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156. What are you waiting for?

Warrior Wisdom With Thom Shea

Release Date: 01/13/2020

281.  Perspective of war show art 281. Perspective of war

Warrior Wisdom With Thom Shea

Stop watching other people.  You will never get good while watching because your perspective is different.  Get into living your life from your Point Of View.

280. What if you just stopped quitting when life gets hard? show art 280. What if you just stopped quitting when life gets hard?

Warrior Wisdom With Thom Shea

Erik Weir and Thom Shea talk about Unbreakable and Three Simple Things.  And how to Transition from war to civilian life.

279.  Warrior Wisdom:  How to live 279. Warrior Wisdom: How to live "One more day"

Warrior Wisdom With Thom Shea

Warrior Wisdom.  How would you live one more day?  What would you life be like if you didn't have to deal with your past or have to build toward your future?  What if you had just this day?

278.  Disillusioned human condition show art 278. Disillusioned human condition

Warrior Wisdom With Thom Shea

The disillusioned human condition of being told things are other than they are.  The constant deception of the people by the media and by many politicians has caused our youth to not be capable of simple things that matter.

277. Navy SEAL Independence Day:  Earn Your Freedom  show art 277. Navy SEAL Independence Day: Earn Your Freedom

Warrior Wisdom With Thom Shea

  Few of us even know freedom anymore. Teach your kids to earn it. freedom frē′dəm noun 1.  The condition of not being in prison or captivity. 2.  The condition of being free of restraints, especially the ability to act without control or interference by another or by circumstance. 3.  The condition of not being controlled by another nation or political power; political independence.

276. Three Points of Authentic Communications show art 276. Three Points of Authentic Communications

Warrior Wisdom With Thom Shea

We all misunderstand what happens during any type of communications.  The first misunderstanding is we always believe what we hear.  The ears are designed to only think what they hear are true.  However, you need to have another sense back up that notion.   That is how media dupes us all.  Nothing in the media is actually true, if you research it for facts. That is important to realize. True authentic communication first requires you to   Listen without judgement (listen not believing in order to free them up from their past so they can be present)...

275.  Navy SEAL on suffering or struggle show art 275. Navy SEAL on suffering or struggle

Warrior Wisdom With Thom Shea

Suffering is when you think things should be different.  When you think the struggle isn't what you need to do.  

274.  How to have Spartan Relationships show art 274. How to have Spartan Relationships

Warrior Wisdom With Thom Shea

The ability to build a strong relationship is simple but not easy. All you need are three simple things: Listen without judgement Speak without drama Intimacy Learn how here

273.  What Makes Marriage Worth It? show art 273. What Makes Marriage Worth It?

Warrior Wisdom With Thom Shea

Marriage to an alpha female makes the man stable and the family stable.  Marriage may be meant to build a stable environment so that each and grow and transform into their best selfs.  Submissive women never grow.

272.  How to have a Power Relationship show art 272. How to have a Power Relationship

Warrior Wisdom With Thom Shea

Relationships don't have to be complex.  They just have to be all in.  Nothing held back and no way out.   video can be seen on Youtube at

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The older I become the more I ask myself and others this question.  What are you waiting for? 

It is the beginning of the year and for god’s sake the year is 2020 and 2020 implies clear vision so let’s not waste it. 

I know, I know you are waiting for something but that something will never come.  School is in the way, injury is in the way, your spouse doesn’t support, you are too old or too young, you are too busy with a job or too busy finding a job.  It is too cold outside.  I get it. 

I was reading an article on American obesity this morning and it made me laugh.  The next article was on how fewer Americans than ever before can pass the physical screening test to enter the military; that made cry. 

So, are you telling me the American public with all the money and opportunity and free access to how to be healthy is worse than ever before?  Is that what you are telling me?

I hope that got your attention like it did mine.

Hey this is a new year so let’s all start where we are and get after health.  Here is why.  Because you can.  Because your body and your health are the only things that follow you to the grave and the only thing you personally have complete ownership of.

If you are a young kid between 13 and 18, here is what I suggest you can do every day, whether your school supports recess or gym or doesn’t for some odd reason, do 20 push-ups a day, 20 sit-ups, and 20 squats every single day.  You don’t need any money or equipment or support and can do these exercises in your room.  If you are really bold make sure you run, jog, or walk for 1 mile a day.  Stop eating refined sugar even though all your friends do it and it takes really good.  Point is that sugar makes you fat a lazy.  The choice is yours.  Make a good one.

Opposite end of the age spectrum where all the money is wasted due to neglect.  If you cannot stand for some reason due to bad knees or injured hips than put the remote in your hand and do as many bi-cep curls as you can, even if you can only do 10 your life will change if you do these every day.  If you cannot get up, then tighten and loosen your belly muscles until you are warm, and they are tired.  Move your shoulders around in circles until they are warm.  I know they are stiff, and you feel old and broken but get to it what are you waiting for.  Finally, drink more water even if you are on diuretics. Don’t waste away by none action and bad eats. 

The next group reflects the group in the obesity article.  Men and women between 35-60 are fatter and in worse health than ever before.  I don’t think that is true.  I actually think the author was trying the meet a deadline to get paid.  Yet, peeps, you all have nothing but excuses as to why you are not healthy.  You are the one buying food and have the job you chose.  If you are parents than you kids are watching and so are your grand kids.  Drink 10 glasses of water a day. I dare you to be that healthy.  I dare you.  I further dare you to go to the gym or outside and workout for an hour a day doing anything that raises your heart rate to 140 beats a minute.  Same as youth, do push-ups, sit-ups, and squats.  What are you waiting for?  Or sit there and get fat and do nothing.

The final group is the oddest group of all.  18-35 years old.  If you dedicated 90 minutes a day to your health and what you eat you would be responsible to changing the world.  Your health costs would disappear.  Insurance companies would hate you.  Doctors would lose money if you as a group just worked out 90 minutes a day.  It takes no money and little time to actually work out for 90 minutes and drink 10 glasses of water.  20% of this age group does this on a daily basis. 

So what are you really waiting for to be healthy?  Is an injury the invite you want?  Is the next size up the awakening?  If a heart attack is needed there is one coming your way.  Are you missing going on that adventure trip with kids or family because you just cannot anymore?  Is that the kick in the pants needed?

Take care of yourself every day.  Don’t want for this crap people call motivation.  Motivation is crap.  Just go do it.  Don’t wait for the pain to go away.  No professional athlete or in-shape person anywhere is without pain on a daily basis.  I cannot recall a day in the past 30 years when something didn’t hurt.  Just get to it even if you limp or go slow or look bad.  Do it.

The longer you wait the further you get away from your health and the person you could be so get to it now. 

Don’t make it complex or emotional or heavy or any non-sense.  Do whatever it takes to work out and stretch and drink fluid for at least 90 minutes a day.  You don’t even have to worry about diet just get to it.