The Uncurated Life Podcast
It's the end of June so I thought I'd reflect back on this year so far... BEFORE I actually do all my goal assessing and shit for my channel. I'm also making an announcement so stick around to the end! • DISCLAIMER Colorful words may be used. don't be alarmed. • NEWSLETTER • Etsy Shop is open! • FIND ME ON ALL THE THINGS Patreon - YouTube - Instagram - Discord - Pinterest - Website - • STUFF I MENTIONED Inquiries -
info_outlineThe Uncurated Life Podcast
Today i'm telling you about my new favorite shoes and how I came to terms with loving them. It's a tale of being chronically ill in your 40s and denying your current situation. • DISCLAIMER Colorful words may be used. don't be alarmed. • NEWSLETTER • Etsy Shop is open! • FIND ME ON ALL THE THINGS Patreon - YouTube - Instagram - Discord - Pinterest - Website - • STUFF I MENTIONED Shoes - Inquiries -
info_outlineThe Uncurated Life Podcast
I read the book The Four Tendencies a while back, but I honestly can't remember what I was. So today, in my latest installment of Personality Tests (taken by a cynic) I'm going for the Gretchen Rubin 4 Tendencies. • DISCLAIMER Colorful words may be used. don't be alarmed. • NEWSLETTER • Etsy Shop is open! • FIND ME ON ALL THE THINGS Patreon - YouTube - Instagram - Discord - Pinterest - Website - • STUFF I MENTIONED Test - Inquiries -
info_outlineThe Uncurated Life Podcast
I'm full of rage this week and I figure I'd talk about it. • DISCLAIMER Colorful words may be used. don't be alarmed. • NEWSLETTER • Etsy Shop is open! • FIND ME ON ALL THE THINGS Patreon - YouTube - Instagram - Discord - Pinterest - Website - • STUFF I MENTIONED Inquiries -
info_outlineThe Uncurated Life Podcast
I've got an 18 year old and a 16 year old and today I'm gonna vent for a bit about how complicated parenting teenagers is. • DISCLAIMER Colorful words may be used. don't be alarmed. • NEWSLETTER • Etsy Shop is open! • FIND ME ON ALL THE THINGS Patreon - YouTube - Instagram - Discord - Pinterest - Website - • STUFF I MENTIONED Inquiries -
info_outlineThe Uncurated Life Podcast
Don't tell my husband, but my favorite person to go on a date with is sometimes... me. • DISCLAIMER Colorful words may be used. don't be alarmed. • NEWSLETTER • Etsy Shop is open! • FIND ME ON ALL THE THINGS Patreon - YouTube - Instagram - Discord - Pinterest - Website - • STUFF I MENTIONED One Little Word - Denver Botanic Gardens - Inquiries -
info_outlineThe Uncurated Life Podcast
We've all heard of Type A personalities, but what does that actually mean? And what are the other types? Today i'm digging into the A/B/C/D personality stuff! • DISCLAIMER Colorful words may be used. don't be alarmed. • NEWSLETTER • Etsy Shop is open! • FIND ME ON ALL THE THINGS Patreon - YouTube - Instagram - Discord - Pinterest - Website - • STUFF I MENTIONED Owlcation Article - A/B Test(short) - A/B Test (long) - Inquiries -
info_outlineThe Uncurated Life Podcast
Some people long to be their own boss and work for themselves. I... don't feel the same way, and I've been working for myself for 6.5 years. • DISCLAIMER Colorful words may be used. don't be alarmed. • NEWSLETTER • Etsy Shop is open! • FIND ME ON ALL THE THINGS Patreon - YouTube - Instagram - Discord - Pinterest - Website - • STUFF I MENTIONED Inquiries -
info_outlineThe Uncurated Life Podcast
I'm behind this week and feeling really rundown - so instead of the episode I had planned here is a brief interlude mentioning a few things that are perking me up today. • DISCLAIMER Colorful words may be used. don't be alarmed. • NEWSLETTER • Etsy Shop is open! • FIND ME ON ALL THE THINGS Patreon - YouTube - Instagram - Discord - Pinterest - Website - • STUFF I MENTIONED Highlighter Dot Pens (Mild Smoky Not Currently available at this link - affiliate link) - Elvis Trailer - Spring Awakening...
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I have a list of important phone calls to make and omg I don't want to. Today we talk phone anxiety. • DISCLAIMER Colorful words may be used. don't be alarmed. • NEWSLETTER • Etsy Shop is open! • FIND ME ON ALL THE THINGS Patreon - YouTube - Instagram - Discord - Pinterest - Website - • STUFF I MENTIONED Inquiries -
info_outlineIt’s the New Year, and I’m coming in hot with some… hot takes. Well, some might be lukewarm takes, but I wanted to share them anyway.
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Hello friends today is going to be a fun, little quick episode for the beginning of the new year, because it's just that time of year. And I actually have a lot of heavier topics that will be coming up soon, but I thought that today's episode would be more fun if I just kicked it off with a quick little bullshit episode.
And that is going to be my five hot takes about new years. The new year, season new year's everything. And before we get started, just to let you know, this is the uncurated life. My name is Cindy . Introductions introductions, introductions, where I talk about our lives, how we live them, especially on the internet.
Love to have you here, if this is your first time, and this is not your first time, fucking thanks for coming back. My guys. So let's jump right into it. Five hot takes surrounding the new year. Resolutions, all that shit hot take number one. I hate the terms, wellness and eat clean so very much. And I swear to God.
It's already getting something, getting bombarded across social media at me. I hate them much like the word authentic to me. I feel like they have lost all of their meaning. I think wellness feels like a copy paste to go in and replace the word diet and everything. Now it's like the same stuff. Just different language.
