Where There's Smoke
Ben Masters is a writer, producer, story teller, conservationist, and all around good guy. The Sendero crew first linked up with Masters when we made some designs for his River & The Wall documentary, which we highly recommend.He's got a passion for wildlife, and that's evident through the plethora of films he's done on mustangs, mountain lions, big horn sheep, ocelots and many more. The amigos catch up on his latest ocelot project, and everything else in Ben's world. Enjoy!
info_outlineWhere There's Smoke
His axe was so big, when it was drug it carved the Grand Canyon. His tears were so powerful after he watched The Notebook for the first time, that he turned the oceans salty. Ok, maybe that last one isn’t true… But the Legend Of Paul Bunyan is more than just fanciful children stories. There’s first hand anecdotes, stories, and descriptions of a few very real characters that possibly were larger than life, Paul Bunyans. The amigos catch up on all things Paul Bunyan and have a laugh or two.
info_outlineWhere There's Smoke
Zeek Elliott is an artist manager, creative director, music industry guru and general all around good dude. The amigos learn a thing or two about the music biz, and Zeek shares all the industry secrets you've been dying to know.
info_outlineWhere There's Smoke
What do these things have in common? Forest Whitaker, aliens, Puerto Rico, radio DJs, and dead goats... If I told you they are all directly responsible for the legend of the Chupacabra? It definitely surprised us, but cocktail of alien movies, unexplainable occurrences, and a fledgling internet lead to a perfect storm of paranormal conspiracy theory. The amigos catch up on the timeline, some freaky weird stuff, and catch up with Benjamin Radford- a Chupacabra expert.
info_outlineWhere There's Smoke
Andrew Miller is a photographer, graphic designer, and mediocre fly fisherman. The Sendero crew has known Andrew for a long time now, and don’t let him fool you, he’s an all around good guy! He’s spent the last half decade exploring what media is in the outdoor industry, and he now has his sights on telling stories through editorial media. The amigos catch up on his photography evolution, and give him some pointers on how to not suck at fly fishing.
info_outlineWhere There's Smoke
With over 3,000 episodes, shows, cartoons, and blockbuster movies, The Lone Ranger is about as American as it gets. This Wild West protector was known for being a stand up guy and lived by a honorable code. But was he based on a real like Western lawman?
info_outlineWhere There's Smoke
The Ranch isn't a fashion trend, it's not some place you go on a trail ride, and it's not a place for Instagram influencers. Ranching is work ethic, family values, and a way of life. The good folks at the R.A. Brown in Throckmorton, Texas represent just that. The amigos spent the week out there working on an upcoming project, and they got to catch up with good friends Emily and Ben McCartney. Shout out Todd.
info_outlineWhere There's Smoke
The story of the infamous Jackalope is long and fabled. It's been said that you can entice Jackalopes with whiskey, they can imitate a human’s voice and enjoy a good campfire sing along, and, notoriously, their milk has magical curing properties. But were they a happenstance invention of Wyoming outdoorsman, or really a mythological aberration? The amigos catch up on another piece of American folklore, and the real answer might surprise you...
info_outlineWhere There's Smoke
On a dreary day in 1971, D.B. Cooper dawned a black tie and suit, purchased a $20 one way plane ticket to Seattle, boarded his 727, and ordered a bourbon and soda. Later that day he jumped out of a hijacked plane with $200,000 and a parachute. Never to be seen again. Is he still alive? Did he pull it off? If his name is Dan, why the heck do people fall him D.B.? The amigos catch up on all things D.B. Cooper.
info_outlineWhere There's Smoke
Charles Post is a conservationist, environmentalist, story teller, outdoorsman, and general all around good dude. We could have have talked for 8 hours, but you chumps can hardly listen to an hour, so we thought we’d spare you. The amigos catch up on science, education, and a nerdy topic or two.
info_outlineYou’re driving down the highway, it’s late at night, and you just ran out of coffee. You see twinkling lights in the distance, then they split, then they dart upwards, and come back together. You wipe your eyes in disbelief thinking you're tired. Then they start to follow you. Believe it or not, that happens regularly out on the dusty Chinati Plains of West Texas. These are the Marfa Lights. Don’t believe us? Stop at the dedicated viewing center on US Highway 90 and look for yourself. The amigos catch up on all the theories and explanations for these apparitions and some dinosaur history… believe it or not, they’re connected.