A cottage industry of authors and speakers has sprung up claiming that the Bible’s teaching on homosexual behavior has been misunderstood, and that Christians can affirm gay relationships. Shane welcomes author and apologist Rebecca McLaughlin to refute their most common arguments.
Travel sports, stranger danger, busybody neighbors, housing prices, helicopter parenting, workism and more have conspired to make raising kids harder than it needs to be. Shane welcomes Tim Carney, author of Family Unfriendly, to explain where we went wrong and what a pro-family culture looks like. ________________ Show Notes: by Tim Carney Related Episodes: Follow Upstream on social media Instagram: Facebook:
The term "Christian" is a rare one in the Bible. By far the most common way the New Testament describes followers of Jesus is "in Christ." Shane welcomes pastor and author Sam Allberry to explore the incredible meaning behind this mysterious phrase.
Christians have long taught that God’s existence and power are evident in the world He has made. Yet secular, materialistic science says the universe looks exactly as we would expect if God didn’t exist. Shane welcomes philosopher of science Dr. Stephen Meyer in this interview from the 2023 Colson Center National Conference to explain why “the God hypothesis” is making a comeback. *This episode originally aired on June 6, 2023.
Artificial intelligence has advanced by leaps and bounds, raising questions about freedom, privacy, truth, and what it means to be human. Is the future utopian or dystopian, and how do the worldviews of AI creators shape their technology? Shane welcomes Dr. John Lennox to answer these questions using his book, 2084: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity.
Forty years ago, Anglican theologian Oliver O’Donovan published a prophetic critique of reproductive technologies, arguing that humans should be begotten, not made. This week, Shane welcomes Baylor professor and theology of the body expert Matthew Lee Anderson to introduce us to O’Donovan’s argument using an updated second edition of O'Donovan's book Begotten or Made?
In Colossians 2:8, the Apostle warns us not to be taken captive by hollow and deceitful philosophy. Does this mean Christians shouldn’t seek wisdom outside or alongside of Scripture? To answer, Shane welcomes Dr. Ross Inman, author of Christian Philosophy as a Way of Life: An Invitation to Wonder.
The beauty, the tradition, the sense of authority and certainty about doctrine—these are some of the many reasons evangelicals join the Catholic Church. But are they making a fully informed decision? Shane welcomes Chris Castaldo, co-author of Why Do Protestants Convert? to offer a surprising answer.
Evangelicals are often suspicious of the environmental movement because of its fatalism and worship of the earth. But what if Christianity is the best foundation for environmental stewardship? Shane welcomes Dr. Andrew Spencer, author of Hope for God’s Creation. Andrew's book, __________________ Get a copy of The Beginning and End of All Things: A Biblical Theology of Creation and New Creation at .
Whether from pop culture or politicians, corporate executives or mainstream journalists, Americans are bombarded with the message that marriage is outdated, inconvenient, and joyless. But statistics tell a very different story. Shane welcomes sociologist Brad Wilcox, author of the new book Get Married, to share the truth.
info_outlineThe creeds of Christianity summarize the most paradoxical and surprising story the world has ever known. So why do so many find them boring? In this best-of episode, Shane welcomes Trevin Wax to explain why the core truths of our faith are an invitation to adventure, using his book, The Thrill of Orthodoxy.