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Turn On 042- Joshua Tree fire with the Divine

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Release Date: 01/22/2021

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Hi :) This audio was shot as I was sitting around a fire in Joshua Tree California. After this recording, my partner got back from the store and joined me around the fire. We began to hear LARGE BOOMing sounds underneath of us and with each POUND the earth shook under us! WTF. All the dogs and coyotes instantly began to howl at the same exact time. This scared me and to be quite frank really alerted my nervous system. I went to our van to chill and neutral out. This sound was so grand and large and powerful. It felt like something was under the ground. WAY different feeling than an earthquake. Since then, there have been accounts of large underground JOLTS that shake the earth under them in both Redondo and up to Studio City. We have friends/family in both areas who just reported these experiences on January 20 2021. The said it felt like something was underneath of them and nothing like they have ever experienced in Cali before. This audio 'JT fire recording' and earth movement event was on December 10 2020.

Here is the transcript of the episode. If you have any similar experiences please feel free to reach out to me and we can share and compare notes.

"So I'm sitting here around a beautiful fire in Joshua Tree. The stars are insanely beautiful. There are so many of them. We got a handful of Joshua trees lit up right now, so you can see them with the lights on. It's so beautiful. You can
hear the neighbor in the back move his trash bin. Hello, neighbor. So I'm sitting here. And for a moment, I thought I was by myself, but I am totally not by myself. I am surrounded by divine intelligence. And we're sitting here together in counsel, in a circle around this fire, enjoying this ultimate flame and decided to record our conversation.
welcome. Welcome in.
Get comfy,
There's something about this bag of marshmallows, it says white and strawberry marshmallows. But if you try them blindfolded, I really doubt that you would ever tell the difference, I think that they are the exact same thing. They're just different colors. So there's that. But you know, I prepped myself with imagining that the strawberry is kind of bad and if so I would throw it into the fire. And even though it didn't taste like anything except Marshmallow, I still threw it in the fire. I think that's interesting. The other one was really good. It was exactly what I expected it to be nice, perfect marshmallow.
nothing is as it seems. Nothing. In fact, where you place your attention that's where your momentum follows. You will build momentum with wherever you're placing your attention, your focus.
Other people are in your life only to show you where your beliefs are. They mirror your beliefs. So anytime you experience someone in your life who is frustrating to deal with, they're actually showing you an aspect of you and what you're holding on so tightly that wants to be let go. We're holding on so tightly that we see life in that constricted manner. And we're going to continue to see it. If we hold on to that belief system as a definite truth. We're basing everything off of our circumstances. What we physically see in that person or situation. So to the personality, it justifies why we should be mad or frustrated with that person or thing. Because this, this and this. But there's more to all of this than meets the eye. You're not as physical as you seem. You are an interdimensional being that is having a physical experience. The physical is an experience
and what's bridging the two to give you an experience Are your senses. When people only use their five senses, they get trapped in this physical world. And they completely forget that they are interdimensional that they are spirit that they are energy that they are more than this physical body. So it feels like a trap, it feels like a prison to some. But that's only because we're using only a portion of our senses. We have more than five senses. When we awaken to the fact that there's more to all of this than meets our five senses, then we start to open up our minds and our hearts to other possibilities, other realms other states of being. And when we open up into other states of being we start to perceive this space as an interdimensional space. It's, it's, it's much more than a physical world. And the inter dimensionality of it is also right here right now, regardless if you see it or not. If you don't see it, if you don't experience it, it's because you're only using five senses. But when you open up yourself
to intuitive senses, the I AM senses. Your inner dimensionality is remembered, and you get to experience something beyond this physical world right here, right now. It's in the air. It's with us, it's sitting here, among this fire.
