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Drawing Closer to God with Wendy Robinson - Season 8 - Episode 4

Drawing closer to God with Wendy Robinson

Release Date: 06/15/2020

EP114 Speaking faith and life show art EP114 Speaking faith and life

Drawing closer to God with Wendy Robinson

When did you last do an audit of the words you speak? Are you speaking “faith and life” or “fear and death”? Late last year we were facing another challenging medical situation with our daughter, Victoria. I found myself going down that path of fear. I was spending time with God, a lot actually due to a broken wrist slowing me down! In these times I was primarily looking for reassurance and comfort. I was not speaking faith into Victoria’s situation. Something changed in the Be Still moment But then something changed. During one of those quiet times with God, I was sitting on a seat...

EP113 Not enough time. I need help. show art EP113 Not enough time. I need help.

Drawing closer to God with Wendy Robinson

Have you ever said to yourself, “There is not enough time to do all this.”?  I have and it's normally followed up with a huge sigh of exasperation! Then the Holy Spirit reminds me of something I heard a few years ago, “God will always give you enough time for what He wants you to do.”   Press pause! Does that mean I am doing things that God doesn’t want me to do? Does that mean I am doing things differently from how He wants me to do them? Sounds like it is time to check in with God and find out.   Getting direction from God   Let's look at those...

EP112 Providing the full protection show art EP112 Providing the full protection

Drawing closer to God with Wendy Robinson

Saturday morning was damp and humid, perfect mosquito conditions. Sometimes walking in this place can feel like mosquito feeding time! However, this morning I realised no mosquito had come near me. My thoughts moved to the insect repellent I had put on before walking. I have two types of repellent I use, a spray from one brand, and a roll-on from a different brand. Today I applied the roll-on and it was definitely providing the full protection and I was grateful. God's protection Oh, my brain suddenly started going off, thinking about all the parallels between putting on the protection against...

EP111 Need some encouragement to finish that project show art EP111 Need some encouragement to finish that project

Drawing closer to God with Wendy Robinson

Do you need some encouragement to finish that project? How many times in your life have you started a project and struggled to complete it? Perhaps you are in that situation right now! Where do you go to get the encouragement you need to finish a project?  Striving to find a way So many times in my life I have been unable to find a way through. I strive to find the strategy, to find the key to moving forward. When I feel myself striving this way, I know there is only one action to take - Be Still. Yes, Psalm 46:10 again! I keep coming back to that very clear command...

EP110 What brings colour into your life? show art EP110 What brings colour into your life?

Drawing closer to God with Wendy Robinson

Christmas was over a month ago. We were a little late putting our tree up this year, 23 December, but we did get there. Perhaps we will leave it up until February as it adds so much colour to the room. When we take the tree down the room looks very bland.  It’s a bit like the tree in our garden I shared about a couple of weeks ago, stunning hot pink flowers and fresh green leaves in the summer, and then in winter - just plain brown branches. That thought leads me to a question, what brings colour into your life? What brings joy into your life? What dulls the colour in your life? ...

EP109 Is frustration taking over? show art EP109 Is frustration taking over?

Drawing closer to God with Wendy Robinson

What's your 'go-to' when things aren't working out how you thought they would? Does frustration take over? For me, being a planner and organiser by nature, frustration is definitely my 'go-to' when things aren't working out as I'd planned.  The broken wrist In early December I broke my wrist while renovating a room in our home. Standing on a kiddie step to sand a cornice, I stepped off awkwardly and fell. I screamed. My daughter came running and helped me get up off the floor. Immediately I started planning how I could continue the sanding. I attempted to pick up something with my...

EP108 We will rejoice show art EP108 We will rejoice

Drawing closer to God with Wendy Robinson

What are the first words you say to yourself when you wake up? Over the last few months, I have been purposefully saying to myself these words from a childhood Sunday School song (actually Psalm 118:24), "This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it." (NKJV).  It is a declaration to my soul. Me, telling myself that God is in control. He made this day (Psalm 118:24). He knows what is to come (Psalm 139:16). He will not leave me to do this day alone. (Deuteronomy 31:8). Speaking faith  Essentially I am speaking faith into my day....

EP107 Writing Season Again show art EP107 Writing Season Again

Drawing closer to God with Wendy Robinson

In our garden we have a hot pink Crepe MyrtIe (I had to google to find out what type of tree it was!). It blooms in the height of summer, bringing a huge splash of colour to our garden. I love it, often exclaiming to the children as we drive in the driveway, “Look at the tree, look at the tree, it is so beautiful.” Of course in the winter it looks very different. Just a trunk and branches. No leaves. No hot pink flowers. Seasons God tells us in Ecclesiastes that there are seasons, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the...

Drawing Closer to God with Wendy Robinson - Season 8 - Episode 11 show art Drawing Closer to God with Wendy Robinson - Season 8 - Episode 11

Drawing closer to God with Wendy Robinson

In my lifegroup we are studying Romans. What a wonderful time we are having getting greater revelation of God's grace, learning more about why and how Jesus set us right with God. Every week we are reminded that it's all about God. Not us. It's all about Who He is, and what He says about us.

Drawing closer to God with Wendy Robinson - Season 8 - Episode 10 show art Drawing closer to God with Wendy Robinson - Season 8 - Episode 10

Drawing closer to God with Wendy Robinson

What does worship mean to you? Recently I read this statement about worship. It reminded me that worship is not about us.

More Episodes

What has God put on your heart to do today? Is it something you regularly do, or is it a little 'out-of-the-box'? This is a story about having the courage to do what God says, no matter how 'weird' it seems, and then witnessing how God blesses others through that obedience. I pray this simple story encourages you to follow through on promptings from the Holy Spirit, trusting that your obedience will bring blessing to yourself and others.

