want to continue to create that. But what happens is that the personality is so familiar with being a victim that it will continue to create this concoction of chemicals so that the body feels like it's normal. That's what it's used to.

We are incredibly habitual beings.

Even being in victim mode for too long will create an uncomfortable comfortableness with it. And we just continue to create scenarios to justify those chemicals inside of our body. Meanwhile, we're probably pointing out at everything outside of us for the reasons why we don't feel good, not really realizing that that is what we are focused on inside of us.

Our thoughts are focused on being a victim.

And truly, thoughts are things

What we continue to think inside of our beings will always be reflected outside of us. So if you want to create anything different for yourself to experience in this world, in this beautiful fucking epic world, that you can create whatever you want to experience in, if you want to experience something different, you might want to look at the inner dialogue, you might want to start there.

What are you thinking about all day?

What are you thinking about?

What's the quality of thoughts that you're thinking all of the time?

That's a really, really, really powerful space to start. And I continue to look at that every single day, every day, checking in, moment to moment, checking in as often as I can check in on. What am I thinking about? How do I feel right now? If it feels good, you're on it. If it feels bad. You're telling a story. So just take a look. Take a look. What's being focused on you powerful motherfucker. Pardon my French but don't because I love it. I love dropping that bomb.

Seriously, you're so powerful. What do you want to create?

What do you want to create?"