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Turn On 040- Real Time Redirection

Turn On

Release Date: 12/27/2020

Turn On 059- Dear Beloved Community show art Turn On 059- Dear Beloved Community

Turn On

Hey you When you call out a greater version of You to express Itself as your life there must be a shedding of the old self. This may very well feel as if an actual Death is taking place. Breathe. Yes, all of your previous work has helped you. It was not a waste. You are supposed to change. In fact, it may hurt way worse trying to hold onto something or some way of being that you have outgrown. We are made to transform continuously. Please take a moment to yourself and listen in. This episode was recorded after processing, thanks to God alone, one of the most excruciating weeks. I died last...

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Hey you. Beautiful. Are you navigating through any sort of habitual or addictive behavior? It's a thing, ya, but turns out, there's GOLD in it. There's gold all over it. In this episode I share an audio entry from my own personal workshop in the development of self awareness. I dig into exposing, working through and transforming my own judgement on the use of marijuana.  It turns out to be a quite revealing experience for me. I was not in any way shape or form planning on sharing this. I find this practice to be deeply personal and intimate but it is helping me so darn much in the...

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In this episode I switch it up a bit. I want to preface with right before this audio was recorded, an uncomfortable situation presented itself. I was given the opportunity to either emotionally respond OR dig into my own practice and consciously respond..


I chose to consciously respond and rather than lashing out in any manner I chose to create some space for myself. I went outside to the back of my place and sat down. I started recording my process and began with a summarized quote by Neville Goddard. I had just started to listen to his lectures the past several weeks and they've had a mightily peaceful impact on my psyche. Anywho, below is the dictation from the recording :) Enjoy the riff


"Neville Goddard says that trying to change circumstances before you change the imagination will never create that into existence. It's trying to fight the forces of nature itself. When you try to physically manipulate circumstances, without changing the way you think about yourself, your life, what you deserve, Everything in your external world, including your circumstances, will reflect you. And so if you wait for circumstances to change, you're going to be waiting for a very long time.

You really have to take a look at the way you're speaking to yourself in silence.

How do you think about the world outside of you? How do you think about your partner?

Do you see them in the highest light? In their highest light?

Or do you point your finger at their flaws? Or do you poke at them?

The way we treat other people in silence, in our own imaginings, is the way we are pasting on our reality. Often times without even realizing how powerful we are. And then when something uncomfortable happens, say in a relationship or a friendship, the ego, it's super easy to just point the finger and expect them or demand them to change.

But the power lies in the imagining.

What we believe is true.

Can we see through the flaws? Can we see the perfect expression of source itself underlying all chaos?

There's a stillness behind all movement.
And it's accessible always.

It's always there.

It's always perfectly orchestrating everything. In relation to the way we imagine life to be, what we imagine ourselves to be worth what we imagine ourselves to be or embody, our world, our life, our immediate reality is always going to reflect these imaginings.


I've been having a lot of fun with taking my power back in the sense that when I observe something that's uncomfortable, I can stop feeding it emotionally. And go find solitude. Go find clarity. And from that space, I'm able to touch base with what I'm imagining.

Okay, what's the best case scenario, what gold is here?

What good is here for me?

Ask empowering questions! Because IT REALLY IS POWERFUL.

By redirecting my mind, redirecting my focus as fast as I can, I completely nullify the situation. *And I might not nullify it for the other person, but I nullify it for myself*. And that's where my power lies.

Because if I can take my focus back, I take my energy back.

I take my life back.

And then I can start consciously dreaming up the reality in which is ideal for me! And it's so palpable, it's so real. If any of this resonates at all, just start trying it with yourself. Start asking empowering questions and see what happens. Because for me, you know, when they say 'ask and it is given', I keep finding that it's true! And things are moving so fast, in a momentum that feels good. And when there's anything that doesn't align with this highest version of my life that I'm imagining, it starts to feel off. It lets me know. And I'm becoming more aware of that, of what happens when I feel off, and then I can redirect. Redirect my focus. Redirect my mind on focusing on something that is one neutral and neutralizes and then something that feels a little bit better, and then a little bit better and a little bit better.

