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Known, Unknown, and Everything In Between, Rev. Jessica Clay, March 3, 2024

Sunday Sermon Podcast

Release Date: 03/06/2024

Whose Are We? Rev. Lara Cowtan, September 22, 2024 show art Whose Are We? Rev. Lara Cowtan, September 22, 2024

Sunday Sermon Podcast

This sermon podcast begins with a reflection by worship associate Meg Arnosti. The ancient question, “Who am I?” inevitably leads to a deeper one: “Whose am I?” because there is not identity outside of relationship. You cannot be a person by yourself. To ask, “Whose am I?” is to extend the question far beyond the little self-absorbed self, and wonder: Who needs you? Who loves you? To whom are you accountable? To whom do you answer? Whose life is altered by your choices? With whose life, whose lives is your own all bound up, inextricably, in obvious or invisible ways? 

Who Belongs? Rev. Dr. Oscar Sinclair, September 15, 2024 show art Who Belongs? Rev. Dr. Oscar Sinclair, September 15, 2024

Sunday Sermon Podcast

This sermon podcast begins with a reflection by worship associate Anna Newton. Unitarian Universalists are rightly proud of width and breadth of our institutional welcome. But who decide who is welcomed? Who belongs? What are the systems that we can either critique or build to deepen our understanding of welcome? 

Water Flows Downhill, Rev. Dr. Oscar Sinclair, September 8, 2024 show art Water Flows Downhill, Rev. Dr. Oscar Sinclair, September 8, 2024

Sunday Sermon Podcast

Rev. Sinclair offers a reflection on belonging, and how we are drawn to faithful life in community, sometimes in spite of ourselves.

Labors of Love, Rev. Lara Cowtan, September 1, 2024 show art Labors of Love, Rev. Lara Cowtan, September 1, 2024

Sunday Sermon Podcast

Is making a meal or baking or creating art or music an expression of your love? Let us lift up the many labors that go unsung, the under appreciated and maybe uncompensated work of people for others that enrich our lives in priceless ways. This podcast begins with a reflection by worship associate Lorelee Wederstrom.

Old Ships and New Traditions, Matt Meyer, August 25, 2024 show art Old Ships and New Traditions, Matt Meyer, August 25, 2024

Sunday Sermon Podcast

We’ll explore the depth of tradition and the benefits of renovation through a journey at sea. 

What's Trust Got to Do with It?, Rev. Karen Hering, August 18, 2024 show art What's Trust Got to Do with It?, Rev. Karen Hering, August 18, 2024

Sunday Sermon Podcast

In the uncertainties of our times, our mistrust — of the future, of ourselves and one another — might be justified. But we are called, as people of faith in a liberating love, to cultivate greater trust. Let’s explore how to become more trusting and more trustworthy in the face of change. Rev. Karen Hering

A Time for Every Single Thing, Rev. Victoria Safford, August 11, 2024 show art A Time for Every Single Thing, Rev. Victoria Safford, August 11, 2024

Sunday Sermon Podcast

The life of the spirit is all about triage: attending to this thing and then that thing, each in its time, with care. But the planet spins beneath our feet, sometimes careening wildly, and our days are disjointed and dizzying. When the known world flies apart, what holds you in place? Join us for pancake brunch after the service. 

The Danger of a Single Story, Sara Ford, August 4, 2024 show art The Danger of a Single Story, Sara Ford, August 4, 2024

Sunday Sermon Podcast

There were some audio issues with this recording. The audio gets better at the 30 seconds mark. We are all familiar with the story of Henry David Thoreau and his two-year experiment on a plot of land owned by his teacher, Ralph Waldo Emerson. We are less familiar with the story of Harriet Jacobs, Thoreau’s contemporary, who also, alone, entered a space that cut her off from society, and who also wrote a book about that experience. A look at these two experiences and the national appetite for one story, to be told in one, specific way in every school in the country for almost 200 years, and...

Queer Migration, Rev. Laura Smidzik, July 28, 2024 show art Queer Migration, Rev. Laura Smidzik, July 28, 2024

Sunday Sermon Podcast

As hostile laws are adopted across the county, queer families and individuals are making their way to states like Minnesota. We will paint a picture of what is happening, how Unitarian Universalists are connected, and supporting the effort to find safety and sanctuary for those who are migrating to Minnesota.

The Road to Joy, Sara Ford, Kevin Ward, Jess Goff, Sunday, July 21, 2024 show art The Road to Joy, Sara Ford, Kevin Ward, Jess Goff, Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sunday Sermon Podcast

This service begins with a reflection by Sara Ford followed by Kevin Ward and Jess Goff. What happens when a book changes your life? You buy copies for your friends? Or maybe you talk about it in a summer service. In 2016, the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu wrote The Book of Joy. Some of their ideas are weird and unattainable (like — Can you really train your mind to have mental immunity? Can you really have empathy for your enemies?), but then again maybe joy can happen. Jess Goff and Kevin Ward will share their favorite passages and meditate aloud how this book has transformed...

More Episodes

Join Rev Jessica Clay as she returns to Unity and reflects on her years of parish ministry since she was the Hallman Ministerial Intern in 2016-2017. She will explore the place creativity has in faith, community, and life.