Walking and praying

One of my weekly activities is twice a week walking and praying around the school grounds, normally with a couple of other mothers from school. Most of the time we have no idea how God uses our prayers. We just walk and pray in faith that He is at work in the supernatural. We may never know the outcomes of those prayers, but we trust that in this season it is what God has asked us to do.

Plans change

The presence of COVID-19 put a stop to the walking around the school grounds. But it did not stop us praying together, as we like many others around the world quickly worked out how to pray together online.

No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper. Isaiah 54:17 NKJV

And, again, as I'm sure many people found during this time, the stretching and having to do things a little differently, actually became a blessing.

In our school prayer example, praying online enabled more mums to pray than could usually be present at school, which led to more conversation and deeper relationships.

It's a bit like, the enemy had a plan, and God used it for good, sound familiar ...

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28 NKJV

More changes

Now as the restrictions from COVID-19 are slowly reducing, we can walk and pray at school again, albeit in a specified area, the school oval, and with a maximum of three prayers. We are just so grateful to be allowed to pray on school grounds again.

Normally we commence our prayer walk by going around the boundary of the school. Our starting place is the oval. For the past couple of years we have done this on Friday afternoons when sport is on, so the children and teachers were used to seeing us walking and praying.

Last Friday was my first time returning to pray at school, and I was by myself. When I completed my first lap of the oval I thought, "How silly is this going to look, when I walk around the oval again?" As I couldn't go on our normal route around the school due to the COVID-19 restrictions.

It's not about me!

But then, with the prompting of the Holy Spirit, I remembered that it wasn't about me! But rather it was about what God wanted to do in that moment. And I had no idea what that was, so I asked Him, "God, why is it that we are allowed only here, on the oval? I know from a COVID-19 safety perspective why we are here, but why have You got us only here? What is it that You want me to do?"

Pause for a moment and picture this - a sports oval filled 7 classes of children and their teachers, and one woman walking around the perimeter of the oval praying. What do you think God wanted me to do?

We have all been impacted by COVID-19 in different ways, especially teachers who had to completely re-think the way they deliver education very quickly, and implement new strategies effectively and efficiently.

Pray for the teachers

So God's answer to me was simply, "Pray for the teachers on the oval."

So I started on my second prayer lap of the oval. As I walked past each teacher, God gave me a word of encouragement, very specific, which I madly scribbled on a piece of paper. As much as I wanted to, I knew it wasn't appropriate to walk up to them in the middle of their sports activities and say, 'Hi, I felt God wanted to say to you .... '

Previously I had received specific words of encouragement for teachers, normally one or two, but never seven during one prayer walk. This was a little unusual. What was God doing?

What next God?

As I drove home from school I asked God about those words of encouragement, and how specific they were, and what to with them. Do I email each teacher individually, or send a group email including everyone's word of encouragement?

You may think, what does it matter how you deliver the words of encouragement? But more and more I am learning that God is interested in the details. It mattered to Him how they were delivered, because, as He was about to tell me, He had another message to deliver to these teachers.

God's response to my question about the specificity was something like, "This is My body – each one with a role to play and a gift to bring."

The diversity of the body of Christ

I got it! God was wanting to not only deliver a word of encouragement to each teacher, but He wanted to send a message about the wonderful diversity of His body.

It is the same Holy Spirit who continues to distribute many different varieties of gifts.

The Lord Yahweh is one, and he is the one who apportions to believers different varieties of ministries.

The same God distributes different kinds of miracles that accomplish different results through each believer's gift and ministry as he energises and activates them.

Each believer is given continuous revelation by the Holy Spirit to benefit not just himself but all. 1 Corinthians 12:4-7 TPT

God's response to the 'How' question was 'send as a group email' to illustrate the diversity of the body.

Later in the afternoon I sent that group email with the words of encouragement and supporting scriptures. The responses I received confirmed that God's message had been delivered and understood. All glory to God, He knows what we need and when we need it.

The 'takeaways' from this story

So there are plenty of 'takeaways' from this simple story. I've listed them below with the supporting example.

  1. Make space in your life for God to speak to you (e.g. purposefully set aside time to pray and listen to God)
  2. Trust that God is at work in the unseen (e.g. praying for people, students and families, that we don't know)
  3. When seemingly barriers arise, be expectant that God will use it for God (e.g. temporary move to praying online)
  4. Take your eyes off yourself and put them on Jesus (e.g. worrying about what others will think about repeatedly walking around the oval).
  5. When plans change, ask God what He wants to bring from the change (e.g. What were God's plans for us praying only on the oval?)
  6. Be ready for God to do things differently (e.g. God's words of encouragement for each of the seven teachers on the oval)
  7. Keep asking God for the next step (e.g. how to deliver the words of encouragement to the teachers)
  8. God has a bigger plan (e.g. this was about more than words of encouragement, it was about giving a picture of Christ's body - unity through diversity)
  9. Obeying leads to blessing others (e.g. obeying God's call to take time to pray lead to His word of encouragement for others).

Obedience will bring blessing

This is a very simple story of how when we obey what God asks us to do, we can be a blessing to others. Just as God wanted to encourage these teachers that they all have gifts and are part of one body, it is the same for us. We all have gifts, gifts to bless others with, however sometimes we just need a little bit of encouragement to get out there and use them!

So I pray that this story encourages you to do what God has put on your heart, and know that He has gifted you for a purpose, far greater than you could have imagined. And whatsmore, you may never know how far the blessing ripples will travel from your step of obedience.

But God has carefully designed each member and placed it in the body to function as he desires. A diversity is required, for if the body consisted of one single part, there wouldn't be any body at all! So now we see that there are many differing parts and functions, but one body. 1 Corinthians 12:18-20 TPT

To find out more please visit https://wendyrobinson.com.au