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Drawing Closer to God with Wendy Robinson - Season 7 - Episode 17

Drawing closer to God with Wendy Robinson

Release Date: 05/01/2020

EP114 Speaking faith and life show art EP114 Speaking faith and life

Drawing closer to God with Wendy Robinson

When did you last do an audit of the words you speak? Are you speaking “faith and life” or “fear and death”? Late last year we were facing another challenging medical situation with our daughter, Victoria. I found myself going down that path of fear. I was spending time with God, a lot actually due to a broken wrist slowing me down! In these times I was primarily looking for reassurance and comfort. I was not speaking faith into Victoria’s situation. Something changed in the Be Still moment But then something changed. During one of those quiet times with God, I was sitting on a seat...

EP113 Not enough time. I need help. show art EP113 Not enough time. I need help.

Drawing closer to God with Wendy Robinson

Have you ever said to yourself, “There is not enough time to do all this.”?  I have and it's normally followed up with a huge sigh of exasperation! Then the Holy Spirit reminds me of something I heard a few years ago, “God will always give you enough time for what He wants you to do.”   Press pause! Does that mean I am doing things that God doesn’t want me to do? Does that mean I am doing things differently from how He wants me to do them? Sounds like it is time to check in with God and find out.   Getting direction from God   Let's look at those...

EP112 Providing the full protection show art EP112 Providing the full protection

Drawing closer to God with Wendy Robinson

Saturday morning was damp and humid, perfect mosquito conditions. Sometimes walking in this place can feel like mosquito feeding time! However, this morning I realised no mosquito had come near me. My thoughts moved to the insect repellent I had put on before walking. I have two types of repellent I use, a spray from one brand, and a roll-on from a different brand. Today I applied the roll-on and it was definitely providing the full protection and I was grateful. God's protection Oh, my brain suddenly started going off, thinking about all the parallels between putting on the protection against...

EP111 Need some encouragement to finish that project show art EP111 Need some encouragement to finish that project

Drawing closer to God with Wendy Robinson

Do you need some encouragement to finish that project? How many times in your life have you started a project and struggled to complete it? Perhaps you are in that situation right now! Where do you go to get the encouragement you need to finish a project?  Striving to find a way So many times in my life I have been unable to find a way through. I strive to find the strategy, to find the key to moving forward. When I feel myself striving this way, I know there is only one action to take - Be Still. Yes, Psalm 46:10 again! I keep coming back to that very clear command...

EP110 What brings colour into your life? show art EP110 What brings colour into your life?

Drawing closer to God with Wendy Robinson

Christmas was over a month ago. We were a little late putting our tree up this year, 23 December, but we did get there. Perhaps we will leave it up until February as it adds so much colour to the room. When we take the tree down the room looks very bland.  It’s a bit like the tree in our garden I shared about a couple of weeks ago, stunning hot pink flowers and fresh green leaves in the summer, and then in winter - just plain brown branches. That thought leads me to a question, what brings colour into your life? What brings joy into your life? What dulls the colour in your life? ...

EP109 Is frustration taking over? show art EP109 Is frustration taking over?

Drawing closer to God with Wendy Robinson

What's your 'go-to' when things aren't working out how you thought they would? Does frustration take over? For me, being a planner and organiser by nature, frustration is definitely my 'go-to' when things aren't working out as I'd planned.  The broken wrist In early December I broke my wrist while renovating a room in our home. Standing on a kiddie step to sand a cornice, I stepped off awkwardly and fell. I screamed. My daughter came running and helped me get up off the floor. Immediately I started planning how I could continue the sanding. I attempted to pick up something with my...

EP108 We will rejoice show art EP108 We will rejoice

Drawing closer to God with Wendy Robinson

What are the first words you say to yourself when you wake up? Over the last few months, I have been purposefully saying to myself these words from a childhood Sunday School song (actually Psalm 118:24), "This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it." (NKJV).  It is a declaration to my soul. Me, telling myself that God is in control. He made this day (Psalm 118:24). He knows what is to come (Psalm 139:16). He will not leave me to do this day alone. (Deuteronomy 31:8). Speaking faith  Essentially I am speaking faith into my day....

EP107 Writing Season Again show art EP107 Writing Season Again

Drawing closer to God with Wendy Robinson

In our garden we have a hot pink Crepe MyrtIe (I had to google to find out what type of tree it was!). It blooms in the height of summer, bringing a huge splash of colour to our garden. I love it, often exclaiming to the children as we drive in the driveway, “Look at the tree, look at the tree, it is so beautiful.” Of course in the winter it looks very different. Just a trunk and branches. No leaves. No hot pink flowers. Seasons God tells us in Ecclesiastes that there are seasons, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the...

