Water Cooler Real Estate
Thinking about Buying a Home?
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Whereas in the 1990's, it seemed like Fixers were All the Rage, many of today's Home Buyers are really looking for Turn-Key homes.
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As a First time or first time in a long time Buyer, typically the most important criteria as to how much home you can afford comes down to your Total Monthly Payment.
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Whether you are a Buyer or Seller, you may be considering doing some remodeling or new construction projects.
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The Number One most vital criteria in evaluating and valuing Real Estate is the Location.
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Buying and Selling you home can be a stressful, emotional, and rewarding time, especially when you are expected to carry on your "Normal" life at the same time.
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Selling your home is one of the largest financial and emotional endeavors most people tackle in their lifetime.
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There are many financial reasons to owning a home versus renting.
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The simple economics explanation of a Seller's Market is when the Demand for Homes outnumbers the existing Supply of homes available for sale in a given Real Estate market.
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"That's Not What Zillow Says!"
info_outlineEvery Buyer would LOVE to get a $Million home for $250,000. In today's episode, The Insiders discuss 3 easy steps to help Buyers make the Home Buying Process as fruitful and as painless as possible. Buyers need Expectations, Objectives, Goals, Prioritizing & Protections!