I think that eat clean. Is, uh, it's like also like getting rid of toxins is a bullshit term. Like what the fuck is eating clean mean? Like what does it really mean? Because people have different ideas. So that's my hot tick that I hate those words so much, so much. They make my eyebrow Twitch and I will be excited when the new years hustle and bustle is over.
And that shit mellows out. B to B be tuned, stay tuned because I will be doing some episodes coming up on what I think is toxic wellness culture, hot take number two, staying up until midnight on new year's Eve sucks. Total ass. Now I know I used to do when I was. 'cause you didn't get to stay up till midnight.
Very often. I think the first time I really was over, it was 2000, the 1999 to 2002 new year's Eve. The Y2K thing, we were all convinced the world was going to end at the time I was working as a bagger at a grocery. While still in college and people went, they just, they lost their shit over the Y2K shit and they bought the water and the canned goods and everything.
And I worked an 11 to eight shift that day. Exhausted trying to keep up with the number of people shopping because they thought the world was going to fucking end at midnight before year 2000. So the next day I was scheduled to work a seven to four shift. And when I got home, I was living with four other people.
Boyfriends and everything else. And they were all gonna stay up and have like a party and like, yeah, check out the world ends. And they're like sitting here and you going to stay up with us and I'm like, no, I'm going to go to bed. I am tired. But what if the world ends? I'm like, I'll find out in the morning when I wake up to go to work motherfuckers.
And since then, I swear to God, like I may have had times where I've wanted to stay up. Especially if I went to a party, I've even hosted some new year's Eve parties, but to be perfectly honest, I am too fucking old to stay up that late. I want to go to bed at 10:00 PM and. When I go to bed at 10 it's midnight, somewhere we're in mountain time.
It's midnight on the east coast. When I go to bed at 10. It's good enough for me, man. I'll take number three. I both really dislike having an arbitrary date for setting goals and resolutions. And I also really love the feeling around new year's and setting goals and resolutions and that daikon. Pisses me off, like part of me is like, oh, it's an arbitrary date.
And the other part of me is like, fuck. Yeah, I love the arbitrary date. And I can't decide which one is, which it's kind of how I feel when I make some consumerism videos. And I'm like, oh my God, don't buy all the things. Oh my God. Buy all the things. And deep down, I can tell it's like the duality of man and the duality of man around the arbitrary date of new year's for some reason.
Fry's mine, ARDS, and I don't know why I can't figure out why I can't just be okay with one course or the other. I don't know, man, but my hot take is that both the arbitrary date sucks and the arbitrary date is great. And I don't really know the answer to that question. That's my hot take hot take number four.
I don't even know if this is a hot take so much, but bear with me. I'm convinced that. The whole new year season, right from like the start of the holiday season through like February, right. Is two planner companies, as well as diet and exercise companies. What Valentine's day and Halloween are two candy companies.
Would we be as excited to set goals on January 1st? If we weren't marketed to so heavily, would we be so excited to let's wellness eat clean on January 1st? If we weren't marketed to so heavily, what came first? The resolutions or the marketing? I'm sure there's probably a way to find that out, but like just in general, like I play right into it.
I fucking love this. I have videos going up. You go back to the last week and a half on my YouTube channel and it's all sorts of goals and every. Like I'm right there with the rest of you. But the, the part of me that kind of sits up in my back of my brain and like the same one that struggles with the duality of man about everything else, right.
Sits there and is like, but Cindy, would this be as exciting to you if there weren't so many products coming out, geared towards this? Who knows? I don't know, but my hot take. Maybe that's the case, and I'm still going to go along with it just as I'm still going to go eat the shit out of some Halloween candy.
And I'm not really a big fan of Valentine's day, but I am a big fan of all of the extra chocolate that comes out. So I dunno, I don't know. Maybe the world may never know. And high-tech number five. There is nothing wrong with keeping your Christmas lights up and your tree up until February. Not just because you might be lazy, but because that shit is cozy to me, one of the biggest benefits of having an artificial tree is you can leave it up as long as you want to.
Now, we actually know some people in our family who keep a tree up all year, not decorated, just the lights, because they like the whole. I don't think I would go that far for myself personally, because I think that there is a specialness that comes to when you get all the lights out and everything that like adds that coziness.
And I wonder if I kept them up all year inside the house that it might start to just become background noise to me, but keeping it up until February. Fuck. Yeah. And I also, I guess this is the same hot take, but just sort of continuing on with it is that people who. Judge other people for keeping lights on their house year round can suck my Dick because a putting those up as annoying B, does it really matter all that much?
And see maybe some people like having their lights that maybe they want to light their house up all year. You don't know. So just mind your business, but I will say, I will say that for me. Generally speaking, a big part of this is not just the coziness, but also the laziness. So there is that, but heartache, yes.
I don't know how much of a hot tech this is. I know some people are like, no Christmas lights up until after Thanksgiving. And some people are like, oh, but you must take it down by new year's. And for me. Keep him up as long as you want to, because they're fun. So those are my hot takes for the new year. If you have a hot take surrounding new years and all of the stuff kind of going with it, make sure to post it on Instagram stories and tag me at Lama letters so that I can see it.
I'd love to see your hot takes because I'm big fan of the hot takes. Make sure you also think my patrons or check out my Patrion. If you're interested as they are the sponsors of this podcast and they make my hot takes possible, you can check out to find out more next week is probably going to be a heavier topic.
So this, this was a light one. I hope you enjoyed it. And until next time my friends have a great week and peace out.