When Animals Attack Podcast
In Episode 26: Feline Fury, Jen and Nilo are joined by cat/horror experts Morgan Woolsey and Ben Raphael Sher to discuss what happens when good cats go bad! (Spoiler: they don’t. All Cats Are Beautiful.) We share an irl story of a family (supposedly) terrorized by a housecat before spending the majority of the episode digging into a range of cat horror films, including Strays, The Uncanny, Eye of the Cat, and Hausu, with brief references to Kuroneko, Uninvited, Demonia, Devil Story, Let the Right One In, The Black Cat, and more. For more from Ben and Morgan, you can find them on IG -...
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We know it’s been a while, crocodile. But we’re back with a vengeance in an episode nearly as massive as “the chief of beasts” himself! In Episode 25 Jen and Nilo share stories about unfortunate human encounters with crocs, and celebrate various entries in the crocsploitation subgenre: Rogue, Black Water, Dark Age, Lake Placid, Crocodile, Killer Crocodile, and Killer Crocodile 2. Sources: Gordon Grice, The Book of Deadly Animals Hugh Edwards, Crocodile Attack Michael Garlock, Killer Gators and Crocs: Gruesome Encounters from Across the Globe Peter Hathaway Capstick, Maneaters James...
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Known variously as vampires, witch’s steeds, and sexual perverts, across myriad cultures and throughout human history the hyena has haunted our collective imagination. In episode 24, Jen and Nilo share stories of some unfortunate humans’ encounters with these cackling creatures and discuss the dubious merits of Hyenas (2011) and Endangered Species (2021).
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In Episode 23, Jen and Nilo swap stories of unfortunate arachnid encounters before discussing the invading spider armies of Arachnophobia (1990) and Kingdom of the Spiders (1977) and the far more disturbing spider sex of Latvian art-horror curiosity Spider (1992).
info_outlineWhen Animals Attack Podcast
In episode 22, Jen and Nilo share stories of a variety of avian attacks, from magpies mobbing cyclists to starlings crashing planes to the terrifying exploits of the living velociraptor known as the cassowary. Then they discuss some of the best animal horror movies ever put to celluloid – The Birds and The Lighthouse – and possibly the worst film ever made, Birdemic. But the most fun entry this go-round was the 1987 schlockfest, Beaks (aka Birds of Prey).
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In episode 21, Jen & Nilo share stories about a recent mountain lion attack and the Zanesville Massacre, before hashing out their reactions to the Netflix limited series Tiger King.
info_outlineWhen Animals Attack Podcast
In episode 20, Jen & Nilo are joined by two special guests, Ash & Jon of Horror Vanguard podcast, to dig into the 1984 Ozploitation classic, Razorback. Then they discuss the 1973 oddity Pigs, before sharing some true stories of pig and boar attacks.
info_outlineWhen Animals Attack Podcast
In episode 19, Jen & Nilo share true stories of harrowing encounters with the world's largest land predator in Canada, Alaska, Norway, and Russia. They also discuss two animal horror films: Unnatural and Wild Beasts. In the latter, a variety of animals get high on PCP and rampage through an unnamed German city; listen to learn more about a tiger tearing up a train, elephants rampaging on a runway, and the film's centerpiece, in which a polar bear busts in on a children's ballet class. --- Sources: I Was Prey, episode 1.4 Sabrina Shankman, Meltdown: Terror at the Top of the...
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In a special Halloween episode, Nilo & Jen discuss vampire bats. They trade bat attack stories, and discuss three films that have viciously maligned our comrades of the sky: Chosen Survivors (1974), Nightwing (1979), and Bats (1999).
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In Episode 17, Nilo & Jen are joined by CSU Fullerton Professor Chelsea Julian Reynolds to discuss predatory porpoises! Dolphins may seem cute, playful, and even magical… and they are. But sometimes they can be a little *too* interested in people, if you know what we mean. Either way, tune in to learn more about what happens when good dolphins go bad, but be warned: it gets a little steamy.
info_outlineIn episode 11, Jen & Nilo talk tigers! They cover a number of attacks in India, including the story of the notorious Champawat tigress, and then Jen does a deep dive into a mystical tale of feline vengeance against a poacher from Siberia. They finish up by reviewing an array of movies about middle-aged white men using tigers to behave badly – Roar, Burning Bright, and Black Zoo – with a brief detour through the ridiculous Jurassic Park ripoff, Sabretooth.
Man-Eating Tigers of the Sundarbans (BBC, 2009, https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00hbn62)
The Tiger, John Vaillant
Do you have an animal attack story? We want to hear from you! Email us at [email protected], or you can find us at instagram.com/whenanimalsattackpodcast, twitter.com/animalattackpod, and facebook.com/animalattackpod.
Produced by mature ADULT time entertainment