Warbirds - Tales From Above
After completing 35 missions over occupied Europe, Robert Trimble isn't done yet. TIME STAMPS Intro - 0:00 - 1:57 Show Content - 2:22 - Finish LINKS and REFERENCES Email Me: [email protected]
info_outlineWarbirds - Tales From Above
What started as a promotion for Patreon turned into a "how to" regarding how my show is produced. Many folks have asked in the past about the nuts and bolts of Warbirds, and the general steps involved in getting a podcast going. This one may or may not be for you. There's no traditional "story" in this one. But for those that want a deep look in to how I publish each episode, as well as the infrastructure involved, this is for you. Time Stamps Intro: 0:00 - 10:47 Show Content: 10:53 - Finish LINKS and REFERENCES Email Me: [email protected]
info_outlineWarbirds - Tales From Above
There's more to this guys story than is normally published. Apparently, people just like to report the shock and awe. That's fine and all, but on this show, we dig. We give the reasons why this man could pull-off such a feat. And with style and ease to-boot. TIME STAMPS Intro - 0:00 - 4:00 Show Content - 4:24 - Finish LINKS and REFERENCES In case you're wondering, this guy is a veteran combat pilot of Vietnam. If fact, he was the youngest to fly the F-4. The running joke is that this is a mandatory maneuver when leaving Paris. Email me: [email protected]
info_outlineWarbirds - Tales From Above
Their name was coined not only for their losses, but for the psychological strain that they were forced to endure. TIME STAMPS Intro - 0:00 - 2:12 Show Content - 2:36 - Finish LINKS and REFERENCES Email Me:
info_outlineWarbirds - Tales From Above
How long was the longest dogfight? It's debatable, but this one is certainly in the running. Captain Elmer Royce Williams takes on 6 Migs by himself. That, of course, is what the plethora of internet articles will tell you. While Williams is certainly a hero of hero's, he received some great help from some men that are rarely talked about. TIME STAMPS Intro - 0:00 - 5:51 Mail Call - 6:36 - 14:19 Show Content - 14:23 - Finish LINKS and REFERENCES Email Me:
info_outlineWarbirds - Tales From Above
None of these airmen should have survived the war, yet they all lived to tell their story. TIME STAMPS Intro - 0:00 - 01:33 Mail Call - 02:52 - 07:45 Show Content - 08:11 - Finish LINKS and REFERENCES Email Me: [email protected]
info_outlineWarbirds - Tales From Above
Don't look down. But bring your chute just in case... LINKS and REFERENCES Email Me:
info_outlineWarbirds - Tales From Above
Wrapping up our week at the Reno Air Races, and firing on all cylinders. LINKS and REFERENCES Email Me:
info_outlineWarbirds - Tales From Above
It's the last Reno Air Races. We were there, and received a whole lot of the unexpected. LINKS and REFERENCES Email Me:
info_outlineWarbirds - Tales From Above
Take the worst airplane you can find along with a horrible scenario. Then pair it with three heroic pilots, and see what happens. LINKS and REFERENCES Email Me:
info_outlineJoin me not only for the return of the show, but for my Grandfathers return to the Reno Air Races after over 41 years. During this episode, we not only experience some great racing, but we were graced with learning about a wonderful man and airmen, Lt. Col. Robert Friend.
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Robert J. Friend, Tuskegee Pilot who led UFO Project, By Sam Roberts