It's in the flame, sitting here with me in a circle. It's above me, it's glistening, it's sparkling in the stars. It's breathing in the Joshua trees. And there's way more life in this field of intelligence. And when we use our higher senses, senses beyond our five senses. We start to perceive these interdimensional aspects of the one that we are. You are right on track. There's nothing wrong with you. Even if you've never even heard of anything beyond our five senses. You are perfect right now and we are going through an experience together where we are remembering that there's more to all of this. And so by asking the questions, like, what else is there for me to experience? What Good is here for me? What gifts Do I have that are waiting to be expressed through my body? When we start asking those questions, these higher senses begin to reveal themselves. You can look at different artists over the times, all the geniuses, the masterminds, the creators, they started to tap into a different set of senses. And you can see this in their creations. Now, these people, these creators, these artists, these professionals, they're no different than you and I. They just started to hone in on different senses, different ways of expressing. And we all have the ability to tap into senses, abilities, beyond our five senses, and that's going to look very unique to each person. It's, it's a beautiful space, in the evolutionary process of human consciousness. We're remembering that there's more to this and thus activating a higher potential. Now this potential has always been there. It's just that we're now stepping into more of what we're made of. And so we're gonna start seeing more and more things being created that are revolutionary.
system doesn't even know what to do right now because things are happening So fast. And so, right now it is imperative to touch base with your mind, your emotions, your nervous system. Slow down, take care of yourself, nurture yourself. There is a lot of stuff that is happening. And we are being primed to access more of our potential that has always been here. We have to prime ourselves. We have to prime our mind. We have to prime our emotion. We have to prime what we believe is possible for human consciousness, for human expansion all together. We have to prime ourselves to start visioning higher for the world! Higher for our species. When we start visioning together, on a higher aspect of expression, we will begin and I believe it's already begun, to move exponentially fast. And, you know, I peek my head over the fence, and I'm looking at what the years have, have accumulated, what the years have shared with us, and it's that we're moving rapidly. The internet, I mean, the past 30 years, it's 2020. The past 30 years, it's really been the biggest leap in technological advancement that we have ever seen. I mean, every 10 years, we're learning more about the brain than we've ever known ever. And it's incredible the steps we're making. It's so unbelievable, in a sense, because there are a lot of people not focused on the growth aspect in which we are really, really, really, really good at. We are growing you guys and it's fast. It's amazing. If you start looking for it then you're really going to start seeing it. Just a side note, we are incredible focusers. But very lazy ones. If we don't consciously focus, anything can take our focus. And when we just focus on whatever passes by, then we're just blindly giving our energy to this and that and what have you. But when we focus when we hone in all of our senses, and beyond, on an aspect of life, and excuse me, when we hone in on an aspect of life, when we allow ourselves to start feeling that, it begins to magnetize. We draw that experience into existence. And so I'm saying this, because if we have numerous people, all sovereign focusers focused on a vision, a higher vision for humanity, we're really going to speed up the process. Like I said, this is already happening. It's amazing, and it feeeeeels amazing. And there's so many amazing people here and they're doing incredible work! They're healing themselves through the source in which they are! They're accessing infinite intelligence that resides in every fiber of their being. And they are talking about it! and they're sharing!! They're seeing it in their meditations, their visioning, they are having out of body experiences. They are astral projecting the remote viewing. We have people in our government remote viewing and practicing these super sonic ways of being. It's called ESP. It's happening right now. People are talking about it. There are documents released on the cia.gov website, talking about these inter dimensionalities and the fact that we have access to them. This stuff is released. We have talked about it. We are talking about it. It's growing and I'm so excited to see what this upcoming year reveals to all of us, because it's something so good. It's something beyond our wildest imaginings and it's amazing. It's so so so good. Plug in. Plug into that world. Imagine it into existence, feel into it because it is being created. Through your own focus. You're going to be walking across the bridge that is created by all of us together into that world. It's happening here now among us. We are at we are this bridge, we are the light. We are the ones that are visioning this new future for the world. It's with our focus that is so powerful. We put our focus together in our one mind and connect through this space, the ethers. This pod mind. We will transform in the blink of an eye. It's already done.
Holy crap.
We are here. Wow, holy crap. We are here. We have been here. It's you that are now seeing us here to you that are now perceiving us! You! You have to use your senses that are beyond your five. And then you access more of who you really are. Which is the inter dimensionality in which you speak of. It is here. It is you it's you revealing more of you. Isn't it time? Isn't it time to get to know more of you. The time is now. We are awakening through you. We rise all together. One mind. One heart. One now. stars are fucking incredible. Seemed like three shooting stars. I saw one while speaking.
So good. It's
happening. It's happening right here right now. The story is being written Wow."