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368. Each Party had an achilles heel

White Flag with Joe Walsh

Release Date: 04/10/2024

399. I Spoke With A Trump Supporter show art 399. I Spoke With A Trump Supporter

White Flag with Joe Walsh

We're both conservatives. I'm voting for Biden. He's voting for Trump. We didn't change each other's vote, but we did get each other to rethink some things. We need more conversations like this.

398. Trump Wins No matter the verdict. Let me explain. show art 398. Trump Wins No matter the verdict. Let me explain.

White Flag with Joe Walsh

It's not just Trump's base. Damn near every Republican and most independents believe this trial and this indictment are unfair and it's all bullshit. It's not just Trump's base that feels that way. So any verdict will only confirm that belief.

397. I don't Care that Trump is an asshole show art 397. I don't Care that Trump is an asshole

White Flag with Joe Walsh

Trump supporters have told me for six years that Trump is an asshole, but he's their asshole. To which I always respond: I don't care that Trump's an asshole. I don't. I care that he didn't have the decency to concede after he lost. I care that he lies as he breathes.

396. Nobody is coming to our rescue show art 396. Nobody is coming to our rescue

White Flag with Joe Walsh

For those of us who want Trump defeated in November, it's on US to defeat him. A trial won't defeat him, a guilty verdict won't defeat him, trying to kick him off the ballot won't defeat him. We're gonna have to defeat him the old fashioned way: by out voting him.

395. Don't Be Like Trump: Don't Be a Sore Loser show art 395. Don't Be Like Trump: Don't Be a Sore Loser

White Flag with Joe Walsh

Our democracy depends upon a people accepting who won and who lost an election. If we can't agree on that, our elections process ends, and if our elections process ends, our democracy ends. Don't let that happen.

394. You Have to Go Get them Joe Biden show art 394. You Have to Go Get them Joe Biden

White Flag with Joe Walsh

What Nikki Haley did isn't a surprise. She did what Dan nearly every Republican has done these past eight years. She clung to her career. But all these Nikki Haley voters are there for the taking. But Joe Biden has to go take them.

393. There is good and evil show art 393. There is good and evil

White Flag with Joe Walsh

Why would the United Nations hold a moment of silence yesterday for a man personally responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of people? Because that man was head of a country allowed into the United Nations. And that's a problem.

392. Immigration & the border show art 392. Immigration & the border

White Flag with Joe Walsh

He's a pastor to Hispanics and other immigrants seeking asylum. We disagree over what to do on the border. We disagree over what to call people in this country illegally. But Neill Snyder & I listened to each other and found some common ground.

391. The House Of Representatives Is A Microcosm Of Us show art 391. The House Of Representatives Is A Microcosm Of Us

White Flag with Joe Walsh

It's the people's house. And right now the people's house is an ugly, partisan, divisive, performative place. Sound familiar? It should. Because right now all the rest of us out here are ugly, partisan, divisive and performative. The House reflects us.

390. Deal with what's in front of you right now show art 390. Deal with what's in front of you right now

White Flag with Joe Walsh

Our political system is broken and needs major reform. But now right now. Right now, the only thing that's in front of us is Biden v Trump. After November, major reform to our broken politics is coming

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For Republicans, it's abortion. For Democrats, it's immigration. Each party politically this year has an issue that going to hurt them politically. Big time. So it will be a battle to see how each issue resonates in each battleground state.