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046: Jillian Benfield - Raising a Child with Down Syndrome

We Are Free

Release Date: 08/12/2020

069: Allie Casazza - Decluttering Your Heart and Home show art 069: Allie Casazza - Decluttering Your Heart and Home

We Are Free

Allie Casazza, the life minimalist and author of Declutter Like a Mother, joins me today and we chat about getting rid of the excess stuff in our lives, homes and hearts so we can make room for what matters most. Allie and I discuss contentment vs. consumerism; what minimalism looks like as a mom; what decluttering has to do with faith; practical ways to live a simple life; and why capsule wardrobes aren’t for everyone! Do you consider yourself a minimalist? Maybe you’ll want to after this episode!

068: Michelle Nietert - Raising Mentally Healthy Kids (and Mamas!) show art 068: Michelle Nietert - Raising Mentally Healthy Kids (and Mamas!)

We Are Free

We know mental health is vital but how do we implement those practices and teach our kids to do the same? I chatted with Michelle Nietert about the warning signs we’re not okay and what to do when our brains, bodies and hearts (and our kids’) are in need of some TLC and healing.

067: Mary Marantz - Discovering What Makes the Broken Beautiful show art 067: Mary Marantz - Discovering What Makes the Broken Beautiful

We Are Free

The hard parts of our stories are more than just that; if we look close enough, we’ll see there’s so much beauty, strength and goodness to be discovered within ourselves. Mary Marantz, author of Dirt, joins me to chat about facing our pasts and allowing them to positively shape our futures.

066: Jeanette Tapley - Honest, Vulnerable and Intentional Friendships show art 066: Jeanette Tapley - Honest, Vulnerable and Intentional Friendships

We Are Free

Friendships are important but they’re not always easy. Jeanette and I chat about honesty, intentionality, vulnerability and expectations in friendships. Isolating ourselves and thinking we can do it on our own is for the birds. We need our friends! Listen in, laugh with us and be encouraged to be a good friend and let your friends love you back, too.

065: Courtney Kibby Cooper - Tapping into Your Creativity show art 065: Courtney Kibby Cooper - Tapping into Your Creativity

We Are Free

We have a creative God. And artist Courtney Kibby Cooper believes the beauty and creativity He’s given us (in the world and within ourselves) can help us heal and grow our appreciation for the beauty and good gifts in our lives. 

064: Julie Zihong - A Conversation with an Adult Chinese Adoptee show art 064: Julie Zihong - A Conversation with an Adult Chinese Adoptee

We Are Free

Adoption is an incredible gift but it’s also born out of loss. Julie Zihong, an adult Chinese adoptee, shares about the common questions and emotions that come with adoption. She speaks honestly about dealing with feelings of abandonment, finding your identity in Jesus and offers encouragement for adoptive families.

063: Jennifer Dukes Lee - Growing Slow: Lessons on Un-Hurrying Your Heart show art 063: Jennifer Dukes Lee - Growing Slow: Lessons on Un-Hurrying Your Heart

We Are Free

How do we change our perspective on instant gratification? How do we embrace the long winter seasons of our lives? Jennifer says, “Time is our friend,” and rather than fighting it, there’s so much goodness, healing and harvest that comes from Growing Slow. Listen in as we talk all about un-hurrying our hearts.

062: Ashlee Gadd - No Plan B Kind of Faith show art 062: Ashlee Gadd - No Plan B Kind of Faith

We Are Free

What does it look like to have a no Plan B kind of faith? Are we really relying solely on God to make His Plan A happen? And what do you do if your Plan A falls through? Listen in as founder of Coffee + Crumbs Ashlee Gadd and I chat about faith, fears and all the good going on behind the scenes whether our plans come to fruition or not.

061: Sonya Spillmann - Practice Putting Things Where They Belong show art 061: Sonya Spillmann - Practice Putting Things Where They Belong

We Are Free

We know how to put physical things where they belong, like bread left out on the counter or toothpaste in the drawer, but what about the emotional and spiritual things? Are we taking time to bring those things to God? Listen in as Sonya and I chat about how to practice putting things where they belong.

060: Neidy Hess - The Shame of a Foreigner show art 060: Neidy Hess - The Shame of a Foreigner

We Are Free

Neidy Hess shares about what it was like to grow up in the United States as an undocumented citizen and the shame she carried with her because of that label. We talk about generational sin, poverty, the hardships of parenting and ultimately, how the love of Jesus can wipe clean all feelings of unworthiness, no matter what the circumstance.

More Episodes

How does raising a child with Down syndrome change you? How can we have more empathy for families who have kids with disabilities? What is a mom’s greatest fear and hope for her child who has Down syndrome? Jillian Benfield shares her family’s story and her heart on all of this in Ep. 046.