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Introduction to What it's Like to be White

What it's like to be White

Release Date: 01/10/2021

“White Privilege”: What is it, who has it, and what can we do about it? show art “White Privilege”: What is it, who has it, and what can we do about it?

What it's like to be White

In our season one finale, our guests share personal experiences around privilege and their work in disrupting the system. We also discuss why terms like White Privilege or fragility can cause feelings of defensiveness along with how to bridge gaps and enact change with people who have different views.

“White and Woke” Getting used to being uncomfortable. show art “White and Woke” Getting used to being uncomfortable.

What it's like to be White

In this episode we will talk with two woke white folks. They will share the story of their experiences that has led them to wake up and recognize inequities BIPOC face. During this conversation we get a glimpse of what it’s like to be white.

“Courageous Conversations” Are you having a hard time when facing the talk? show art “Courageous Conversations” Are you having a hard time when facing the talk?

What it's like to be White

In this episode we dive into the challenges we have when talking about race. We will examine some pitfalls and look at some great opportunities to reach and connect with others as we discuss our differences and share our stories.

"Humanity in Healthcare" Do all lives matter when it comes to medical care?

What it's like to be White

This episodes features two health care professionals, a nurse on the front lines and a healthcare administrator. Through our conversations we discuss the inequities and some potential solutions to increasing equitable care for all patients.

“Co-conspirators in Action” The roles social workers play in disrupting the system. show art “Co-conspirators in Action” The roles social workers play in disrupting the system.

What it's like to be White

This episode features clinical social workers and their roles in disrupting the system. Chelsey, our executive producer, joins us a co-host in this episode as she shares her expertise in this area.

"Barriers to Black Owned" Why does it feel like there are some hurdles that can't be outgrown?

What it's like to be White

We focus on contrasting the journeys of two established business owners. We examine their experiences from their first entrepreneurial venture to current successes in their given fields.

"Now Hiring" What is the difference between James, Julio and Jaquan and their access to employment.

What it's like to be White

In this episode we discuss the obstacles faced by People of Color when entering the workforce and navigating through majority white controlled spaces. What happens after getting in the room? Why are there continued barriers to climbing the corporate ladder?

“The last safe space for White Supremacy?” Examining the role of Christianity in the fight for social justice. show art “The last safe space for White Supremacy?” Examining the role of Christianity in the fight for social justice.

What it's like to be White

This weeks episode takes a look into Christianity in American culture. Is the church the last safe haven for White Supremacy? Why is there so much resistance to social justice in a community that claims to uphold a message of love and where do people of color fit in?

"Sports are back, but are they too Black?" Do Black lives matter off the field and should players use their platform?

What it's like to be White

In this episode Dan and Joe will share their experiences coaching high school athletics. We will discuss the differences in how athletes are treated depending on environments they find themselves in.

"Wait, you're not white?" Exploring colorism in the Latinx Community

What it's like to be White

In this episode we speak with our very own Chelsey Diaz and discuss colorism within the Latinx community. During our time together we will take a look at some of the ways colorism is expressed within our community and how navigating different spaces as an “other” presents challenges.

More Episodes

In this podcast we will take a serious but not too serious look at the difference in walking through the world as a white person vs. everyone else.  And I say serious but not to serious because I have found that humor often helps disarm people.

Maybe you’ll chuckle and then pause and be “like wait, was he serious?” and that’s often when the truth sinks in

In Each episode we will take a look at the differences between the experiences of whites and people of color, we will have two guests, yup you guessed it, one white and one person of color, we will take a journey with them, walk in their shoes, and discuss the differences as they navigate the same space.

My hope is to educate through dialogue, something I think we have been missing for awhile now.

Maybe, just maybe if we listen to these stories, we will begin to see each other as fully human. And that’s where it begins, seeing and hearing each other.

Realizing  that we are all worthy of empathy and respect.

Hit subscribe and stay tuned for episodes to drop as we talk about     what it’s like to be white.