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Natural Faith Natural Society

UU Church of Annapolis Podcast

Release Date: 10/09/2023

Heaven and the Afterlife show art Heaven and the Afterlife

UU Church of Annapolis Podcast

What happens after we die? What awaits us? Time Magazine dedicated a special edition to this topic converging science and faith. I will share some of what they found as well as my own personal beliefs on the subject. (Delivered: Sunday, May 26, 2024)

Lessons My Mother Left Me show art Lessons My Mother Left Me

UU Church of Annapolis Podcast

You read my sermon title right: Mothers (plural). Join me this morning as I explore the qualities and characteristics of good mothering - from a personal point of view. Rev. Fred preaching. (Delivered: May 12, 2024)

The Love at the Heart of Beloved Community show art The Love at the Heart of Beloved Community

UU Church of Annapolis Podcast

UUs use the word "love" often. It appears three times in our Sunday covenant alone. What is the nature of this love? (Delivered: Sunday May 5, 2024)

Be Invictus show art Be Invictus

UU Church of Annapolis Podcast

In this auction sermon dedicated to UUCA member Sofia Blom, Rev John will examine Carl Jung's shadow concept and why a poem by William Ernest Henley provides the perfect context for understanding and overcoming our shadows which leads to spiritual transformation. Delivered Sunday April 28, 2024

You are the Earth Transforming our thinking about Nature show art You are the Earth Transforming our thinking about Nature

UU Church of Annapolis Podcast

In this sermon, Rev. John looks at the book of Genesis in The Bible and discusses why we need to reinterpret what it teaches as it relates to our relationship with other living beings. (Delivered: Sunday April 21, 2024)

The Practice of Transformation show art The Practice of Transformation

UU Church of Annapolis Podcast

Many come to religious communities seeking support in becoming their best self. Change is more than just understanding how you want to be, it is based on new behavior. Spiritual practices can be a powerful means for this process of becoming. Let's consider the transformational value of spiritual practice. (Delivered: Sunday April 14, 2024)

The Words We Can Say to Each Other show art The Words We Can Say to Each Other

UU Church of Annapolis Podcast

As we process, Rev. Anastassia's pending departure from ministry at UUCA, what are the important things we have to say to one another?

Springing Forth show art Springing Forth

UU Church of Annapolis Podcast

Reverend John explains the meaning and importance of UUCA's Flower Communion tradition. (Delivered: Sunday, March 31,2024)

Improbable Hope show art Improbable Hope

UU Church of Annapolis Podcast

Join Reverend Anastassia as she explores the idea of improbable hope and how it relates to miracles and new beginnings.

Why I am a Unitarian Universalist show art Why I am a Unitarian Universalist

UU Church of Annapolis Podcast

In this sermon, Rev John discusses his journey as a UU, why his faith has stood the test of time, and why he continues giving his financial resources to the UUCA community. (Delivered Sunday March 10, 2024)

More Episodes

Indigenous people deeply reflect the natural world in their religious, societal, and political institutions and expressions. It is a deeply innate human response to the world and one that Western cultures have moved away from. How might we do better by using nature as a model in our collective lives? Rev. Anastassia preaching.

(Delivered: Sunday October 8, 2023)