Drawing Closer to God with Wendy Robinson - Season 8 - Episode 11 show art Drawing Closer to God with Wendy Robinson - Season 8 - Episode 11

Drawing closer to God with Wendy Robinson

In my lifegroup we are studying Romans. What a wonderful time we are having getting greater revelation of God's grace, learning more about why and how Jesus set us right with God. Every week we are reminded that it's all about God. Not us. It's all about Who He is, and what He says about us.

Drawing closer to God with Wendy Robinson - Season 8 - Episode 10 show art Drawing closer to God with Wendy Robinson - Season 8 - Episode 10

Drawing closer to God with Wendy Robinson

What does worship mean to you? Recently I read this statement about worship. It reminded me that worship is not about us.

More Episodes

When the COVID-19 social distancing restrictions were implemented in March 2020, in Australia, I asked God what He wanted me to do during this time. He simply said, 'Tend to your garden." I knew He meant literally, as our garden was long overdue some TLC. But I also knew He was speaking metaphorically about areas in my life, family relationships and other activities I'm involved in. What has God been saying to you during COVID-19?

Tending the literal garden

For me, tending to the literal garden wasn't going to be a complex activity. It just involved a plan - with achievable goals, time, a little money, and sunshine. Over the past six weeks we have transformed our front path, planting seeds to create a border of white cottage flowers. What a joy it has been each morning to walk out the front door and see the growth.

Another section of the garden has been weeded and had turf laid. In the midst of those improvements a stunning white Camellia tree has bloomed, dropping petals white as snow on the newly laid turf. So beautiful.

Our youngest daughter has planted seeds to create flower borders around two trees. The shoots are starting to come through now. Doing this gardening together with her is part of the other 'tend to your garden' that God was speaking to me about.

Tending to relationships

Through our journey of having four children and one with cancer who obviously required more attention, understanding the concept of love languages has been essential. They have helped immensely in working to restore relationships with our other children. For more information on love languages, see 'The Five Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell.'

Over the years we had purposefully implemented routines and strategies to increase the frequency that we 'spoke' each child's love language. Strategies that God used to bring healing into relationships. For example, for those with a love language of Quality Time, we identified specific times during the weekly schedule. They often happened in the car on the way to sporting activities.

So guess what happened when the COVID-19 social distancing restrictions came in? Sport stopped, and along with it those precious Quality Time moments. The flow on-effect? Increased tension and frustration as the love tanks were suddenly running very low!

How do we do this now?

There was frustration for me as well as the children. I was so angry with the enemy for attempting to destroy what God had restored.

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. John 10:10 NKJV

However, I am grateful for all God has taught me over the years about the enemy's attempts to steal, kill and destroy. A couple of key scriptures that help me in these times of frustration - although sometimes only after I have loudly expressed my frustration! ....

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Ephesians 6:12-13 NKJV

So he answered and said to me: “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ Says the Lord of hosts. Zechariah 4:6 NKJV

God says, 'Do it this way.'

So with the help of the Holy Spirit we have created new ways of 'speaking' each child's love language in this COVID-19 season and possibly beyond. And yes, for one child, that does include time in the garden. Praise God. He always has a plan and it is good.

Another area that I knew God was referring to with the 'Tend to your garden' response was a ministry group I am involved with.

In January this year God spoke to me about doing something new with the group. I was excited about what He had said, but did not know how to implement it. Sure I had ideas, but none of them seemed to be feasible, so I did nothing.

Yesterday I was outside at sunrise preparing the ground for laying the turf before the forecasted rain came, when God spoke to me about that new thing. He said something like, 'Now is the time to do that, and do it this way.' The strategy was brillant, masterful! Thank you God.

In January, how could I have known that COVID-19 would impact our country in this way? And that there would be a flow-on affect impacting the way our group operated? How could I have known that this would be the perfect time to implement what God had spoken to me about? The answer to all these questions is, 'I couldn't have known.' Only God knew.

For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.
For as
the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:8-9 NKJV

Make space to hear what God wants to say

So why am I sharing these stories? Because I really believe God has at least one thing, probably more, He wants to say to each of us during this time. And His words to us, as always, are critical for our future. They give us purpose and the strategies on how to achieve that purpose.

How are you going to make space in your day to hear what God wants to say to you?

For some more thoughts on hearing from God please visit these posts at https://wendyrobinson.com.au
God hears our heart's cry
God's timing and our patience
God is listening - Day 22 - Drawing Closer to God devotion