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Promises and Leadership: How Being a Promise Keeper Can Elevate Your Influence

Win Make Give with Ben Kinney

Release Date: 03/29/2024

Crafting Your Legacy: Unveiling the Blueprint for Lasting Impact show art Crafting Your Legacy: Unveiling the Blueprint for Lasting Impact

Win Make Give with Ben Kinney

Dive into the profound discussion on legacy-building with Bob Stewart and Chad Hyams on this episode of the Win Make Give podcast. Explore the transformative power of living by your values, sharing your wisdom, and making a tangible impact through volunteerism and mentorship. Delve into the importance of creating a family legacy and discover how simple acts of kindness and compassion can shape your lasting imprint on the world. Tune in to uncover the secrets to crafting a legacy that transcends generations and leaves an enduring legacy of significance. ---------- Connect with the hosts:...

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Win Make Give with Ben Kinney

Ben Kinney, Bob Stewart, and Chad Hyams explore the complexities of ending personal and professional relationships in this episode of the Win Make Give podcast. They discuss reasons relationships end, such as growing apart, lack of growth, and differing paces. Highlighting the importance of creating space for new opportunities, they offer insights on handling breakups respectfully. The episode delves into balancing love and results in relationships and provides actionable advice for making clean, decisive endings that lead to personal and professional growth. Join them for an in-depth...

The Magic is in the Action - Interview with The Real Jason Duncan show art The Magic is in the Action - Interview with The Real Jason Duncan

Win Make Give with Ben Kinney

On today's episode, Chad Hyams and Bob Stewart host entrepreneur Jason Duncan to discuss his journey from a corporate employee to a successful business coach. Jason shares insights from his bestselling book, "Exit Without Exiting," detailing how entrepreneurs can exit the daily grind without selling their business. He also opens up about maintaining a successful 29-year marriage amidst entrepreneurship's demands. Tune in for lessons on balancing personal and professional life, cultivating coachability, and the pivotal role of taking action. Discover how to build a sustainable, scalable...

Building a Solid Foundation: Crafting Effective Mission, Vision, and Values Statements show art Building a Solid Foundation: Crafting Effective Mission, Vision, and Values Statements

Win Make Give with Ben Kinney

Welcome to another episode of the Win Make Give podcast featuring Ben Kinney, Chad Hyams, and Bob Stewart. In the episode, the trio dives deep into constructing a rock-solid foundation for any business through clear and compelling mission, vision, and values statements. Using practical examples, Ben, Chad, and Bob guide listeners on the essentials of defining these core principles and why they matter. ---------- Connect with the hosts:     •    Ben Kinney:       •    Bob Stewart:       •    Chad Hyams:    ...

Embracing Failure: 7 Lessons from Trying Hard Things show art Embracing Failure: 7 Lessons from Trying Hard Things

Win Make Give with Ben Kinney

In this thought-provoking episode, Bob and Chad explore the valuable lessons to be learned from attempting challenging tasks and experiencing failure. From resilience and self-reflection to risk-taking and adaptability, discover how failure shapes personal and professional growth. Join us as we delve into the transformative power of embracing failure as an integral part of the journey toward success and fulfillment. Tune in now to gain insights that will inspire and empower you on your own path of resilience and growth. ---------- Connect with the hosts:     •    Ben...

How Leaders Can Inspire Success show art How Leaders Can Inspire Success

Win Make Give with Ben Kinney

Ben Kinney and Chad Hyams explore how effective leaders inspire enthusiasm, instill confidence, and maintain visible energy even during challenges. Ben emphasizes prioritizing tasks to ensure organizational success and discusses the importance of making team members feel safe to fail and learn.   With actionable insights, this episode serves as a practical guide for leaders aiming to elevate their teams and foster a positive, forward-moving environment. ---------- Connect with the hosts:     •    Ben Kinney: https://www.BenKinney.com/     •  ...

Prepping for Success - Interview with Anmol Singh show art Prepping for Success - Interview with Anmol Singh

Win Make Give with Ben Kinney

Bob and Chad are joined by trader and author Anmol Singh and talk about integrity, harmony, values, and keeping your emotions in check. We all are challenged with these things so come hear from someone who has a great grip on the tools for growth ---------- Part of the Win Make Give Podcast Network

Navigating the Maze of Distraction: Strategies for Prioritizing Success show art Navigating the Maze of Distraction: Strategies for Prioritizing Success

Win Make Give with Ben Kinney

In this episode of the Win Make Give podcast, hosts Ben Kinney, Chad Hyams, and Bob Stewart discuss the yin and yang of success and the distractions that can hinder progress. They explore the negative thoughts, unfounded fears, unimportant tasks, other people's priorities, and worrying that can hold us back. The hosts provide a plan to avoid distractions, including filling your pockets with knowledge, filling your calendar with priorities, and fulfilling your promises. By implementing these strategies, listeners can overcome distractions and achieve success in all areas of life. ----------...

Discover Calmness and Control: Your Ultimate Guide to Meditation show art Discover Calmness and Control: Your Ultimate Guide to Meditation

Win Make Give with Ben Kinney

Join hosts Bob Stewart and Chad Hyams in this insightful episode as they dive deep into the world of meditation. Learn how to cultivate calmness, gain control over your thoughts, and improve sleep quality through practical meditation techniques. Discover the top benefits of meditation, common challenges beginners face, and invaluable tips to kickstart your meditation journey. Whether you're a novice or seasoned practitioner, this episode offers valuable insights to enhance your well-being and inner peace. Tune in now and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery through meditation....

Unlocking the Secrets to Wealth: Making Money Beyond the 9-5 Grind show art Unlocking the Secrets to Wealth: Making Money Beyond the 9-5 Grind

Win Make Give with Ben Kinney

Join Ben Kinney, Chad Hyams, and Bob Stewart on this episode fo the Win Make Give Podcast as they discuss the different types of income and how to create passive income streams. They explore the benefits of moving away from normal income, which is tied to time and taxed at a high rate, and towards investment income and passive income. They provide various examples of passive income opportunities, such as stocks that pay dividends, rental properties, investing in businesses, and more. Discover how to increase your wealth and create financial freedom through passive income. ---------- Connect...

More Episodes

In this episode of the Win Make Give Podcast, Ben Kinney, Bob Stewart, and Chad Hyams discuss the importance of keeping promises in both personal and professional relationships. They share personal stories of broken promises and explore strategies for making and keeping commitments. They emphasize the need for clarity, accountability, and communication to build trust and maintain strong relationships. Tune in to learn how to be a promise keeper and inspire others to do the same.


Key Takeaways:

  • Promises are considered declarations with an expectation of fulfillment and can deeply affect both personal and professional relationships.

  • Leadership can be challenged by promises; leaders must be mindful of the commitments they make and how they can be perceived by their teams.

  • Personal experiences with unkept promises have long-lasting effects and can influence our expectations and actions later in life.

  • Clear communication, timelines, and documentation can significantly help in keeping promises and holding others to theirs.

  • Addressing broken promises quickly and directly can preserve trust and provide the opportunity for rectification


Connect with the hosts:

•    Ben Kinney: https://www.BenKinney.com/


•    Bob Stewart: https://www.linkedin.com/in/activebob


•    Chad Hyams: https://ChadHyams.com/


•    Book one of our co-hosts for your next event: https://WinMakeGive.com/speakers/


More ways to connect: 

•    Join our Facebook group at www.facebook.com/groups/winmakegive 


•    Sign up for our weekly newsletter: https://WinMakeGive.com/sign-up


•    Explore the Win Make Give Podcast Network: https://WinMakeGive.com/
Part of the Win Make Give Podcast Network