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CENTRAL ASIA: Muslims Ready for Truth


Release Date: 04/20/2024

CENTRAL ASIA: So Many Questions, Then God Spoke Her Language show art CENTRAL ASIA: So Many Questions, Then God Spoke Her Language


As a young woman in an Islamic culture in Central Asia, Sara was drawn to stories of Jesus. He was a good man, she thought, one whose life matched his teachings. But how could Jesus be God? Sara wrestled deeply with this question in her search for truth. Intellectually, she found the Bible to be true, but she couldn’t commit to everything it said. Eternal life was attractive, but the idea that Jesus was God was confusing to her. Sara poured herself into studying different religions, desperate to figure out how she could be confident she’d go to heaven when she died. She prayed, “God,...

10th Anniversary Special: Arrested in Tibet, She Experienced the Presence and Power of God show art 10th Anniversary Special: Arrested in Tibet, She Experienced the Presence and Power of God


This month we are commemorating the 10th Anniversary of The Voice of the Martyrs Radio. This week we look back on one of the most powerful conversations ever shared on VOM Radio airwaves. Sister Amber spent more than a decade in Tibet providing vocational training to local people and sharing the gospel. She felt God’s call especially to work among Tibet’s nomadic tribal people. Amber watched as God brought about a great ministry breakthrough: people who’d been completely closed to her message were now asking to learn more about Jesus! But just days after the breakthrough Amber...

VOM Radio 10th Anniversary Special: Praising God for a Decade of Inspiring Testimonies from Persecuted Christians show art VOM Radio 10th Anniversary Special: Praising God for a Decade of Inspiring Testimonies from Persecuted Christians


Over the last decade, God has allowed VOM Radio the opportunity to bring you into fellowship with persecuted Christians and tell the stories of what God is doing around the world even amid suffering and persecution. This week we’ll look back on some of the most moving moments of the first decade of VOM Radio. It was September of 2014 when The Voice of the Martyrs began releasing new VOM Radio episodes weekly. The first episode introduced listeners to members of our persecuted family in China. , a gospel worker with YWAM Frontier Missions and , serving with Operation Mobilization, told in...

Making Waves With Radio: “We Want People to Hear About Jesus” show art Making Waves With Radio: “We Want People to Hear About Jesus”


Working together, a Canadian with a vision, a businessman from Tampa, Florida, and tentmaking missionaries in Israel launched a ministry that today is making a gospel impact in more than 140 countries. Listen this week as Tim Whitehead, Executive director for in Canada, tells the story of how Galcom started in 1989 producing solar powered radios that could be locked into specific frequencies where listeners in a given location would hear Christian broadcasts. He’ll also share how Galcom has moved forward as technology advanced in the last 35 years—including helping launch more than 200...

Discipling Christians in Kazakhstan: The Church Must Be Ready show art Discipling Christians in Kazakhstan: The Church Must Be Ready


Pastor “AZ” saw his church in Kazakhstan grow the fastest during a season of intense Christian persecution. The church began with AZ, his wife and one other believer. Two years later there were 250 believers! AZ knew that reaching Kazakh people required communicating and demonstrating the gospel in their heart language. The church also needs to be ready to assist new believers when persecution comes. AZ became a believer in 1992, just as the Soviet Union was collapsing. Soon after repenting of sin and believing in Christ for salvation, AZ experienced persecution from his family. His own...

MISSIONS: It is Impossible That God is Not Calling People to Go and Serve show art MISSIONS: It is Impossible That God is Not Calling People to Go and Serve


How do we start gospel conversations with Hindu or Buddhist friends, neighbors and coworkers? Tim and Dawn have a simple answer: ask questions! Tim and Dawn serve as gospel workers in South Asia, leading an effort to plant gospel seeds in countries like India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and the Maldives—countries where Christian persecution is a common occurrence. Listen as Tim shares about Buddhism and Hinduism—including how followers of those religions may respond to or resist the message of Christ and the gospel. Tim encourages each of us that the best foundation for sharing the gospel...