And then the next thing I know, I'm on point again. I'm in alignment.

I'm in alignment with this bird's eye view, that can see all angles instead of just a focused emotional point, an aspect of the personality, an aspect of the character that I'm observing. And through this space, through this analysis from this bird's eye view, this super neutral zone is entered, and it feels really calm and peaceful and collected. Then I can navigate from there to a space that feels really good. I can start to imagine or talk about or think about and feel something that feels really good. Like 'what would be the best case scenario?' and I start dreaming up with what would be the best case scenario. Even if something say traumatic happens, I'm able to start visioning or maybe if it's not even that traumatic if it's just like a disagreement, I can start visioning what it would feel like to have the best case scenario, the best outcome come from that disagreement, meaning some sort of clarifying conversation or something.

I imagine how that would feel to actually be on the same page with that person and be very clear.

Maybe we agree to disagree or, you know, agree that each person's opinion or viewpoint is valid. There's no competition.

When I start imagining that space, especially if there's a disagreement between me and another person, it starts to feel really good, and oftentimes, I find that the very next time I have an encounter with that person, it's way better! It's way better and we're able to have a higher elevated, conscious conversation about what took place, or we're already in a progressive moving space where we're talking about the next thing that feels good. Then we can actually go back and reflect on that from this neutral space and take the gold nuggets and actually both analyze where our triggers were, and why it got uncomfortable n' whatnot.

Anytime that you're passionate about something, it can easily get into a disagreement when one person feels triggered. Then if two people are triggered, it can really blow up. And it's usually just our communication! We understand words in a certain way thats connected to our own blueprint, our own way of speaking. This stems from our education, our parents, where we grew up, our cultural experiences. The way we speak is unique to our own being. So with one person, what one word means to them might mean something completely different to another person. If you don't know that, you might be using this one word in feel good way, and the other person might be feeling like that's an attack. Why is that?

Well, it's because we have different experiences with it! With Words. It's so beautiful, it's so epic, but it's so easy to miss. We think that people understand life in the exact same way that we do. When we communicate with them, our vision of life, sometimes they don't see it in the same way or experience it in the same way because of their own discrepancies because of their own biases, their own experiences with their definitions of words. Sometimes we have to dig into that and look at that. Just opening up a space to look at that really enhances communication. If you can do that with one person, that's going to pour over to every other relationship you have. A friendship, a family member, a loved one, in any color, it's going to help. It's so amazing what we can do ourselves with our focus and our own communication. Our own thoughts. Our own feeling body.

Our power lies in what we're doing right now

What we're doing as an individual sovereign being. An individual, sovereign expression of Creator.

We have the power of infinite possibility within us.

When we get caught up on one way of life, or one circumstance that we don't like, it starts to feel really bad, because what we're doing is we're just playing with that one tiny aspect of personality that is focused on a specific circumstance. And we're briefly (and sometimes not so briefly) forgetting about this infinite pool of potential that we actually always have access to source from, to pull from, to co create with. We forget about that. And so when we're focused on circumstances, we cut ourselves off from that infinite side of our natural state of being.

It's our birthright to tap into infinite potential and create whatever reality we want to create here on Earth.

Earth is an amazing, magnificent space. A creation station. I like that term. Creation Station. Earth is the most magnificent creation station and it is here for you to create whatever world you can imagine. And that's where it really starts.

What are you imagining for yourself?

What are you saying to yourself about the world and those around you in silence

In your own heart?

In your own imagination?"

There you have it folks! A real-time re-DIRECTion of focus and attention. This riff has really been a tool I've used multiple times since recording. A little reminder that you're creating this. If it's uncomfortable, slow down, take space. Pause on action. Come back to the stillness within you. The presence that is never in absence. The infinite nature of your be-ing! Find your center, and from that space of wholeness, make your move.