MISSIONS: Becoming Like Them For The Sake of the Gospel show art MISSIONS: Becoming Like Them For The Sake of the Gospel


Brooks Buser, President of , says the best missionaries smell like the local people they have gone to serve. They focus not just on learning a language but understanding and living the culture, eating local food and joining in the things that fuel human interaction in that place. Buser says just as Christ came as a human baby into this world, missionaries that last become like those they are trying to reach for the sake of the gospel. Before leading Radius, Brooks was a missionary kid in Papua New Guinea. As an adult he went back to PNG as a missionary to the YembiYembi people with New Tribes...

CUBA PASTOR: “They can kill me, but they can’t kill Jesus.” show art CUBA PASTOR: “They can kill me, but they can’t kill Jesus.”


The government views Cuba’s people as sheep who will blindly follow rules and restrictions communist leaders force on them. There is another group the Bible compares to sheep: followers of Jesus. Romans 8:36 says, “For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.” This week on VOM Radio we’ll hear from two Cuban Christians, each with different experiences of Christian persecution. David faced persecution as the son of a pastor in Cuba; authorities even demanded that he secretly report to them his father’s ministry activities. Eventually...

Muslims Astounded by Christians: “We Persecute Them, But They Love Us!” show art Muslims Astounded by Christians: “We Persecute Them, But They Love Us!”


Jesus told his followers, “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35). As a leader involved in discipleship in the Middle East, Mamdouh Lawendy sees many Muslims repenting of sin and putting their faith in Christ. Often this is happening through the witness and example of believers around them. Muslims ask questions. They are curious why Christians can serve them when they hate Christians. They want to know how Christians can still show love, even when Muslims persecute them. Local churches have an influential role in reaching the...

How Richard Wurmbrand and Persecuted Christians Inspired an Ambitious Video Bible show art How Richard Wurmbrand and Persecuted Christians Inspired an Ambitious Video Bible


“You can help persecuted Christians, but they can help you more.” Richard Wurmbrand, the founder of The Voice of the Martyrs, shared this truth with Steve Cleary and it changed forever his perspective about being in fellowship with our persecuted family. Cleary, founder and president of , was an early staff member at The Voice of the Martyrs, including traveling to churches and other events with Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand. Today, Steve is following God’s call to develop to share Gods Word in animated video form with people all over the world. The iBible app and content is designed to...

More Episodes

A Christian and pastor from Central Asia, Brother Silas constantly interacts with Muslims. He says many are seeking truth and looking for answers to their deepest spiritual questions.

Brother Silas and Tom Houser, executive director for People International, share this week what new Christians in Central Asian nations—including Muslim background believers—experience when they become followers of Jesus. “The moment you make that decision,” says Silas, “you will be oppressed on every side.”

Persecution follows those who come to Christ in Central Asian nations like Türkiye, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Azerbaijan. The persecution may come from different sources: the government, their parents, relatives, neighbors, or the broader community. Persecuted Christians face isolation, broken friendships and being targeted by police or other authorities.

Silas shares some of his own experience as a persecuted Christian, and the encouragement he found in knowing other Christians were praying for him and that he was not alone. Organizations like People International and The Voice of the Martyrs, which take time to sit with persecuted Christians and know what they really need, bring encouragement as they share that others around the world—like VOM Radio listeners—are praying for our persecuted brothers and sisters.

Hear how we can reach our Muslim neighbors, coworkers, and friends for Christ. Tom will also share more about People International’s mission to be present where there is no church presence and what leaders of the group have learned in more than forty years of ministry. Also hear how social media, broadcasting and other evangelism tools are reaching people in Central Asia. And learn how you can pray for the people of Central Asia to know Christ, and for the persecuted church in these nations.

Listen here to Silas’ testimony of coming to faith and the persecution he faced as a new Christian.

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